What race were they?

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american you reatard

Hispanic duh

Same thing

For some reason, when I was small, I imagined the Dragons were black people. Not sure why, it was just a simple fact in my brain that they weren't of my race, so they were probably black. The kids are clearly spics though.

Well the old teacher dragon was super obviously mexican so i always assumed the other dragons must be spics too even though they never really show it like the kids or teacher did

>will never be able to see the pink one without seeing that one pic in the back of my brain


I don't recall what the voices sounded like. It wasn't a show I watched at my house, but I went to someone's house who's kid would watch it all the time so I was forced into it too

redpill me on this

Some knowledges should remain unknowable

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my favorite dragon was always the blue one




They're dragons except for the two kids in front

little spic mexican shits

You're better off knowing as little as possible.

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So what was the genitalia situation on the two headed one? If there are two sets of sex organs could it perform incestuous auto-reproduction?


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thanks satan

They are sterile


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reveal it


I warned you...

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Reddit strikes again!


What the fuck am I looking at?

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i just time travelled back 10 years
that or a redditor thinks he belongs here

and what other memes do they use fellow 4channel user?

lol, what's 4channel? (Nice numbers, they're over 9000)

rules 1 and 2 faggot scriptkitty

>unironically being new enough to not know about Yea Forums being 4channel long before this

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oh. I thought it was going to be porn. The dragons deciding to eat the kids is the usual edgy shit.

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I expected something worse.

They were Hispanic right? 4 year old me loved the fuck out of this show so I don't want to misremember shit about it.

What did each dragon represent in their lifes?

I wanted to fuck the purple side of the siamese dragon before I knew what it was to fuck

the kids are le 56% face
the dragons are dragons

oddly enough, they're actually dragons and not wyverns
hackson couldn't even get that right