>what did you say about The Last Jedi?
What did you say about The Last Jedi?
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Would snuggle left
I hate the type of coping that people who say this have, but I genuinely think this guy looks more attractive with no muscle.
>Post "sneed" again, I dare you
>just hit the gym lmao
his head doesn't look as hilariously large when he was fatter, and he took a picture against something you can't scale to his height.
Why is is head so much bigger?
>when you avoid face day
>roidin' for this
he looks fucking ridiculous
He turned himself into a manlet
Look at the door hinges. The guy is under 5'5
Left isn't "no muscles" you dumb fuck.
I can guarantee you he turned right wing the second he looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself "I dont look like a sack of shit anymore"
He looks pathetic on the right, absolutely laughable. Too bad because I bet it took a lot of hard work but it was all for nothing.
Jesus is he 5'0 ?
Why is his head so fuck huge?
that's why he looks so bad. In the left image he took the picture against the white wall, so you can't scale his height as easily. The added body fat also makes his body look more proportional to his head despite him being 5' nothing.
Is this how a giant dwarf would look like?
he was saying the left pic looks better because it doesn't make that fact obvious
>another woman trying to drag men down to her level
Away with you
definitely excess skin form his fat belly tucked into those shorts.
never getting rid of that
top manlet
im worried about hitting the gym too much incase i look like right or some of the other awful muscular bodies that you see posted
>having a perfectly passable daddy bear physique
>suddenly cutting it all and looking worse
All he had to do was grow out his beard, possibly shave his head and get some different glasses, and it would've been fine.
I know you're probably just shitposting but you can't accidentally get big
its a shoop u dunce
im not shitposting and idk what you mean about accidentally getting big, this guy is still tiny on the right, sure hes defined and strong, but still looks like total shit
Good Lord, is this guy 4'5"?
He looks 5'7''
>Sorry, you must have misheard me. I haven't seen any of the Star Wars films. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Villeneuve's Dune hype thread to start on Yea Forums.
You're afraid of working out to the point where you're so massive that you get unaesthetic in your mind. That won't ever happen. Nothing to worry about.
A reminder that the only faggots shitposting about manlets are skinny lanklets, and lazy fatties jelly they do not have the genes to do that easily. Be some woman's snuggle bear, and go get /fit/.
there's something about a leftists natural appearance that no matter how buff they get they still look like a faggot
What a hugely large limbic system!
It lacked a good story, and characters were wasted.
What kind of head workouts did this guy do? He legit looks like the works tallest midget now.
>roiding for this
Pic one is a 10/10 cuddle cub bf
HGH increases the size of your organs and bones no? someone from /fraud/ help me
He's the guy all the way to the right
wtf did gigachad really say that, lit af
No he's not.
>just lift bro
>just shave it off and grow a beard bro
>just get rich bro
>just get game bro
>just take the keto/all liquid diet/intermittent fasting/polyphasic sleep/nofap/mewing/jaw exercise/neckpill/weekly shower pill bro
lol not a chance
>weekly shower pill bro
what this meme? kek
>not just being yourself
*mogs you*
>mewing doesnt wo-
how can you have such a baby face after training that much? Surely as he got leaner there should be more definition in his face
Is it roids? Implants?
Dude is roided.
zane is god
>just tip me bro
first ive heard of it too. it wouldnt surprise me if it worked though, warm water makes my face red, spotty, like a pizza, and skin weird, then hair is dry and coarse. I normally notice if I dont shower for a few days , like rn im just back from 3 days camping, i feel like i look really good, and it feels like women are checking me out more, messy hair with natural oils in it, clear olive skin with a layer of natural oils.
Me on the left
at least he admits to juicing unlike fake natty trash
>standing closer to the camera
Makes sense.
daaaamn, george lucas was that ripped?
You're not gonna get past young Zac Efron mode before your newbie gains are gotten out of the way and you're sick of micromanaging your life to get any bigger. Getting that body in OP requires a shitton of work and staying that cut is a full-time lifestyle thing.
bIf I start guzzling onions and buy a fixie bike to ride everywhere do I get legs like that?
wtf why are his arms so short
because he is still rocking the s0iboi glasses and beard
>still has classic soi face
My the bottom of my higher door hinge starts at around 5'10... This guy is like 6 feet tall.
Its his melon head from the roids
>After about 7 months I hopped on 525mgs of test prop and 50 anadrol for 6 weeks. Cycled off and the last 10 weeks have been on 400mgs test e and 50mgs Var to hold onto my precious gains while cutting.
imagine taking test and steroids, what a pathetic existence. and he claims to be 5'10 my ass.
Hey you know what. Good for him.
he looks better on the right though
Go measure your top door hinge retard
If hgh made your bones bigger why do manlets exist?
youd think wouldnt you
but he's still got pudgy cheeks and a soft jawline. It's not just the glasses/beard, and besides s o y beards are grown to hide poor jawlines.
If he last some fat around his face shouldn't his cheekbones/jaw be sharper? I reckon it's just cause he juiced up on roids while still guzzling s o y
my google doesn't work
>being this okay with fat people
the absolute state
Looks fake
Use cold water and don't wash your hair every day.
no substitute for poor geenz i'm afraid
no he's not . im 6' and the top of my head is level with the top of the top hinge. he's 5'11 max
They're trying to project. They're fat so they think if they pretend to be other people okay with them being fat they'll feel less shit about their life.
roids are magic
stop tongue thrusting
you can't really tell how his jawline is because of the beard, but you can see his cheekbones are less soft and round on the right compared with the left
that guy has a really big head, my uneducated guess is that it's the part of his body harder to lose bodyfat
facial and jaw development is increased by posture, breathing and pushing your tongue in a certain way to become better looking. studies show lots of ugly chinlets and mouth breathers are lazy losers and guys with decent chins and jaws have good breathing and tongue habits, repositioning the tongue, increasing muscle mass in the neck and mouth, and getting and naturally increase in testosterone through nofap or heavy lifting will increase skeletol-muscle mass, muscle tendons will grow, and bone strength and mass will increase, allowing men under 30 to completely change the look of their face. pretty much stand upright, always tense your tongue against the roof of your mouth, nose breath, do neck exercises, and loads of other stuff, and you might make your face more aesthetic
>under 30
well fuck me
That's because the right looks like a fucking freak
The basedface only makes it feakier
if you start before/during puberty
so i guess it's good advice for a sizeable chunk of Yea Forums anyway
>still ugly lmao
I wish someone told me this when I was young. Finding out that it's just natural and instinctual but I somehow never knew was so frustrating.
looks like vegeta
Genetics and childhood development.
based hungry skelly
the chad virgin
I guess there was a reason mouthbreather was a derogatory term after all.
Well I'm a mouth-breathing asthmatic with terrible posture but I have an amazing jawline, explain this.
I think he is attractive either way but the work he put in to get the body on the right is something you can probably never do
Dumbass meme that only dumbasses fall for
>always tense your tongue against the roof of your mouth
what the fuck, just trying that now I can already feel my cheek muscles
Face bones don't fuse until well late in life according to mewing supporters. Legs on the other hand do so after puberty...sadly
bone structure is mostly genetics, mewing just increase the jaw muscles a little
Roiding for this, just lol
I'm an inch smaller and my head doesn't look as big wtf
Fair enough, feel sorry for chin/jawlets desu.
Sounds like a whole metric fuckton of bro science, my man. Got some studies?
yeah he has that unfortunate skull shape that makes his face look fat regardless of his body type
Well I guess when you're packing a micro-penis, you may as well use gear.
tiny girl wrists
He's too close to the camera, this is how he actually looks
Only gay men would say this. Women would prefer the body on the right.
>still a dicklet
>not smiling even in the "after" picture
at that point he realized he fucked up
not really. it's actually supremely easy when you are a manlet, esp. if you roid
>It's a bro science thread
fucking ectomorph faggots
that only work for 9+, and around other men you're still seem as a wimp
Bro science doesn't need studies pham.
But no, he's right. Breathing through your mouth fucks up your chin
I wank constantly and my jaw's like an anvil, explain that.
>tfw a smidge under 7" bone pressed erect length but gigantic pubic fat pad that consumes a terrible amount of my penis and makes me look like I have a microdick when flaccid
Wtf, but he looks good in this one
Why the fuck would you want to hang around other men unless you're gay
sure you do dicklet
The cut look doesn't suit him, he should be in fat bear mode 24/7.
do you live alone in a island or something?
lmao, when do you need anything that requires strength (move your fridge for instance) are you going to ask your neighboor like a bitch?
Only women are excusable to be weak
Its the retarded hipster glasses and haircut that make him look retarded in OP.
I'd consider myself to be mostly a mouth breather, and I almost had to get jaw surgery at 17 for an underbite. Explain THAT
a woman huh?
Haha the absolute state of boys these days. You'll learn when you finally get pussy and realize it isnt the golden gates of heaven you think it is.
Imagine worrying about people calling you "gay" so much that you literally have no friends.
shoop da woop
It can cause overbite too dummy
Most men can move a fridge without spending years in a gym.
The level of strength and muscle you get from working out is not needed in everyday life
hes around 5'10 judging by the door frames, i dont know why he looks so fucking goofy though
why did u post a picture of a male apustin? are you gay rofl?
real or not dude is fucking shredded
> Breathing through your mouth fucks up your chin
making some big implications there
it's on his social media. frig off retards
holy v taper
ok so theres no way hes like 5 feet tall like everyone says, why does he look that way?
>t. no friends
I feel bad for you
what are you on about, soibois can't even open a bottle nowadays
> I can already feel my cheek muscles
You don't want that, you're not doing it right. Try sucking in air while having your mouth agape, then clench your tongue against your mouth palate. You'll stop sucking in and have the proper form.
I'm not. It's literally confirmed science. That guy in the pic is a prime example.
nice gyno fag
>women are a monolith
but yeah they mostly go for the one on the right
say it to my face homo
So is mewing the new jelqing?
man OP pic makes me glad im a skinnyfat piece of shit that hasnt worked out a day in his life and never tried not to be a loser
it proves that its all about the face and no matter how hard you work out, even if you do steroids, as long as you dont have the right face you're fucked
has he ever recovered from this?
You build more muscle by barely exercising and taking roids than by exercising regularly and not taking roids. They're a full-on cheat system for people who hate working.
show a video, flexing my jaw muscles seems enough
yeah but the taking roids and barely working out method requires you take a retarded amount
He should've built muscle but kept the fat, this man needed to bloat, not tone.
>giant dwarf
Isn't that just a regular sized person?
your body will tell you if thats good for you when you are over 40 years old and your liver is burned and you need a transplant..
its clearly not worthy.
>women care about a pretty face
Categorically false and the guy in OP's pic probably gets more pussy than you can even dream of.
Hard cope.
Is his head shopped on for the right picture? IT looks way too big for his body
youre thinking of midgets. dwarfs are disproportional as well as small
He was cuter as a chunk. Maybe it's the angle, but he looks like a roided out 11 year old on the right.
Were can I get juice?
statistically do roided bodybuilders get more transplants after 40 than any norm group?
>Literally all he has to do now is shave and get some contact lenses.
He's made it.
lmao, manlets deserve nothing
hey lookism can you give me the rundown on canthal tilts
Can't I just get jaw surgery same as my korean waifus?
look how small his dick is
Any kinos about flared ribs?
user they shave off their jaws, not add them
I would assume they just die because they spent all their money on roids for the past decade.
whoa shit that looks like my home town
>being unable to reason your jawline affects the way you breathe instead of the opposite
literal mouth-breathers
Are your top and bottom teeth supposed to line up when you mew? What if they don't line up?
Would he look more human if he shaved the soibeard?
If you have allergies you WILL end up breathing through your mouth and in turn fuck it up during development
Machinist Chad?
women love strongfat
>take a cheap amphetamine to numb hunger
>eat chicken breasts and broccoli
>work 3 hours a day for 3 days a week
its not hard, its just time consuming. probably to look like that guy you'd need to gear but women like otter mode more anyway
Gays love fat men.
Pic on the left is just fat though.
I remember Strongbad, Strongmad, and Strongsad. Is he the fourth brother?
How can you tell? Literally every small American settlement looks like some Africa tier desert shanty town.
What kind of faggot has flared ribs haha
>Take drugs and cheat your way to results
Most important step by far.
I still dont understand the tongue part. Whenever i try i end up curling the tip of my tongue to the top, how the fuck do you flex the back of your tongue?
Do core exercises so your muscles are actually strong enough to pull your ribcage down into it's natural position.
You can push the midsection of your tongue up into the roof of your mouth and the front and back follow.
yes, i forget what its called but they basically cut tendons at the back of your jaw and move it forward. Its supposed to cure sleep apnea (since if you are a mouth breathing subhuman, you either have or will have sleep apnea) but it has the added benefit of making you aesthetic
or you can try mewing