Is there anything besides Corner Gas and TPB? Preferably something historical.
Kids in the hall
Strange Brew
letterkenny isn't historical but it is kino
the films of guy maddin
Kenny vs Spenny
bon cop bad cop
mommy (2014)
The Trotsky is pretty good.
Kenny Vs Spenny is the absolute pinnacle of leafkino. Letterkenny is pretty good too but a lot of the side characters become a chore to watch around the 3rd season or so. Especially the hockey players once they move up to the next league, and the skids after the one guy leaves.
Why be you when you can be me.
chilly beach
>tfw you will never watch y tv at grandma's house in 1998 ever again
Feels bad man
Da vinci's inquest is pure kino. One of the best crime dramas I have seen. Highly recommended.
I liked 'being Erica' that was a fun show. Kim's convenience is pretty good. It's like corner gas tier not super funny but entertaining.
David cronenberg is Canadian. He tries to film in Canada and hire canadians.
There are a few other directors and actors who you wouldn't guess are Canadian. A surprising number of kino comes out of Canada.
The First Season of Durham County. Kigurumi Kino.
>No more Phil or Paul or Snit
>No more Pat Kelly or Sugar or Carlos
>No more "You Rule" or "Keep It Weird" themes
>No more creative shows like Uh Oh or Freaky Stories
>No more getting up on those dimly-lit Saturday mornings to watch anime, CatDog and early Spongebob
>No more Dark Night events every October
>No more optimistic late 90s atmosphere where it seemed like things could only get better
it looks like utter crap but kevin spencer made me chuckle aloud many times
as good as early south park at least
somethings wrong with that kid
you better not cross his path
hes a chain smoking alcoholic sociopath
Puppets who kill.
dat T rex noise
There used to be tons of it. Fuck Harper for slashing CanCon.
Naked Lunch
Hobo with a shotgun
Red Green is bretty gud
Oh damn I forgot all about this one. Didn't even know that was cnd. Canada really is a powerhouse for kino.
Dig in dig out it's what it's all about student bodies!
remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they can at least find you handy
Mon Oncle Antoine is Christmas kino.
Trailer Park Boys and Kenny vs Spenny.
Really shows Canadian humor accurately. Despite our reputation most Canadians appreciate immature edgy humor.
Someone post the porn video from xhamster of Sugar from the Zone.
You know the one, fucking post it.
Stinky Peterson is legit
...... Is it with snit?
murdoch mysteries until season 7 or 8 when it becomes sjw and the main characters are more progressive than an average person today