/yourguy/ just told you all to chill about captain marvel

/yourguy/ just told you all to chill about captain marvel


Attached: stop it you cucks.png (463x458, 135K)

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Someone please give me a non meme answer on why all of this is happening.

He’s right. Also Chuck got old af.

Big bang - > biological life -> humans -> nuclear war -> capeshit

Any questions?

Brie Larson has said and is still saying typical feminist stuff about how white males are evil and being a female is hard.
Shazam is getting dragged in because it's not only releasing around the same time but also has the "original Captain Marvel" angle.

God it's like a cult isn't it.

He's playing smart. He uses the evergrowing attention toward Captain Marvel to direct it toward Shazam.

Smart. He's playing chess rn. He's really /ourguy/.

I just watched a video where she said "and I don't hate white dudes". It's your word against hers, user.

Post the video.

>Brie Larson is a shitty person.
>People disagree with her blatant and frankly bigoted politics.
>People are tired of politics
>Comic book fans are tired of Marvel forcing nu-Carol Danvers down our throats after being rebooted multiple times this past decade.
>She doesn't even have a notable arch nemesis like every other superhero needs to have.
>Her books don't sell and if they do people usually read them to see a new low.
>nu-Carol is actually a shitty person in the comics.
>People don't like the new direction of Marvel movies.
>She's hyped up to basically be the Superman or the "end all be all" character of the franchise when in the comics she's not that strong. Even her Binary form is lackluster to base form superheroes like Thor, Gladiator and Silver Surfer.
>Feminist propaganda
>Trailers don't do her acting justice so far. She looks emotionally detarached in almost every scene shown.
>Guaranteed to be criticism-proof due to Hollywood and Mouse backing. Despite the film having inevitable flaws.
>DCfags hating because it's Marvel.

A lot really.


Meant to reply to

>a non meme answer
what is Antagonistic Marketing?
Antagonistic Marketing is a strategy used by liberal companies like Disney. Basically you come in throwing stones hoping to stir controversy. You want some people to be deliberately offended. You sacrifice a smaller market in hopes of capturing a larger one. You also hope that by making people angry they will bait them into constantly talking about your movie, giving you free publicity and helping grow exposure for your product. This is all rooted in the false idea that all press is good press.

We're at the precipice of humanity's growth cycle. The optimal number of humans that can be supported by this planet's biosphere is 500 million.

Based Chadzam

>be Brie Larson
>tell the white males to fuck off
>be Zack
>get the feminists to buy tickets in addition to the white males he hasn’t alienated

I ain't clicking that shit, FBI

based and shazampilled

What if he's secretly happy about the negative backlash?

He is

He doesn't even seem all that sad about it to be honest.

>one girl says mean hateful things
>one guy says nice positive things
>people wonder why one is liked and one is hated

see It's part of a master plan. Lip service to get more people endeared to Chadzam.

who was a wrinkle in time made for?

black girls who couldn't afford to go see the movie in the first place.

He probably is