
I've never watched a DC movie before, but I wanna see this specifically to spite Captain Marvel. It would be really funny to me if this ended up the more successful movie. Is that weird?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>willingly giving jews money

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it could be more successful as far as profit goes since it has about half the budget of captain marvel, but CM will certainly gross more.

Well the jewish boomer who pretends to be a christian man pretending to be a jewish boomer said you're a nazi for doing that

he didn't say that, liar

pointing out the truth is a low blow? hmm

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According to Zach Levi himself, you shouldn't do that shit:

The black jewess that is cast to play the Black Canary (a blond haired, blue eyed character) is Jussie Smolett's sister (the guy that lied about Trump supporters trying to lynch him) and both are good friends of Brie Larson.

What a coincidence.

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I cant tell if the chadzam meme is organic or if its a clever marketing campaign from a group of shills.

nice try Mouse boi, your subversive thread is quite obvious and obnoxious

he was actually referring to pic related
disney shills trying to use him to defend brie herself now

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>power strong woman
>threatened by some TSA nigger trying to get her number

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>Shazam/Captain Marvel
>A fun movie marketed towards young boys
>Marvel Captain Marvel
>stronk women power wank that will take itself too seriously
Both will have forced quips but I'm gonna go see the one with chuck and miss out on toe fungus


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look at all the wet women in the comments

yikes what a redditor

>not watching brendan fraser instead

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even if it did happen (it didnt), that guy literally complimented her, saying she must be really strong
goddamn i hate women like this, and i pray captain marvel bombs, then shazam makes a billion

When is episode 3?


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Shazam looks genuinely fun, Captain Marvel does not. Every trailer, sneak peak clip and behind the scenes video looks really bad. Even that fight scene clip they released where she’s fighting on a train. It really looks bad.


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sorry, no clue what you're talking about

Doom patrol

i thought it was an upcoming movie? i've been educated!

Believe it or not I'm walkin' on air

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Say the word whitey, I dare you.

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Captain toe fungus doesn't save white men sweetie

>Flash is a Jew
>WW is a Jew
>Cap Marvel is a Jew too

Why are they doing this?

If anything they could've made Supes a Jew but why all the rest?

I just want to see Shazam because of Zachary Levi desu
Don't even really care for capeshit anymore

She secretly wears Thanos's shoes and then when he puts them on his feet rot off.

Should be March 1st

Despite his name and appearance Zach Levi is not in fact Jewish


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Didn't realize he was the VA for Arcade Gannon.

>Just say the word...

dare i say he's /ourguy/ ?

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More Brendankino comes out every Friday

What word?


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and Flynn Rider

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I'm looking forward to it because it looks ultra-comfy and because I love the character and his lore.

>send girls to be brainwashed into becoming a corporate whore
No, no, no, I say.

Why not both?

I love how whether by accident or design, that shot could come straight from Alex Ross's artwork.

>just say the word

Rocked and Eternitypilled.

I'm gonna boycott Shazam and watch Captain Marvel just to spite you

No you're not

shazam looks like a gay italian bodybuilder, what's even he supposed to look like, a grown-up version of that kid, an ancient egyptian?

a grown up version of the kid
in fact in some versions black adam knew his father and gets confused when he meets Shazam because he looks like his father

Yes I am

I'm a massive marvelfag but Shazam looks far better and more entertaining than CM
I'll probably pirate the latter

Put that shit on 2x speed and he was still speaking slower than a fucking tortoise

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I just don’t get the fucking feet. I would dump my girlfriend so fucking fast if she didn’t get that taken care of. Not to mention, a “normal” girl would be MORTIFIED to have other people see that shit. Larson must either be a narcissist, slightly autistic, or arrogant enough to not care.

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I think you hit the trifecta, master quadsman - Larson comes across as all three, flat affect and all.

>It would be really funny to me if this ended up the more successful movie
only way to make that happen is if you incels master lucid dreaming

Hell yeah. I get good vibes from every shot in this trailer.

Based false flag thread

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Gayest poster I've ever seen.

>doesn't come with additional feet

And that makes it better how?
If anything his out crypto-Jewing the Jews, because that makes more money now.

>Larson must either be a narcissist, slightly autistic, or arrogant enough to not care
I always thought this numbers shit was ridiculous, starting to become a believer.

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I don't think I could stomach this show for any lengthy period of time, but that was kind of cute.

I have a lot of respect for Zach.
He's a really nice decent person and I have no idea how he's survived in Hollywood.

He's right that you don't raise yourself up by knocking others down.

But hating on Brie for being so pretentious and taking herself and this movie so seriously is to my mind justified. Hating on the movie before it even comes out however really isn't.

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Zac isnt jew though