>It's back
It's back
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Looks like kino is back on the menu boys!
Happy birthday chris
happy christian love day y'all
I hope chris unblock his twitter soon
I feel bad for Bob. Between his hoarder wife and his autistic son, existing must have been soul crushing.
>Bob's letters to Chris
say that to my face
Hey now don't give Bob any sympy, he's a piece of shit like the rest of em
I legitimately resent CWC for cloistering himself away by disabling so much of his social media interactivity. His greatest value is being able to interact with his fan base and hes selfishly cut them. Chris is an entertainer and owes everything to his fans
How long till the homeless prostitute saga begins?
The dimensional merge was a big step closer. I think within the year.
Oooooo boy. You got me hyped
>dimensional merge
Give me a rundown. What has happened to him in the last half a year.
Is Chris really still a virgin with rage or has he moved on?
I heard he hired a prostitute, but I have my doubts.
To put it as simply as I can he thinks his imaginary world a'la CWCville/Sonichu-verse/imaginary brides exists in another dimension that will merge with our own fulfilling all CWC's fantasies
though, I don't see how that can be a saga since nothing's gonna happen. Unless he does a shooting because CWCville tells him to.
oh there's much much more to it, it's been pretty wild. probably the most radical thing in years for Christory
is that really different than any cult/religion?
I havnt been paying close attention for last few years. Honestly the series jumped the shark since they had Christian turn to christine. Maybe writing barb out will breath life back into it. We'll see
How often is he going to release the remakes?
mmmmmmmmmm pure strikes
>waited all this time for a new part
>its a remake
He does actually look and act like what people in the 80s thought a person in 2020 would look and act like
So what's different in this version?
yeah he hired a half-Cherokee prostitute and lost his virginity. then he thought he was becoming a woman so he sliced open his taint with a pen knife to make a vagina and it's infected because he won't let it heal
>his fanbase
imagine being famous for being a lolcow
That's the problem with long running series. You need to keep escalating the story, characters get more and more extreme. At this point he's like a walking cartoon character
Yes, in that he masturbates to imaginary hedgehogs.
>>It's back
I'll never understand why people care about this
I wish it didn't to be honest. That would be the last saga, it ends with death. Look at Terry
Terry Davis makes me wonder when Chris' story is going to end. Internet weirdos tend to wiggle out of trouble every single time, even when it seemed like everything had already crashed down, Chris' dad died, he had been on the brink of facing jailtime several times, he's been on debt for years, his mother has had one foot on the grave for years as well, yet he's still out there. It seems like his story could go on for decades, yet Terry ended up homeless and died soon after, once Barb is gone I wonder if it'll make the beginning of the end for Chris. He can't survive by himself, yet he most definitely won't want to be institutionalized and white knight money will never be enough, thinking about the day Chris' story ends makes me feel weird.
He brought it upon himself. He simply just had to not post and nothing would have happened but his ego is so MASSIVE he couldn't ever give up showcasing himself day in and day out. Never forget that Chris thinks very highly of himself and that he can do no wrong
It's a great reality tv series. Perhaps the best.
>a documentary about the life of an autistic, mentally challenged person that once was the most harassed person on earth
Why wouldn't it be interesting?
Name a more documented person. You can't.
Literally every famous person in world history.
adolf hitler
I'm up to part 9 of the kinojourney. Still can't stand this guy's retarded lisp though, but Chris' life more than makes up for it.
>that feel when you actually made Chris Chan trolling content back with Clyde Cash and Pickleman
I think that was 8 years ago.
Is part 14 ever coming
>that once was the most harassed person on earth
I am crying laughing at this
You don't even know all the names of his relatives. All that's documented about him is his online activity. Guess what, yours is also documented somewhere on an NSA server
It's over 10 years ago
"Trolled" would be a better word. You have to remember that CWC was a thing before dedicated trolling was really a big thing. Nowadays what CWC went through isn't exactly the worst, but it ain't that light either.
>we don't know the birth places of people that ruled a significant part of humanity like Qin Shi Huang
>we don't know if leading philosophers and religious people like Moses, Laotse or Mahavira actually existed
Are you actually retarded?
name a single greater harassment case.
>we know more about him than we do about people from 2000 years ago
Well you've proven your point
I guess
Yea Forumsump
Zoe Quinn
>yfw Chris will never be this cool again
Not that he would need it
No the idea of Chris being the target of the worst harassment of any person on the planet is genuinely making me laugh. I wasnt saying what you said wasnt true
Yea Forumsumpan
Better to laugh than to cry yourself to sleep you fat Neet? You are no better than Chris I imagine you look like him desu
o Yea Forumsump
mark my words my dears, as someone who has followed Chris since the first thread on Yea Forums, underestimating his sheer relevancy to persist is a grave error. For over ten years now since his discover people have been certain 'THIS IS IT FOR CHRIS!!!!' more times than you can imagine. Many laughed at the prospect of him even making it to 30. Now he's nearly fucking 40 years old. All his numerous troubles and tribulations, trollings, disasters, bamboozles and humiliations have had zero effect upon him, he simply keeps existing, in a way I would venture he is even thriving because NONE of this shit effects his outlook or mental state significantly, he is just as egotistic and arrogant as he has always been, even moreso. Every problem just increases his resolve. If he is suffering a miserable existence, it has yet to dawn on him. The death of Barb might be the ultimate test, but I find it is always better to adopt a 'wait and see' approach with Chris instead of swearing this is it for him THIS time. Wait and see.
Has there ever been a bigger lolcow in the history of the Internet? Every time I thought he was tapped out, he would do something batshit (running over Michael Snyder, burning his house down, attacking people over the color of Sonic's arms, etc.)
What's up your asshole? We're all having a good time here. Good lord, you hot head
>still keeping up with chris chan
Yea Forumsump
bamp Yea Forumsros
wouldnt wanna mess with him
I hope this embarrassment dies soon.
cwc vs Undertaker when
Kind of sad that we won't see part 14 until he's done updating the other 13 parts.
bumpan from page 10
Chris chan is being manipulated into humiliating himself by sadistic 'fans'. I don't really give a fuck but it's lame how his followers and documentaries tend to misrepresent him and don't mention how he's pressured into making those humiliating videos.
wow, what a brilliant case of goal post moving.
Ok: alive people:
>Is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi alive? When was he born exactly?
>How many children does Kim Jong-un have? When was his wife born?
>What did Putin do for 16 as a KGB agent?
>What did Bernie Sanders do in the USSR?
Why hasn't this kino been posted yet?
>Zoe Quinn
Even if, it was later.
Not before the homeless prostitute saga the last 4 seasons have been clearly building towards. I'll be livid if CWC get cancelled before that plays out
Today I will remind them:
Was watching a part of that and two of the "trolls" that were harassing him sounded gayer than Chris does now that he's gone tranny. Fucking pathetic lol.
I feel there needs to be an updated version of this considering how much worse he's gotten.
>Chris has been in tranny mode for 7 years now
christ I feel old
We've all aged, brother.
Is this verified? That's way beyond the pale if it is.
I don't say "This is it" anymore since as you say it has happened way too many times where it seems like things are about to end, but Barb is Chris' final voice of reason, even though she has always been his worst influence. Chris' refuses to work, would not voluntarily go to a home for autist/aspergers where he could get proper care, and has been increasingly raising debt over the years, I can't tell the end is near, since as a I said spergs tend to wiggle themselves out of trouble quite often (Chris is a prime example of that), but once he IS gone it'll be harsh and sudden for everyone who have been following his story, he is, after all, the most popular internet retard, and quite possibly the most extensively documented person on internet history.
Does user still have access to all of his accounts? I know that at one point Clyde Cash and his crew had their hands on everything. I'm curious if anyone still bothers with that.
which film is this?
It's honestly tragic how he was left to do whatever he wanted.
You guys think of Chris’ parents didn’t resist putting him in special retard school he’d be better off? Were they in denial about the severity of his autism or something? Wouldnt special school have trained him better to deal with reality?
Man, I remember thinking a 13 year old essentially catfishing him and getting him to shove the medallion up his ass being a really fucked up thing at the time. The escalation of this story continues to astound.
This series is great, i hope it gets continued.
She made her bed, let her lie in it (with Chris)
>Chris-chan: A Comprehensive History
Can't you read user?
No fuck barb. It's her spending habits that has put them into this situation
I doubt they could've afforded something like that. Bob was a hard working man, but he was over 80, and what, was Snorlax going to get a job?
>this is how people rationalize mocking retards
Just admit you like bullying retards, this shit where people act like its actually some righteous cause is dumb
>dude this autistic retarded guy has awful social skills and brain problems, its his own fault for us egging him on and harassing him for years to destroy his life
Not exactly. Special schools don't really do much to prepare people from what I have seen, former home carer aiding families dealing with autists. They're more just looking after them because families are not able to handle them at home. It's more daycare than a school.
If the autism is that severe they require special school there is nothing that can really be done to aid them better for the outside world from what I have been told. They'll always need care.
Chris Chan in my opinion just needed the appropriate care as a child and to actually learn, even a little, as child to develop as opposed to being allowed to do whatever he wanted which led him to be completely out of control with his fantasies. He was never brought into reality and allowed to go off the rails. And now he doesn't know better.
It jumped the shark with liquid chris. Boring saga.
Nah harassed is a pretty good word for it. And he's basically retarded, so the harassment was actually much worse than most internet harassment today.
He was driven to mutilate his own dick thanks to the crazy attention destroying his already fucked head
>Epic funni haha you got some guy to lose his mind, he'll probably kill himself someday or others, epic troll
It's ultimately the fault of whoever was supposed to watch this dumbass, and not internet trolls, but it was definitely too far and not really just trolling after a while.
you're a fucking retard
mmm wouldn't wanna mess with xim/xer
He's selling Bobs stamp collection. Holy shit. He should be more realistic with the prices unless it was signed by Bob.
The thing is that Chris could have ended it at any point by not interacting further. People have crossed into seriously malicious territory with Chris, and that's is less than chill, but I'll never feel guilty about having a laugh at chris's antics.
I believe chris's life path was essentially unaltered by the attention beyond him now attempting to use his fame as a debit card
>And he's basically retarded
it's his fault
all of it was his fault
>Keeps calling him Christopher
Get your shit together, man
Don't compare terry to chris chan, that's just rude.
Yeah, Terry was legit talented
his parents came from a generation that didn't fully understand the dangers of the internet until it was too late, if he was kept away from it he would be a much healthier person today
Who hurt you?
The Internet broke him further, but he was a complete fuckup already that his parents didn't fix when they had the chance
His birth name is Christopher
He changed it to Christian later (because of the bear)
the faggot who insulted our hero
>electric type
I'll never understand the kiwifarms side of the Chris-Chan epic. What are their motives? They seem to be familiar with Christian but also shield him for whatever reason
if it really got infected he should be dead by now. That was ages ago. Big disappointment.
Someone needs to make videos like this for based Priest John S Bulla.
CWC is front page material
Here's the poster from the Cwcki club
h-he's fast..
I'm ready for part 14 and liquid chris, has it been released anywhere yet?
The internet played a part for sure however prior to that it is evident his parents didn't try to teach him which admittedly was not surprising at the time since autism wasn't something talked about and there was not much in methods to aid those to better fit in by teaching how to interact with people or better understand themselves for example.
That's where you're wrong.
We know of his parents, grandparents, half-siblings and more.
His brother is basically Yea Forums incarnate.
Geno says to expect it in May/June.
He's going to remaster the first 13 episodes first. (New music, VO, and additional scenes)
>subcribe to pewpiepie XD
You're fucking braindead if you think CWC is popular because of pewdiepie
You better be rollin' and trollin' me.
read the comments on the video
it's the reason that zoomers know about him
Null has severe Troll's remorse, coupled with the increasing realisation that he's on borrowed time. He needs documented good boy points to cover his ass.
>he's on borrowed time
What's going on with him?
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Is he sick?
It's a reality show
More the fact that the only reason the site still exists is because nobody cares enough to fuck with it. The guy's clearly worried that might change if something severe happens to Chris that can be traced back to him.
Hell, they're pretty vulnerable if some clickbait hack manages to get an outrage ball rolling if another cow an heroes.
based Yea Forumsmod
oh that motherfucker
This was a nice refresher on what happened. Are these the kiwi farm rejects?
Is... is this real? Does Chris really believe Bundy was innocent?
Stop the chaos emerald, I want to get off. Chris’s story is going to end with him getting sent to the chair for a series of Sonichu-inspired murders, isn’t it?
>chris chan participated in shrek retold
she good in my books bros
It doesn’t count when it’s you and your friends sending yourself messages from egg accounts.
He's gone literally fucking insane and believes that he is the goddess of the Sonichu reality and that all fictional universes exist in parallel dimensions, and that he has been there and his mind and they are all about to merge into one reality
How many sacrifices are needed to accelerate that merge?
I think she only blinked one in that. Is she on meth or something?
I've finished the first 10 eps of the original series, should I wait until they're remade or just finish the old version? I don't feel like rewatching 8+ hours of Chris when it's 95% the same thing.
The documentary did a pretty good job of showing how Chris was being fucked over by Clyde Cash/BlueSpike/etc and didn't want to make most of the videos he was making
can cwc and barb be helped in anyway? like can the state step in somewhere and say "we'll take it from here folks" or are americans too fixated on muh freedums to let that happen
It's like watching a Harmony Korine movie
>Bob's mentioning or carelessly breaking his grandfather's razor
>Chris selling all of Bob's life and heirlooms on ebay to pay for toys
Probably not. It's possible to get an involuntary psych hold, but unlikely. You could call APS (adult protective services), but that's more for one person abusing another (e.g., elder abuse).
I know this is bait, but they already get welfare because he's retarded. He just wastes his "tugboat" on stupid shit like Nintendo games and dolls.
that poser could never dream up anything as human as this
Question, how do you think Chris chan will go out? High school reunion shooting? House fire? Auto erotic asphyxiation?
He's already survived a house fire. My odds are that he ends up homeless and just wastes away due to malnutrition.
Become homeless, and beaten to death by other bums.
Jessy Slaughter
Jesus Chatline
If the sonic movie doesn’t break him, it will likely just be a slow descent into starvation
I wonder if Chris is too far gone at this point, or if he would be able to UNJUST like Ulillillia
Alex Wuori. Dude had to buy a dog.
Has Jessie died of the beetus yet?
I know her dad’s consequences will never have a chance to be the same.
He was gone the moment his parents didn't send him to the special school.
One suicide.
Dude he was unredeemable a decade ago. Now it's at the point where he barely even has a mind left to be redeemed.
Based Ulillillia was never truly JUSTed. Dude was nuts, but he knew it and did his best to work around his craziness. It's a shame his website is gone. It was kinda fascinating.
I think a few years ago she (like Chris, ironically) had a tranny phase where she pretended to be a boy on tumblr. Don't know what happened since then because I never really followed Jesse and it wasn't nearly as interesting as Chris.
Nah. He'll probably kill Barb. He'll probably just let the corpse rot and since she's a shut-in, it will be weeks before anybody notices.
I wish the damn CWCki would post updates again so it's clear what's actually happening.
didnt chris accidentally hint that he is fucking barb?
Do you think Chris and Barb ever fugged?
If Chris-chan interests you, I highly recommend this
He's essentially /fit/'s Chris-chan
Null and a few of his butt buddies on the farms controls basically everything now, and unless you meet up with Chris in person you're not interacting with him without their approval. Be prepared to be doxxed if they feel you are up to no good, or because they're in a bad mood that day
Last time I saw any posts by her she was using a wheelchair and saying she has fybromalgia.
How is this creature no locked in a mental institution?
I'm merely an observer. Chris however feeds off all attention both good and bad. He is a narcissistic retard that deserves the mockery he willingly brings upon himself.
You can talk like that I’m no little man no Little Bo-Peep, bro. No I’m no, bro. Don’t fuck with me you don’t want to fuck with fucking… me. Bro, I ain’t no little man bro I’m bigger than you I’m like 230 and I’m fucking taking supplements. Don’t talk shit bro in the morning, fucking please. You’re messing with a fucking internet celebrity. You’re messing with a guy who’s been with pro bodybuilders. You can’t run your mouth if I been and went pro. Bro, I am cut I’m on supplements, br.. look, bro. Look, bro. Yea, bro, you can talk all your fucking tra…. Shut up, bro, shut the fuck up shut the fuck up, bro, please shut the fuck up. Bro, I don’t think so I used to take martial arts and I have the proof to show it I used to be MMA, bro, amateur league and I’m a… Yea my body n.. bu.. will you tell him to stop running his mouth in this gym, please or else theres gonna be a war in here. Don.. don’t talk to me, bro, please I work hard I work my arse off I work 6… He better shut his mouth or there’s gonna be…
classic brainlet who thinks he’s smart post
There are a few differences.