>ITT: actors that will never do capeshit
ITT: actors that will never do capeshit
He's going to play uncle ben in the upcoming spiderman movie
Mission impossible is pseudo capeshit though
He's a capeaway from being literal capeshit. When has he ever played as anyone who wasn't an undefeated master
Last samurai?
Eyes Wide Shut
4th of july
The Edge of Tomorrow
Risky Business
Rain man
Far and Away
Jerry Maguire
Vanilla Sky
War of the worlds
Lions for lambs
American Made
Try these out
>uncle ben
Does he cook with his award winning sauce?
He doesnt allow to use his likeness in merch. Capeshit is basically a huge toy commercial. They wont use someone that cant be made action figure of. All TC figures are not licenced.
Capeshit you say? Not for me.
>Tom Cruise will break his neck in your lifetime
When the fuck will he make non-action kino again? Don't get me wrong I love action movies but I think he does them just cause he wants to do the stunts.
When will he get Tom-serious-acting-kino again?
That oblivion or whatever it was called where he was in a mechsuit fighting aliens WAS capeshit. Capeshit doesnt just mean superhero movies, it includes the gay scifi garbage like nuwars and manchildren anime adaptions like alita. All these genres are the same in terms of childish story quality, boring cgi effects, and terrible acting done by stars only in it for the paycheque.
Even if he stars in a capeshit movie, I won't be watching a capeshit movie, I'll be watching a Tom Cruise movie. He is basically his own genre.
The term was coined after the advent of the MCU universe, newfag. It literally means heroes of cape, ie, american comicbook heroes.
What a sad cunt.
I think he's going through a middleage crisis, he knows he's loosing his prime and therefore compensates by starring in action movies to enjoy the last of his youthful energy he has.
>the term was coined before Edge of Tomorrow was released, therefore you are absolutely correct.
What did user mean by this.
>Was a cavelry guy who only ever used guns and yet the samurai chose him because he fought really hard
It's a good movie but he ended up a samurai at the end??
If he ENDED the movie as a kind of supreme fighter then you're proving my point.
The only movie where he wasn't a captain America I can think of is tropic thunder.
capeshit means superhero movies ya goof
Mission Impossible, Fast and Furious, etc. have all the aspects of capeshit that make it shit, though.
wasn't he in talks to be in a future Green Lantern movie?
Yes. He was also originally slated for the first Ironman movie but the stipulation about not wearing the mask proved too absurd.
Mission Impossible is basically capeshit at this point
Let's be real, he may very well outlive most of the adults on this board.
just because he doesn't wear capes doesn't mean a lot of his movies aren't pure capeshit
Steve Carell, Robert De Niro, Steve Buschemi, Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Al Pacino, Daniel Day Lewis, Ed Harris, Daniel Craig.
>Al Pacino
he's worse
Robert pattinson, Casey Affleck
The Mummy was literally Universal turning their Classic Monster Movies into shitty capeshit (and failing at that)
That has nothing to do with Cruise’s opinion on capeshit and more on the fact that Tom Cruise doesn’t want to license his face and has strict control over merchandise.
If Disney offered Tom Cruise to do Iron Man, he would easily do it if there were not a single Iron Man toy sold in stores (especially not any with his face). No one wants to work with this crazy guy.
He was LITERALLY the chosen one and was such a Mary Sue that the world literally cloned him a million times. I think you misunderstood the post you replied to
He wanted to be Iron Man for the longest time.
He said he's dying to do it, specially as a villain.
Carrell, De Niro, Pacino, Buscemi, Harris and Craig would probably all do it. True on Eastwood and Lewis.
Pattinson is reportedly up for Batman. Affleck could go either way, really.
Someone hasn't seen (or even heard of) Legend.
>He wanted to be Iron Man for the longest time.
Have you seen all of the films listed?
I mean I know you haven't, but I want to see if you think we are THAT dumb.
Literally google it you faggot. It was gonna be closer to the comics and more of a technothriller.
He can maybe play Damian-Wayne-Robin, or Batmite
Have you seen Obvlion man? He wasn't anything special, literally just the first person the aliens happened to bump into.
>eyes wide shut
>ends as a supreme fighter
He ends the film as a literal cuckold.
>born on the 4th of July
Starts as a soldier, ends as a cripple.
Tom Cruise is an underrated and good actor.
you fucking dumb shit
>Literally played the lead in a superhero origin story.
Just because mummy didn't launch the universe they expected it to doesn't mean it isn't capeshit.
cruise was tied to iron man since the last 90s/early 2000s for a while
the problem was the director/tech wasn't quite right at the time, plus if you're going to get tom cruise and pay him all this money you're not going to not show his face behind a helmet, and they were thinking some sort of transparent helment but it wasn't going to look right + the script wasn't up to par
he was still unofficially attached to the role for a while, so much so that when marvel comics rebooted iron man in 2005 adi granov, who later became a lead concept artist for marvel, drew stark looking like cruise
ironically, favreau and marvel studios figured it out when they got the rights back by just putting the camera in the helmet with stark's visor UI and holograms and shit, which was obviously inspired by cruise's minority report
>daniel craig
Bond is essentially a superhero. What's the difference between Bond and Batman? One plays dressup.
He should be Batman. His part in Beyond the Pines was alpha kino.
Tom Cruise does the closest thing to capeshit