Red Carpet edition
Oscars Thread #1
oh boy
Hol up
Business at the top, party on the bottom
>black """"""""""men""""""""""""
What the fuck
Who black power look like dat?
is this what Dave Chapelle meant with the active emasculation of the black male?
Does this qualify as crossdressing?
The best possible combination.
dis nigga fabulous
is this a tranny?
is that fucking real?
>his smile and optimism
Is it in fashion to bring the comforter from your bed to the red carpet?
is this real life? even bethesda can’t make a nigga this gay.
OP where are you getting these
Can't wait for all the media outlets tomorrow declaring how brave he is.
>"we want more audience"
>free the clowns on the red carpet
>"why is this happening?"
>i, an incel, know what's good fashion
for what
>defending this faggotry
This one is gonna go down in cringe compilations for years to come, mark my words
This is only the starters lads, tonight's going to be a glorious shiteshow.
Yfw yoy remember when gay bashing was a thing?
is this shopped?
Real life boss
My power has increased since we last met
>I'm not lying about my age, I'm not 40 years old, I swear!
Who's gonna win Best Picture
I wish someone would do a mass shooting at the Oscars
why are they hiding their feet
>2019 the photo
Imagine showing this to someone from the 50s? Hell, even a normal guy from the 80s? Peak clown world.
I’d beat the shit out of him and literally charge 0 dorras for it.
imagine actually giving a fuck about the shit people wear
People like Seacrest again?
Going by prior Oscar patterns, EITHER Roma or Green Book.
Possible upset from Klansman, Favourite or Panther.
Here's what I added up from the picks of anonymous Oscar ballots posted in the media:
Roma - 50
Green Book - 47
The Favourite - 40
Black Panther - 37
BlacKkKlansman - 31
The image of Hollywood in its Decay Stage
That's a man, baby.
i wouldn't wear it, but the tuxedo/ballgown hybrid is pretty cool actually. would look better on a white woman instead of some attention seeking nig
>Imagine showing this to someone from the 50s? Hell, even a normal guy from the 80s? Peak clown world.
I read somewhere how open john Wayne was with saying queers an fags in Hollywood. It was really a different time.
Someone like Cate Blanchett could pull it off.
Why is the military there?
is that lady gaga or bionce? can't tell
That's, uh, quite the list. Any movies about slavery? Those do well.
Kinda reminds me of a fucked up version of the emperors new clothes.
Everyones too afraid to tell these people that they look fucking ridiculous, and they only surround themselves with yes men, so it creates this feedback loop that makes it get worse and worse.
Then again, theres some out there who do it intentionally, dressing like shit ironically just to cause a stir.
Does everyone try to look as retarded as possible on purpose?
who even is this nigga?
Looks more honest than Emma Stone
why are ((they)) emasculating the proud black man?
>Black Panther at #4
Oh boy
Keep your opinions to yourself, Zachary.
BP 7 oscars
a man in a dress and a black panther oscar nomination. the absolute state of oscar 2019
christian thread restored
smells like sjw
I think they know exactly how retarded they look.
The outfit itself is aesthetic though
Real life Bell from Beauty and the beast
so brie larson doesn't get ashamed
Marano means dirty in spanish.
that nigga is wearing a dress
Welcome to America, asshole.
Accidentally used a meme arrow there fella!
viggo is a black mans slave in green book
Wait, is the Oscars going on right now?
Goddamn, I feel so outta the loop and detached from everything.
Who's hosting? Is there a stream?
Who wore it better.
Faggots watching faggots.
will smith
>Who's hosting? Is there a stream?
Your fucking tv you hobo.
no, marrano (double r) means pig
More of this thot.
A man in a dress and a woman in pants?! Now I've seen everything.
>Look it up
>It's real
I haven't watched or owned a tv in 7 years.
So are we just going to ignore the thing all these people have in common...
tru dat
Any cleavage kino this year?
a collection of based?
no whats up?
Is there gonna be a fourth matrix?!
They're all anonymous!
previous dresses
Chloe 2.0?
Very true. I wish we could go back. I don't know what it is about the millennial generation that caused us to become a bunch of fucking bullshit fag supporters.
matt and trey really were ahead of the curve
I genuinely believed this was photoshopped
>dress like a man
>look like a man
They were on acid too hu?
Dis nigga fabulous
Reminder black men have the highest rate of the gay
LSD, yeah,
p sure it's michael obama
>this post is extremely low quality
literally who is this black faggot?
this one is unironically based, like a fuckin lando outfit, it's a shame that the dresses put into context what a gaynigga this dude is
You are reddit personified.
is that legal?
Didn't get a sticky:
>Michael Cimino
>Seijun Suzuki
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Etore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Dennis Hopper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Lauren Bacall
>Bud Spencer
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Juraj Herz
>Milos Forman
>Vittorio Taviani
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Shinobu Hashimoto
>Chuckle Brother
>Mike Nichols
>Neil Simon
>Scott Wilson
>Carol Channing
>Albert Finney
>Bruno Ganz
>Stanley Donen
Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show
>Logan Paul and KSI
>Some country redneck
that's redundant
based hermano
The entire point of wearing these outfits in public is for attention. Literally nothing else. You and all the gossip sites talking about it, even if to say "how ridiculous", accomplishes exactly that.
He's back
>Laura Marrano
Marrano? haha funny
Oh shit, is she a lesbian? I don't want to stereotype, but this akin to a man wearing glitter makeup. Some things are just associated with other things...
Billy Porter. No idea why he's here.
It was only a matter of time
This one is interesting
You really took the time to post this. Wow. GTFO out of this thread, now.
They've all got updog?
Seacrest tux is awful
Yasss, sis actually snapped.
turn on your television.
Probably a rug-eater.
>I don't want to stereotype
Where do you think we are, fgt?
Don't police your thoughts.
bongland its only on sky
This one is very beautiful
I'm not policing my thoughts, I actually don't like to stereotype because it's the quickest way to start thinking like a retard
Where the fuck is jay cutla at
>tfw enjoy typesetting and her pose perfectly aligns with the Oscars text behind her
what channel?
please don't say sky movies
>10 minutes in and it's already more comedy gold than I ever could have dreamed
tonight is gonna be a good night
Giv chocolate milkers.
She is too young to have such a bad skin
i like it desu
looks like something from a video game
Is there a famous person hidden under that dress, because I don't know who that is.
where did you get this pic of my mom?
sky cinema yes
i downgraded me tv package and no longer have E
does no one really just have a stream lads ?
i think it looks super duper gay
looks kinda neat though
how do you guys feel about kilts?
zoolander 3?
cmon man what the fuck...why are you putting black back 100 years wearing this bullshit
A lot of stereotypes exist for a reason.
Anyone with a acestream?
Who is him by the way?
stream where?
its not fair
You are such a fucking hater faggot
Someone post a stream.
>owning a tv....
nigga come on
>the shocked girl got hotter
>the girl hes staring at got fatter
britbong here, should I stay up to watch the oscars?
Imagine going to /g/ and being told to feel shame for owning a computer.
back when people laughed at this, not applauded it
how far we've come
Add Bertolucci and Roeg to the list you faggot
stream where friends?
Any links to the Oscars for UK?
I wouldn't.
I don't know about you, but Oscar threads are the highlight of Yea Forums every year for me.
sup, I'm new here
Are oscars thread as fun as E3 threads on Yea Forums?
not as much as they used to be
This nigga is probably from Atlanta.
Constience Wu is so pretty. wtf
Go back
But why?
this maybe?
>I'm new here
>Yea Forums
gonna have to ask you to leave mate
I still think she will be a classic character as Harley Quinn and her new movie will be great and better if you are gay.
Real life Symmetra can't help but get a boner with this
Princess of China
If there are ever American Black Slaveowners they will probably look like this guy
found this stream
stfu he's welcome here
Kondo :3
I prefer the E*rovision.
>the guy who is a living meme married below him
this is objectively even worse
Shame, but it's alright
I promise I will behave and see how you guys act before I post anything else.
This is a drag queen called Shangela, the one who was in A Star is Born.
good enough, thanks
This is literally a 40 year old Spanish woman who has given up but here shes a supermodel
seriously? Is anybody invited to the Oscars?
How long is the show usually?
no idea how her black husband hasn't impregnated her at least 3 times. wtf is this nigga doing?
this one will be 3 hours long, shorter than last years
Mexicans don't give a fuck about faggots or faggot rights.
t. mexican
Goddammit Yea Forums how does a woman this perfect exist? She might even be better than Koji Kondo
pretty much yeah
This shit became "normalised" so gradually.
is he the guy in the OP?
>arm cellulite... gross
christ she ugly
she is so fucking ugly.
4 hours
i only love her as a blonde
christ she cute
is this a dude or girl I cant tell anymoar
Its not normal and the majority will never accept it. Its being pushed on us
You're just jealous.
imagine the smell of her smol asshole
bong genes. NOT EVEN ONCE.
I see Shangela, wheres Willam?
poor emilia, the wall hit her hard
There are no small holes left in that one
>those wrinkles
Dio mio...
no one is pushing nothing on anyone. stop being scared of the reality of people now a days.
he looks like he has down syndrome
she looks like she f*cks b____ g___
Mother of JUST
This picture honestly feels so cathartic and comforting after the pictures of the cross dressers that proceeded it. Like these obnoxious attention whore goblins followed by a nice looking girl in a nice dress.
Anyway, why is she there? Is she someone's date or did she become an actress after Laguna Beach?
why'd he do this to black people...DO HE HAVE NO SHAME
There you go again. Don't you have a girlfriend or something?
Event about Multiple movies compared to a single movie. Who'd have thought!
They were planning on having pedophelia mainstream by now.
What the fuck happened to her?
Damn, I guess that John Snow opening the wall gates didn't stopped her from hitting it
Grandma Clarke looking radiant
Only in an industry controlled by Jews could someone so ugly get hired.
She still looks good. It's normal to have some wrinkles when you smile once you are in your 30s
The Grammies did't get a sticky
you're saying that as it was a bad thing
I have a lecture at 10 but the potential of tv going into meltdown will keep me awake.
PLEASE MOD DONT STICKY THIS...for the love of all black people onn Yea Forums don't sticky this please
that's a weak Waluigi cosplay.
fucking autist
they grow up so fast
>Some wrinkles
Shouldn't it be Love Hate?
wtf it's blackwashed waluigi and gender swapped wario
I forgot spike lee was a manlet
She's dressed as past-the-date banana.
Even the dark spots are there
What channel is the Oscars on in the UK?
Can't wait for BP or klansman to win best picture!
Can't wait for BP or klansman to win best picture!
No ass.
On B
>I forgot spike lee was a niglet
she was hot in S1 GoT to be fair
no idea why they keep shoving her ugly ass into other things though
what the fuck is this cunt thing supposed to be?
He's in a bad mood
Stop hating. She has the best ass in the biz. Incel.
Is there going to be a stream? If not I'm going back to sleep.
someone shoop a benis in there.
What the fuck is B.
That cape is fucking based.
Dr. King died so this faggot cause disgrace a race of people
We can hide your posts, retard. You spend way more time making them than we do hiding them.
Lambert is a retard. Cufflinks don't go on your ears
Channel right next to A
that acne......
Yeah but the Golden Clobes got a sticky and we watched them together that night. It was max /comfy/
I'll cum on her face later. Clear it right up
The difference is is that this thread is based and kino, now gb2/reddit/
What a fucking idiot
Sky Oscars (Cinema). It's a HD channel.
She looks beautiful. I'm surprised she didn't pick a very extravagant dress
she looks like my cleaning lady that my mom had take me to prom
lol white women have no curves at all and wrinkle like milk in the sun
Reminder Arnold tapped the maid because his boring wife wouldn't sex him up
>This "Braku Pantheru" movie does NOT spark joy
Will she save the Oscars, lads?
her Golden Globes dress was really criticized in Mexico, they had to play it safe today.
>Shoot up Oscars
>Kill half of big names attending, including directors, producers, other top Jews etc
>Cripple studios, franchises, capeshit etc
>All over news for months
>Yea Forums gains a fucking goldmine of material
>Hollywood would never be the same
Win win really
All I wanna see is RDJ's giant platform shoes, and i'll be happy
>If there are ever American Black Slaveowners they will probably look like this guy
He kinda does look like William Ellison
What business does Ally have at the Oscars? I though her career was nonexistent after Disney.
i know she was in Lady Bird...