Magic She boon saves the world

What are some other kino like this?

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Children of Men (2006)

Attached: Children_of_Men.png (600x378, 389K)

They need to stop with this bs it’s all so tiring.

>first newborn in decades
>it's a kangz
Depressing as fuck, just let everyone die at that point.

>Key doesnt know which nog knocked her up
>Theo's own child died and his wife cucked him
>His purpose in life is to save the blacl bastard child and be a beta protectpr for a negress whore.
>Juxtaposed with Theo's wealthy patrician cousin who has a white gamer son

Its honestly poetry, pure kino


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Is that Zack Morris

Never saw it but I am going to go ahead and take a guess.

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I don't want to go to Valhalla anymore.

>LITERALLY just realized that “Children of Men” refers to the baby plot and not a metaphor for mankind

How about magical SCIENCE negresses?

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>Budget $100–130 million
>Box office $132.7 million

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It's not magical, they wuz mathematics n shiet.

My little sister thinks a couple stupid ass charity hires who were replaced by a computer a year later were instrumental in the moon landings now

haha, so relatable

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das rite whyte boi, iffy not fo us aint be no whitey on da moon

>there are zoomers that unironically believe this tripe now, just as planned

The Passage was a great book, and the trilogy was generally nice, too bad they fucked it

we wuz genius princesses and shieet

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The way this movie made it seem like they were the reason NASA got to the moon is fucking hilarious.

In real life they were nothing more than people who double checked the numbers

When I saw this scene in an (American) theatre, the crowd applauded and cheered at the line:
>Here at NASA, we all pee the same color.

this fake nonsense


>making it seem like she was central and important

jesus christ is this how it was under communism in soviet russia? like completely rewriting the history to follow a narrative?

The ethnicity changes didn't bother me much, but that movie was such shit anyway. The book's tension came from psychological/emotional situations. The movie was just flashy drawn-out action sequences.

>Is that Zack Morris
Yes it is.

Attached: zack morris_kelly.gif (480x450, 1019K)

2.7 mill profit? Not bad.

Fuck me, everything about this girl pisses me off. Especially when you hear the actress speak and you realize she's dumber than dirt.

>Every other government collapses
>British government stands alone
>Decides to keep immigrants out
>Movie tries to make the government seem bad

Fuck this shit. The government literally didn't do anything wrong.

Given that the refugees literally lead an islamic uprising against the british army....

would it be good if we could change her race with cgi? Instead of a black she can be a thot.

Yeah, I refuse to watch it simply cus oprah, dont mind the little girl being black but fuck oprah.

It's even better when you realize the movie version is a 20-foot-tall-Oprah but in the book she was literally invisible.

>books setting is a dreary New England town
>movies is 2018 LA suburbs

for some reason that upset me more than the race swap

>Takes place in LA
>The wrinkly old ladies in the book are turned into Oprah playing as Ru Paul
>Their actual centaur appearances are removed
>Several characters and planets are cut out
>Action sequences replace the emotional moments
>Bad women are changed into bad men
>The brain is changed from another pawn of the universal evil to the big boss

either the director/writer didn't understand the material or just wanted to mutilate it

It's Ava Duvernay. She doesn't give a shit. And yet WB hired her to do New Gods, so fuck them for being retarded.

>Instead of a black she can be a thot.
A japanese highscool girl please. (in uniform if possible)

Yeah what a fucking shame

apparently young negresses get triggered that they can only style their hair this way instead of having ponytails like the hwite girls and that's why later in life they buy hats made out of indian hair

Honestly why wouldn't you get a nigger it's just like a pet monkey without all the need for a exotic animal license

my god that actress is one the ugliest dog faced bitches ever put on screen. what were they thinking. her smug attitude and that silly little swagger walk she does on the bridge scene is so disgusting I could vomit. her character in westworld was insufferable as well.