>Jazz Takes Amir To The Next Level
>Amir Discusses The Bonus Situation
>Offensive Billboard Removed
>No Eulogies For Jazz
>Quick Guide To Transitioning
>Jazz is Sauronpilled
>Metal Gear Pop!: The Phantom Penis
>A New Way To Be Mad
Jazz General - Upper Lip Edition
thread theme
Friendly reminder that you will never be able to:
- give birth to a child
- pass as a woman without 30 layers of makeup
- think or feel like a woman without becoming mockery
- be accepted by smart, logically thinking people without forcing them to lie to you
- have ovaries, uterus and related structures such as the cervix
- have menstrual bleeding and mood swings associated with it
- have same life expectancy
But the worst thing that you will never be able to do, once you realized that you're a mockery of a human body and all you got left is that husk of a body destroyed by surgeons and hormones, is finding the forgiveness for people around you who became enablers in your life and supported you in your lunatic, suicidal attempt to fix yourself.
ib4 discord tranny derails it again
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - TERATOMA. Many such cases!
I love my ovaries.
I love the feeling of passing eggs once in a while.
I wonder how trannies feel knowing they'll never pass eggs.
why does he have such big tits
how seething do you think jani is that he can't delete these on-topic threads?
he's deleted them before
Why is the lip like that
I think he is actually pretty based since the only posts I've ever seen being deleted from those threads were made by seething redditors and discord trannies.
however he has a condition known as tubular breasts
do yourself a favour and dont look up any pics, just be content knowing they arent the kind of tits you'd want in your hands or mouth.
Those are not tits. Those are teratomas.
he puffs them up with some sort of suction device
jazz threads were better before this general autism shit
i want to see her post op pussy
Permanent nerve damage from all those pills he is taking in order to simply not off himself.
>tfw all is well with the thread and board
I said the same. Too many crossboarding newfags here to try to force their pastas without watching the show itself so they're never on point with current development.
Damn, can I get the bodybuilding routine this guy does?
reeks of reddit structure and posting styles. no idea when they made the migration over to this thread. you can see in some of the reddit caps that get posted that they have accounts there.
oh well these threads probably wont last much longer.
Generals are generally cancerous but these threads still have produced loads of quality OC
*dilates your thread*
seething trannies changing tactics
You cant change your gender
>user, do you like my new vagina?
It's alright but I'm only into penis. Sorry.
>dont look up any pics
is this some reverse psychology? now I really want to look it up
HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm
Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped
This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop
Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped
This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop
And I can't get stiff, and my hole leaks shit, forever, forever
Through the Jew tricks, 'till we're statistics forever, forever
What do you think will take for society to go back to normal?
only when there is more than one afaik
>artists impression, on watercolour, 2018
Christianity regaining influence in public life. The rise of all this sort of craziness directly correlates with the rise of secularism/materialism.
one job
are you up on your jazz trivia?
I bet her mouth smells like sweaty feet.
Would you?
I'd cum on her face
which one?
>unit, twink, unit
I'd take 40%ing myself
the only correct answer
I'll ask again like I did in every thread I participated. Does anyone know any of Jojo's social media and /or full name? She's cute.
What did he mean by this?
Thread Theme
Jazz is telling him that he he wants his neo vagina dilated with an actual penis and he had better not disappoint
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
Imagine being Amir in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jazz, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your meaty man tits and gross festering frankengina. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is cash his paycheck and go home. Like seriously imagine having to be Amir and not only hide in that house of horrors while Jazz flaunts his frankengina in front of you, the favorable blanket barely concealing his mutilated monster hole going directly into his colon, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he works it. Not only having to tolerate his disgusting fucking frankengina but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAZZ JENNINGS GOT A PUSSY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch him dilate with 6 different colored dildos; never before have you seen a vagina directly connect into someones colon before, no uterus, no cervix, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of natural vaginas and later alleged frankenginas for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out off of the street. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sewage smell that's brapping out from his neovagina too as he shakes his dildo and writhes it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "dilation"(for that is what he calls it), that he waited so long to do with multiple surgeries in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure because you're wanting money. You're not going to lose your $50k paycheck over this. Just bear it. Hide in the bathroom and bear it.
>tfw no Ari gf
It'll turn up eventually. Keep asking.
The one and only.
Imagine fucking Jazz so hard her pussy breaks open and she starts bleeding everywhere. You pin her down and keep going until you cum, mixing your poz semen directly into her bloodstream. It doesn't matter either way, though, because she's bleeding to death and you can overpower her now that she's been weakened without the superior testosterone to aid her in survival.
Damn, Skyler be lookin' FINE AF lately
What is he thinking?
Kek, only a nig would be dumb enough to knowingly go on national television and make a mockery of himself, admitting for the rest of his life that he’s a tranny fucker.
>my agent never said anything about this white ppl shit
His name's Amir right? He doesn't look African, is he a sand nig?
Apparently this is her 4 years ago? Hard to believe desu
> He doesn't look African
Are you retarded?
He looks like a mix of sand nig and pajeet to me.
>this level of cope
Blackfag detected
Africa isn't homogeneous. Nigerians don't look like Somalians who don't look like Zambians, etc.
He's an African. Pajeets and Arabs have generally beige skin and straight hair, why would they produce a dark-skinned fuzzy-haired nigger?
Not an argument
>rough sex on a frankengina one awkward motion away from spilling shit all over your dick
You're a braver man than most user
1) I've seen some really dark pajeets
2) He doesn't really have negroid features like a wide nose or big lips, although he does have the hair
This. I've been posting in Jazz General since 2005 and it just gets worse by the year.
He's just a nigger with an arabic name it's pretty common. Jamal is an arabic name.
My roommate is gay. We were good friends, so when he told me, I had no problem with it, until about a week ago, when he asked if I've ever masturbated to him.
Now he's in my bed caressing my pillow. He does this every day. I've told him to leave, but he refuses, telling me it makes him feel "sexy" when he's in my bed. He's also walked around the room with no pants or underwear on. He thinks I'm attracted to him when I've tried to make it very clear that he's not my type.
Since he's in the room pretty much 24/7, I'm pretty sure he's been jerking off in my bed and trying on my clothes while I'm at work or class. He's mentally fragile, and very clingy, so if I tell him that he's a faggot and that I hate him, I'm afraid he would kill himself, which would be sad because we've been good friends for years. What should I do?
Kill him yourself.
>ayo mane how come all deze wh*tes tellin' me i gotsta date dis fag got berg in they last name
Man up and fuck the fag
fuck him in the ass to establish your dominance, then pee on him and tell him you have aids
Move out? Fucking retard
>things that never happened
Jazz in 30 years.
Gay men seducing straight men is the #1 fetish for fags
i hope her pp is tiny...i love trans with tiny pps
too close to the truth
Having a gay roommate would be awesome. I'd let him blow me
id suck middles dick unironically.
Oh shit, I’m sorry.
>Sorry for what? Our doctor taught us not to be ashamed of our neovaginas. Especially since they’re so deep and all.
Yeah, I see that. Your doctor gave you good advice.
>It gets deeper when I dilate it.
>Sometimes, I dilate it so hard, it all falls apart!
Well, my doctor taught me a few things too. Like, how to make it not fall apart by keeping your penis, instead of carving a cavernous wound into your groin.
>Will you show me?
I’d be right happy to!
Not all niggers have those features. Look up Somalians.
That's true but Somalians have the light bulb head.
He's got to be a mix then
They look like Mindy kaling and Aziz Ansari though. Look at ethiopians, they don't have wide noses but they're africans
They throw dope parties
>He's got to be a mix then
No stop coping. There are entire countries full of African muslims. There a ton of black american muslims too. He might not even be muslim either, I've met tons of black americans with names like jamal and shit even though they go to church and shit
No dummy. African americans name their kids arab names because they like the way it sounds, not because of any arab ancestors. Same reason they name their kids french sounding names like Lebron/Carmelo/DeAngelo
Living the dream if this were an anime, but since it's not I think you need to call the cops.
give him a hormone treatment, buy him nice clothes and turn him into a bimbo semen demon, then pay for the operation and you will have a nice wife you will have sex every day and you will be happy forever
Whats the next step in her master plan?
if middle still has a dick I'd 69 with it
i want to fuck this jewish rat
Is the middle one even a tranny?
got lucky
they arent even jewish. They're palestinian.
living the dream
lucky how
someone post the ftm with skin from half of an arm missing please
good lucky
He's recovering well.
>Looks great!
The fuck is wrong with these people?!
Palestinians are just ethnic Jews that converted to Islam.
>Looks great!
Sometimes it feels like I'm living in some sort of body horror story, but other people don't realize that we're in one.
You hate him yet you are sad that he would die..... Tell him to not be such a degenerate faggot and if he doesn't listen beat his ass till he does.
To destroy the White race by turning the girls into mudsharks and the boys into castrati.
These people that feed the delusion, I am unsure how to feel about them.
Jazz look like the bitch that is a zombie in bed and refuses to suck dick.
All around me are familiar *HONK*
Worn out *HONK*, worn out *HONK*
Bright and early *gets out of little clown car*, for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, *Gets pie thrown at face*, I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying *pulls out gun* are the best I've ever had "Bang!" *flag pops out upon firing*
I find it hard to tell you *blows up balloon and makes a balloon dog*, I find it hard to take *pulls string and bowtie spins like a fan*
When people run in circles *rides around in a circle on a extra small tricycle* it's a very very
Clown world *HONK*
Clown world *HONK*
Reminder none of this would be happening if the Nazis won WWII.
he looks somalian af to me
We really do live in a clown world. Based Clown poster.
what do you think is their answer when someone asks about what happened to their arms?
"doc took this to make my penis" certainly isn't an aswer.
Sex worker?
>French sounding
Lebron is probably a mashup of two names. A lot of the ledarius, lashawna type names are actually combinations of two names from people the parents are close with. So an uncle and maybe a best friend's name combine to make Lebron. They could also just do it with two names they like.
discord admin
>Looks really good!
Public school teacher.
Reminds me of this
Would you a Noelle?
From what I've read, a lot of people are shying away from the phalloplasty because now the procedure and scar are recognizable, so people will immediately know you've had the procedure done and you won't pass as well because of it
what the fuck am I looking at
Where do you guys think Jazz will be in 20 years?
completely normal people undergoing normal surgical procedures for their health
A new film, from David Cronenberg.
I don't care it's all retarded made up names and unemployable
A grave or an urn.
A completely insane, dickless yellow freak.
visiting the child she's pregnant with in that photo at college
>RBF tranny edition
that's probably his most flattering picture lmao
All names are made up
found the tranny
despite the manly body and obviously male head shape he still looks better than his sister.
how do you think she copes?
>Fly you foofs.
No. I found someone in life who I love without mental illness. These things are like exhibits in a zoo. At no point would I put my dick near them.
She'll get the last laugh 5-10 years from now.
Based reverse 40% psychology poster
Most names have spiritual/religious and ancestral meanings. DaQuarius is a fucking made up name
Drugs, alcohol, and unprotected sex with negroes.
>he still looks better than his sister
no, he doesn't
This is the same freak from pic related.
There are two kinds of people here: those who get earnest enjoyment from watching the show and those who don’t watch it or have been repulsed by the few segments they’ve seen. If you’re in the first group, then you have no business bitching. There might be something wrong with you.
>false equivalence
Quasimodo's entire family looked better than him/her in every department. Who gives a fuck, ugly is ugly.
Yes. This evil jewess is leading the charge to destroy the White race.
I've recently watched one episode, after being exactly what you describe.
It's obnoxiously horrifying. The Truman Show by Cronenberg-proxy.
i don't understand
I am new to these threads?
What's wrong with reddit?
I thought Trannies were welcome there?
>Diane Honorablejuice
Reddit is just the worst.
They embrace the transgenders, have cuck boards and is filled with SJW's.
It is a liberal shithole. We did it Yea Forums!
Welcome to our world.
>jazz threads were better before his operation, where he was then literally walking around without skin and everyone found it positively repulsive apart from the producers and discord users
>autism shit
Being so new not knowing what a general is.
Please everyone itt think for a secknd about the impact your words have on very vulnerable people. It isn't right.
Our words? Where are the parents words in protecting these vulnerable people?
Hang on, that's right, they're endorsing them becoming more vulnerable.
Fuck these people and fuck you.
>greetings fellow anons
you aren't fooling anybody you bile-gushing monstrosity
You think I am locked in these containment boards with you, that's where you are wrong. You are locked in here with me!
That is one tasty ass.
the problem here is that they're very vulnerable, don't you think?
it's inevitable that they will get offended by themselves once they have some time alone.
i won't police myself so that you can feel better, this leads to people not maturing over time.
it's pathetic and a very ableist behavior.
No. These doctors need to consider how their scalpels affect very vulnerable people.
They need to listen to more of our words and less of the words from their psychopathic enablers and kike doctors profiting off their mental illness.
Trannies are almost as disgusting as the people that fuck them.
Dead for approximately 19 years.
sticks and stones might break my bone, but words will never hurt it
Based and statistical pilled
Since the climax of the show was supposed to be the surgery, the only reason why the show would be on going now, would be the M Night Schlong twist ending where Jazz an heroes and the family blames bullying.
When the suicide happens, are they going to play the fag favorite song Celebration?
how do you shave your cocks, bros?
If you're talking about surgery in many cases it helps alleviate dysphoria
Trans people can make their own decisions, no one is forcing it
RIght now Jazz is experiencing pic related.
this is so awful, just flesh vaguely in the shape of a dick
don't shave. use Veet cream
For your own protection, spoiler that shit.
Since it has so much hair growing all over it, I would give it a perm or an afro. Maybe even dread locks.
why do they do this lmao
While I would say don't do that, that it actually burns your skin because it is a chemical reaction, since Trannies lose all feeling down there, go for it.
>male urethra
>Ywn violently poz up jazz by ripping his wound further open while his parents listen in to the screams in the next room
Now that's one strange feel.
How would you guys react with a tranny with size 10s trying to give you a foot job, under the table while you are trying to eat dinner?
Jews aren't white though.
Everything about homos, lesbians and trannies is completely natural you bunch of -phobics.
he really thinks he's a mermaid too doesn't he
>I'm a real manly man now!
>in many cases it helps alleviate dysphoria
>in many cases it also helps dysphorians to an-hero themselves
Gee, what a great code of ethics your purporting there my Hippocratic friend.
spoilering nsfw pics doesn't protect from tranny jannies.
Why are you trying so hard to convince us and yourself that he's not black?
Only evil people make fun of homos, lesbians and trannies.
women will reject men for having the slightest abnormality, what do these trannies think will happen when a roastie sees their arm dick
>confirming a delusion is the same as alleviating the delusion
there are acutal medical professionals spouting this nonsense...
For any of you fags that fuck trannies, will you name your first worm after his father for respect?
that was painful to watch.
it's like when an uggo girl has feelings for you and to their best to seduce.
ends up being disgusting as fuck.
14:50 - "What they're gonna do is they're gonna take another skin graft from my butt, and like put it over the area that doesn't have skin."
>it's like when an uggo girl has feelings for you and to their best to seduce.
haha yeah totally sucks when that definitely happens
Now that Jazz had the surgery, will he partake in the menses craze that all the trannies are doing now? Wonder what tomato juice and shit tastes like?
they changed it user to remove that outdated, phobic 'do no harm' crap. it's more progressive now
>I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity;
>THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration;
>I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;
>I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life;
>I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing, or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;
>I WILL RESPECT the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;
>I WILL PRACTISE my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice;
>I WILL FOSTER the honour and noble traditions of the medical profession;
>I WILL GIVE to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due;
>I WILL SHARE my medical knowledge for the benefit of the patient and the advancement of healthcare;
>I WILL ATTEND TO my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard;
>I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;
>I MAKE THESE PROMISES solemnly, freely, and upon my honour.
I want to fuck all trannies to death.
Die, bitch, die.
I'll rip the "cocks" off of every FtM as well and let them bleed to death.
based tranny popper
Netflix’s The Witcher series is looking good.
>Some of the diseases I have... they don't know what they are
Disgusting video. Homosexuality is a mental illness
The first two groups' goals are diametrically and utterly opposed to the latter's. Gays and lesbians promote the idea that you are good exactly as you are, while trannies claim that in order to reach your "authentic" self, you must spend copious amounts of time and money reinventing yourself. The cracks in this unsteady alliance are already starting to show, just look at the comments sections on "LGBTQ" (formerly just gay) news sites every time they try to force tranny dogma.
The real doctors do. I believe what we are seeing in the Jazz Jennings story is propaganda. I believe it is all fake. Hollywood fake. A conspiracy to get children with christian or other religious parents to see the TV show and think it's cool and to rebel as trannies against their christian/religious parents. Otherwise everyone involved from the doctors, to the parents would be in jail.
>modifies cock
it was supposed to be a vagina to begin with bigot
5,000,000 hours in photoshop
Look it up, its gross
do you think jazz watches DC or Marvel movies?
i know an old gay chap in his 70s. he said 'it was all a lot better before the dykes and trannies got involved'
based fag. he just looks like hans moleman, you wouldn't even know he was homo
I wish I had hands for feet but I don't go around modifying my feet to be hands.
SURELY 'she' can see the extreme fucking irony of this tweet.
>The real doctors do.
Not anymore
Jazz was so obsessed with bottom surgery, you know he watched only medical videos of it being done since he was a child for entertainment.
I hear that ftm trannies can feel some pleasure because it's a turned-out cock
but this is literally just a piece of their arm with all the nerve-endings severed. Imagine your cock but it can't get hard and it's completely numb. how horrific.
She was born with a female brain though. There’s no such thing as a brain that has hands for feet. Her vagina just didn’t develop and they had to correct her to her brain
some ftm have metoidioplasty, where their T-enlarged clit is turned into a neocock, so presumably they have more sensation than the ftm whose neocock is made from armskin.
or maybe not. after all that hacking and sewing up, i'm surprised any body part can maintain sensation.
Yeah, any place you have had surgery on deadens the nervers so you have 0 feeling there after it heals, not to mention all the scar tissue. The statistic I heard was 70 percent feel nothing down there after surgery while the other 30 percent only have feeling in the areas the surgeons didn't touch, which looks to be only about 10 percent of the area. I would imagine that is why the suicide rate skyrockets after the surgery.
>She was born with a female brain though.
Discord Tranny detected.
>no such thing as a brain that has hands for feet
Literally our closest cousins do (at least they have "thumb-like big toes which is what I want).
>stubble on foreskin
this is both the worst and the best image ever
do you actually believe this?
what foreskin lmao?
what is the point of having some useless sausage hanging around? and you have to fuck you arm up for that. fucking retarded
>female brain
biology is a social construct you shitlord
God almighty!!!
That's the official jewish statement.
nah i'm just messing with you guys. i fucking hate trannies
was listening to this and I think it compliments tragic story of jazz quite well
Anyone can be convinced. People who are unhappy cling to any escape and want some cure, some change that will remove the sadness.
he's actually dating a nigger now.
i'd normally say it's probably propaganda but niggers really do fuck anything with a hole.
I find this thought process hilarious. Their whole translyfe is just AGP, they're not dysphoric, they just took their fetish of being seen and treated like a woman way too fucking far, and then they get assblasted when a straight guy doesn't want to suck cock. Well no shit, you're not a woman. You're a man who got lost in his fucked up porno and based his entire life on his fetish.
Their egos won't let them date bisexual men, because it takes them out of their 'teehee I'm a girl' fetish.
During the surgery they place a bladder inside the fake penis, like they do with impotent males, in which you have a pump (used to be placed under your belly button) where you pumped up the cock before sex. Like the old reebok pump tennis shoes. My old neighbor that was impotent had one back in the day.
No God.
wait was the woman that had this done a orangutan?
>get treated like a man, i.e. like you don’t have any feelings a woman needs to give a shit about
>freak out like an hysterical psychotic female when a woman shows disgust over your blanched kielbasa showpiece
fucking pottery
*smacks lips*
where dat
whyte boi!
where dat frankenpusy at?
that's a pretty normal amount of hair for a woman's arm, and she might have even been on T to increase it
this is the first time ive genuinely felt bad for a nigger
Brotha doesn't deserve that shit
>t. porn addict
Why? He's just there because he has a tranny fetish, or he's getting paid.
>hans moleman
Must've been hard for him
you're mixing it up.
won't blame you for forgetting it though.
Amerimutts are a lost cause.
Factually supported by the gender-interested-in-gender stacked column graph poster.
Even their own aren't interested in their personal rabbit-hole dysphorian fetish. Selfish cunts ignoring like-minded selfish cunts until they accept failure and kill themselves or just live with depression the rest of their lives.
rent free.
Based gender-interested-in-gender stacked column graph poster.
I looked it up. His tits must look absolutely horrendous
It's as meaningless as politicians swearing to God on the bible that they will protect and defend the Constitution, then working tirelessly to dismantle it. Oaths are only as good as the people making them
Well, at this point is basically a strap-on, except it looks nothing like a penis
Do post op tranny fetishists even exist? Thats fucking disgusting if so
>even 50% of 'non-binary' nutjobs won't fuck trannies
Why are hetero roasties so bigoted bros?
there's some post op stuff on the hub of the porn if you are curious
To a nigger, everyone is white. To a real white person that isn't a LARPing nigger, everyone with pink nipples is white.
His brothers are extremely handsome.
>why is latent insemination of mental illness strongly avoided, whenever possible
Yeah, the amount of transbians whining about their "cotton ceiling", while also stating they won't even consider dating another transwoman is crazy.
They can't get off unless they can trick someone into fucking them, but the fact is only people interested in trannies or are bisexual will give them the time of day.
There's a fetishist for just about everything dude.
the fly
It's really true, Jazz's only goal in life was to get the surgery and finally become a "woman." Now that his penis is finally gone he has no other purpose in life. Sure, he'll try to stay relevant by being a "trans advocate" or some such shit, but it's all downhill from here
Indeed. Simply, the fact is that they're only interested in themselves :- Accept me but I can't accept you.
It's literally a mental illness, directly affecting
If he kills himself, you might get A’s depending on your uni’s code. That or there is one less fag in the world. It’s a win win either way
You’re a fag. Congrats
I have a sneaking suspicion that the person making these threads actually likes Jazz and has been trying for months to make a general about this stupid kike.
The threads were funny before it got hijacked by ironic tranny "haters", notice how each of these threads has pictures of skylar and jazz, this shit is fucking gay at this point.
Fuck trannies.
This thread is literally tranny general in disguise. Fucking disgusting. You can tell the person making these threads and the people who would spamm pictures of these dudes lurk here.
It's queer shit.
Is this pic post op? Is there any footage of him standing at all post op yet?
is this the new discord tranny coping mechanism?
keep trying to derail, dumb discord tranny. 96 ips. i'd estimate over 90 are tranny haters, the rest are discord trannies like yourself
Fuck off kike, stop pretending you hate degenerate fucks like Jazz when you literally talk about him every waking moment. You are not fooling anyone kek.
new edition, ready for it's gauze to be unpacked
Settle down, tranny.
Feel free to destroy your own life but the meme officially stops when it's done to kids who can't make their own medical decisions.
>She was born with a female brain though
It's ok user, you like traps, me thinks you protest to much degenerate.
The end result is cultural/civilizational collapse. THEY MUST NOT PASS!!!
>Self loathing in Los Vaginas
Hilarious btw
I actually don't like traps. I live in a 3rd world country, and if I saw any tranny or faggot on the street, I would unironically murder them and get away with it.
stop feeding the tranny and move to the new thread
>Those utterly repulsed by this are clearly trannys
Consider this, perhaps he shouldn't have turned his crotch into an H.R.Giger masterpiece and perhaps you should baritone your tears into whatever discord acts as a coping mechanism from shuffling off your mortal coil.
>people willingly have this procedure done
i'll do what i please and you'll like it
We don’t all come here for the same reason. I like to see pushback against unnecessary societal decay and degeneracy and the humor people use in confronting it. You, on the other hand, come here because you’re gay and possibly a trannie. Don’t chop your dick off, fagfriend.
A weapon to surpass chloe
Bro, just go all the way like me and hope for a glorious future where we can have 4 arms. Hell, 6 might be pushing it but it would be worth it to become spiderman