Muh trolls review-bombing

>muh trolls review-bombing
Did any of you guys actually make an organized effort to bring down RT ratings of Captain Marvel? I have seen threads about the rating, but no threads calling for a boycott of the RT ratings.
And if there had been any, the answers would likely have been "we're not your personal army". Don't get me wrong, Yea Forums can be autistic, but I doubt anyone here would waste his time writing a bot for RT ratings. It's just not worth it.

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Captain Marvel has 30k user submitted reviews.
Endgame has only 10k.

Yeah, I think this has been brigaded, and if you go through the archives you will find threads will people telling you to 'Do your part'.

>but I doubt anyone here would waste his time writing a bot for RT ratings
Mmm think again sweetie. This place is full of neets with thousands of free hours under their belt.

I'm fairly busy and I created an account and the first thing I did was go and shit on Captain Marvel.

I don’t care enough about capeshit to bother with any of that autism

I didn't see any praise to it on youtube. I have yet to see any positive feedback.

Captain Marvel is pretty much universally acclaimed and yes, it's an organized effort by incel future school shooter trolls.
These white, cishet, ablebodied males have nothing but brutal hate in their "hearts" for everything and everyone who dares trigger their fragile masculinity.
I am currently in contact with RT and Metacritic, urging them to review the user reviews and possible put a moratorium on those.
tl;dr: Only MAGA-cap wearing hatemongers have a problem with that film.

its already at 35% you faggot kike, i hope it gets to 20

I don't care about any of this, but it's hilarious that user submitted ratings for a superhero movie on a website offends people

I don't think it's organized, but why do you think this has twice as many votes as infinity war had 1 day before release? It's kinda obvious

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this is so retarded. way to play directly into their narrative.

Headline two weeks from now:
Brie Larson jokes about seething internet virgins as "Captain Marvel" passes $800million at box office

Related story: DC Cucks on suicide watch. Here's why...

>if you go through the archives you will find threads will people telling you to 'Do your part'.
What do you think is the most likely happening
- A few anons making 100x troll accounts to take on CM


- Dozens of sjw mainstream outlets told people that there is a great anti CM event going on and then people come there to be part of a movement by down voting her harder.

Its their god damn right to vote on that on Rotten Tomatoes, why even have the fucking user vote if they just pretend its nazi russian robots anyway?

gamers rise up

Sure you hope that.
Because you are an incel and you cannot stand women taking space, being empowered and rocking your sad little incel world :b
But that won't stop them. You are the past. We are the future. We are more than you.

Because lots of people are dissatisfied with the movie? Suddenly people coming out in big numbers to voice their opinions is bad when it hurts Disney's wallet?

can't wait for single digits

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Who gives a fuck? Your personal worth isn't connected to this trash-heap of a website, is it?

its not thousands of neets pressing buttons, its a few turboneets with scripts

Haha your gay movie is getting bad reviews and that hurts your feelings
Brb going to go fuck my gf, keep on white knighting for capeshit retard lmao

Not sure if trolling or just retarded.

>passes $800million at box office

>You are the past. We are the future. We are more than you.
not really you faggot kike
>A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men. A different survey in 2016, from the Williams Institute, estimated that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender.

If dubs then the score will reach 1%

The threads I've seen here and on /pol/ were filled with people saying not to do this at RT because it'll just get sympathy for the flick. I think it's coming from YouTube.

Its hilarious to watch it drop like a stone. Even if it is brigading, it shows the strenghth of feeling about it,

yeah I've got 6 RT accounts.
Used every single one of them to give a horrible rating.
Maybe gonna create more just for this.

>0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender.
And that's when it is trendy.

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Proof of my previous statement that the first articles came out around 18th.

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>Windows 7

i just knew you are a subhuman.

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hitler confirms

I don't condone making lots of fake rt acccounts, but it seems like they allow throw away email providers

>alita doing good
>marvel already failing
2019 shaping up to be good.


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Let's see sweetie:
>Every hollywood star 100% united against white males and pro empowering POC and people with intersectional backgrounds
>The few bigots of the Old Reich are quickly BTFO or #metoo'd
>You don't have a gf and never will
>I am currently in 4 separate relationships
>This is just the beginning. Next Oscars will be sans white people completely
>Being that salty
Actually we are. And we have all the power behind us. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, all carriers, every publicly traded company. You've got nothing. You even lost the NFL to us lol.
The literally only thing left for you is your guns and you know what honey? Mrs. President is gonna take them away from you.

If you push controversy, you're going to get more engagement. I planned to watch and then did watch infinity war. But it was innocuous, not courting controversy, so there was nothing to say.

I haven't made an RT account, but when media pushes the narrative of it being only bigots that think this looks like trash, it's a motivator to correct that. It looks up be a film with an unattractive actress lacking charisma in a movie with boring unengaging trailers.

I think you are exactly right. The press created this little shitstorm for clicks.

Nobody organised anything here, and we only knew about it when the media started reporting on it
It probably came from youtube/facebook/reddit

stop being a moral fag, the bitch needs tearing a new one

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sorry, have to repost my reponse to you.
19th February - around 6000 "reviews" around 76%. That's realistic.
Guess when the news articles came out?
That's right, they came out on 18th February.
See for proof.
I think people just got pissed off at the news article and went to downvote

Attached: 2019-02-19 21_11_13-Captain Marvel (2019) - Rotten Tomatoes.png (1126x856, 106K)

so /pol/ is playing into their strategy?

>another day of 8+ threads at any one time about captain marvel
get help

haha fuck marvel. shit movies, and shittier political nonsense

white males are the "smaller" market for Marvel???

>so /pol/ is playing into their strategy?
Currently, the only thread on /pol/ about captain marvel has 5 replies (all telling OP to fuck off)
So no, I don't think /pol/ cares

See and
That should answer your question

The YouTube algorithm seems to love these videos. The one from worldclassbullshitters has over a million views. That Star Wars Girl channel has blown up because of this backlash. Disney must be a little pissed.

so are disney shills saying only positive comments are legit now? top lmao

Have ever seen "count to ten" threads?

If those pictures are a good sample, it's quite the diverse board compared to those companies that praise for diversity so much

Keep laughing

This movie had more pre-sell tickets then Wonder Woman, trailing only Black Panther

Seeing as how Black Panther made over a billion dollars, 800 Mil is very likely. It's just time to face facts, you guys lost the Culture War

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eks dee epic ftw

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The tactic worked for Ghostbusters.

Didnt Solo have a lot of those?

>Think SHE can fail

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Solo had the most presale tickets of all time. I'm sure the movie will do well, but those reports are meaningless.

Wonder Woman opening weekend estimatives on friday of release was 80 million

I want to do my part. Do i need to sign RT or everyone can vote?

Yeah, I'd rather Russian troll bots stop responding with their lies. Just accept already that the right side of history is right again.

Its clearly disney shill bots downvoting in order to stir up controversey (i.e. the best form of advertising).

pre sales are almost exclusively for the opening weekend. More specifically Thursday night previews and Friday. Pre sales can indicate how it will open, not how it will do overall.

>Carol Danvers can't fail
But Brie can most assuredly

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So I show that you're wrong and that's your answer. Good stuff bro. Whatever alleviates your cognitive dissonance.

As if telling people on Yea Forums, /pol/ specifically of all places, to no do something and they wouldn't do it.

dude, we're just fucking with them. You seem to think we're fighting a war, it's shitposting, and winding up all the snowflakes. Like we don't know Disney is going to make grazillions, but if we can shit on their parade for a bit why not.

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Even most threads on reddit were talking about how mediocre the trailers looked. There's been much more damage control with this movie. I think people are less inclined to voice their opinions on things they feel positively about than things they feel negatively.

Not even close. Force Awakens sold by far the most at $50+ million. It also should be noted Star Wars sell more in pre sales than any other franchise.

Not me personally, but my Russian bot network is certainly planning an attack, yes

I kinda hate WorldClassBullshitters, from the shitty intro which is trying to be funny, fails, then proceeds with two more intro jokes, to how the dude just seems to be trying to RALLY THE TROOPS AND WE ARE THE RESISTANCE. Its shit content besides the funny/sad ones about Star Wars toys. He just wants to be the leader of some kekistan 2 but from the same demographic except its somehow even worse.

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>>Being that salty
It's you who is implying that you have obesity.

Not your personal army.

not the best form of advertising when normies don't like the shit Brie Larson spouts either
Feminism is far from being as accepted as anti-racism. Most women don't even like being called feminists.

of course it's incel retards doing it
if you genuinely think it isn't you might actually be retarded and should get some help


Is there any for me to damage it if I already don’t watch capeshit and haven’t ever spend a dime on Marvel movie?

Google is your friend. There were articles about Solo breaking presale records.

Yes we organized it on our cis discord

>Culture Wars
>brought to you by Disney(tm)

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Fuck! It's over for marvel

Google is your friend as well. The only thing Solo did is beat Black Panther in its first 24 hours of pre sales. That's it.

>This movie had more pre-sell tickets then Wonder Woman, trailing only Black Panther
So did Solo.

>bring social media people to watch movie
>most dont talk about Brie


It's just the hivemind in action, not any deliberate campaign. All of the MSM articles are just making it worse




>Did any of you guys actually make an organized effort to bring down RT ratings of Captain Marvel? I
Thanks media kept bitching about it and it reminded everyone to go take 2 minutes and let Reddit downvote the Brie Shi yeap. They did it to themselves after completely organic and legitimate "downvotes" prevented an 80-90% rating.

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>Did any of you guys actually make an organized effort to bring down RT ratings of Captain Marvel?

No. Disney's just grasping for excuses to justify the over-whelming lack of interest.

Muhammad and Chang are the future, incels and roasties merely the refuse of a dying civilization. No one will remember this film in 50 years.

And that shit attitude is what killed Ocean's 8, Ghostbusters, Star Wars 8, and soon Captain Marvel.

You may be the future but the white male nerd is the present majority of comic book fandom, and he's not gonna waste his shekels on people who don't do anything but take a shit all over him.

And the white male nerd has every right to be there in the fan base. His kind created this industry and culled it through decades and generations only to have you cultural imperialists come along and decide that it's yours to take over and make to be all about you.

It's funny how hard you people worked to attack and marginalize the white male demographic, and now that you're actually succeededing in driving it out, you attack and blame them when they don't support you.

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You are both trolling and retarded. Good job.

>Did any of you guys actually make an organized effort to bring down RT ratings of Captain Marvel?
No, some people here tried to shill A Madea Family Funeral to lower Captain Marvel, that's all, the rottentomatoes it is all Disney i think, this is what's happening

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Yea Forums isnt actually all THAT big of a board.

I can't imagine any more than like, 1500 of those are from us and that's being really, really generous. I participate in Capt. Marvel meme threads all the time but I still haven't gone to RT and given this movie a shit review because I'm content to circlejerk it here with you guys.

Of course now I kind of want to do my part just to see if it can get into the teens before the review embargo gets lifted. I don't think Disney needs our help failing, they've been making really shitty hamfisted communist propaganda movies for years now.

well said, I'll spend my white privileged shekels on a film where the marketing doesn't take me for granted

This... lots of autist here doesnt even give a fuck about this shit except for laughing at footfags and brie´s nasty feet.
If someone tried to organize something, is probably the /pol/ kind of autist who believe in "cultural war" and are autist enought to spend time creating bots to vote. We just want to watch kino and fap.

nobody created bots to vote

There are youtube videos about Brie's politics with 200-500k views
It's them

I've yet to see anyone talking about this movie. Not women. Not men. No one. In fact, Yea Forums and its Brieposting is about the only time I see it getting exposure.

>We just want to watch kino and fap

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>trying this hard

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Wonder Woman had shit presales

>Marketing budget of 100 millions +
>30k clicks on rotten tomatos
Wow it's like normies don't give a shit about RT.

Brie has been constantly shitting on men on social media and in interviews.

What did she expect would happen? Don't piss on your target audience. If she was able to keep her hatred of men to herself then this wouldn't happen. I hope this pile of shit flops hard.

Yawn, faggot.

>The literally only thing left for you is your guns and you know what honey? Mrs. President is gonna take them away from you.
hahahaha being this delusional

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I'm not interested in seeing this film.

Are they deleting the "negative" reviews?

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They did the same shit with Black Panther and TLJ.

>Character with zero public consciousness plus possibly the stupidest actor constantly giving out the kind of interviews that should have them gagged
>Implication they will swooce down into Endgame nullifying characters with 10+ years investment from viewers
>Idiots insisting there's a moral obligation to see this and restarting internet fights they lost with GB16
The politics:fun ratio with this is absurd, it's a fucking superhero movie that just about no one has seen but we're all supposed to take sides like it's an election. It's badly marketed crap in a saturated market, it isn't a referendum.

did what?

reading those RT comments is like watching two rogue a.i. trying to communicate with each other.
I think we reached the point where the score is completely worthless now matter how high or low it is.

Yes we had constant threads about it a few days ago.

Three thousand dollars versus one incel vote. Remind me again why incels are the big enemy of the liberals.

You're the only who cares currently, OP. Shitting on nerds doesn't work anymore, been done too much. Need to cast a wider net

it doesn't take bots to make the score irrelevant, just look at the critics review score

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I don't even visit RT

I didn't either, but decide to do my bit

It's actually sad man because with this film they're trying to set up the Skrull stuff post-Infinity Gauntlet.

But maybe that's enough. I'm already tired of Marvel. Who really cares about their films after End Game?

Yeah people are definitely making multiple accounts to dislike it. Can someone explain to me why grown ass men are so angry at a goddamn superhero movie?

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Let me ask you the question nobody asking: What are you getting from this?

>shitposting, and winding up all the snowflakes.
Damn is it 2016 again?

Maybe because they don't like being insulted and belittled

you must be sum bitch, after how Disney has fucked over the fandom community, not just with MCU, but SW you still shill for them.

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Not him but getting from what?

The kids actively doing that shit are mostly gonna be using discord and fb groups and stuff.

My roommate was playing COD earlier in a party with like 6 other of his gamergate brahs and they all voted earlier when they were talking about it.

>insulted and belittled
I legitimately haven't been following this so you'll have to give me an example. Damn snowflakes getting offended by everything it seems

the people you trust are the only ones abusing you


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>with like 6 other of his gamergate brahs
Come on now.

>muh fandom community

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I mean idk if they were literally into gamergate in 2014 or not. They're all hyper "gamer" politikal and were commenting about the other fucking Yea Forums thread showing the low "want to see" rating.

And the most autistic part is he's going to see it like opening day.

how much did they pay you to type this?

Try harder, shill, you must try harder.

Be more subtle please.

Couldn't the reverse just said for all the people literally seething on the internet over someone with political views that differ from their's?

Looks like after all the RT score is completely worthless and despite being so low isn't fit to tell if this movie will really bomb and that it still can be a great hit while nobody really wants to watch it.

someone post the brie version of this image

I heard they were also saying "THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY"

>what is google

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Hollywood Reporter actually called it like it is, writing big scathing articles about the downvoting just gave it way more attention and has strengthened it

Who are you quoting? Yeah she seems like a ditz but this is a capeshit movie. Why is everyone acting fucking crazy? Is everyone that goddamn sensitive?

nobody on infinity war told white men to stay home. We have to do something with our time.

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Why would you want to associate with these people or their creations?
If some dude was selling ice cream and went out of his way to shit talk Korean people for 5 minutes, I wouldn't go back.

is this it?

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Those evil trolls intentionally misinterpreted Brie telling white men to go away as Brie hating on white men.

>these people
She didn't write the movie dude. And would you obsess over this icecream guy and put a video on youtube about him everyday? I'm not saying that people aren't allowed to not like her and not see the movie but people are freaking out. Just vote with your wallets.

>food analogy

that's the point. it has to have been review bombed because nobody would hear about a movie, think "i don't want to see it", then go to the page and let everyone know. if you're not interested in the movie then you just do something else

idk how to be more subtle dog. Things just be like they do. I've played with most of them before on pubg. They're edgy as shit. Literally the only things they fucking talk about are reactionary identity politics shit.

if you don't want to see it, dont?

Why do you let other people control your behavior and emotions so much?

You know that expression "never mind the bollocks?"

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30,252 ratings out of the 10^60 capeshit drones that are going to see the movie anyways

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>Why do you let other people control your behavior and emotions so much?

Why take anything into consideration then? Just do things and don't worry about little agendas here and there that insult your very being. I feel embarrassed for these people.

>insult your very being.
So you're offended and need to tell everyone? The tables certainly have turned

I created over 9000 accounts to give negative reviews to this movie


It's not an insult on my emotional and personal being, but an insult on my time and intelligence.
I'm tired of these cringe politics in media. They're not even smart about their agendas. They're bitter people, I honestly feel bad for them.

Who says this stuff? These people think that the world is twitter or something. It's like autists here that 'greentext irl'.

So I just want nothing to do with their movie. Leave me out of it.

the same shit

>So I just want nothing to do with their movie. Leave me out of it.
Then don't see it you doofus. What else has to be said?

Yes, I personally wrote a review bomb bot that creates accounts with fake email addresses and different VPNs/hacked machines to ruin the scores of The Last Jedi, Ghostbusters 2016, and now Captain Marvel.

So far I have 18,000 accounts that have down voted the "want to see" of Captain Marvel and 75,000 in reserve to down vote the actual movie rating when it comes out.

I do all of this for Lord Kek and ComicsGate and Ethan Van Sciver and Richard C. Meyer. Get woke go broke and MAGA go Trump!

This is a secret so don't share this anywhere else. If RT gets suspicious they might start blocking accounts from strange IPs.

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>guaranteed responses
Jesus look how butthurt all the responses to this are, and i'm a right winger

Alright boys damage reports.

I have made 6000 fake accounts to downvote this movie. Anyone else higher than me? Living in Moscow is fucking boring so I dont mind, xD

Even /pol/ can stay on topic. Most threads are here on Yea Forums sincee there have been nonstop threads about the movie for months

>sympathetic villain ruins everything by giving away his plan prematurely

ugh, so sick of this trope

>imagine being so obsessed you make multiple videos a day about the same subject

>The YouTube algorithm seems to love these videos.
in other words, youtube users love these videos.

It's the easiest way to grow your channel right now on YouTube. Everyone who has made a video about Brie Larson being a cunt has had minimum 20% sub growth in the last 2 months.

People aren't doing it because they want to they're doing it for shekels or the potential of future shekels.

>Why take anything into consideration then?
When it comes identity politics in kid's movies? Yeah why do any of it? What are you going to get out of really getting engaged in these cultural meme wars? You'll be distracted and engaged for a while and then you'll just move on to some other thing to be upset about and you can kind of just do that for the rest of your life. Or you can just, NOT do that and everything will happen regardless, and the only real difference is that you won't have spent all that time self-agitating over a kid's movie.

Like every time you feel the impulse to get baited into some outrage scandal bait, just do something else! It literally will not make a difference. Your brain probably isn't even encoding most of this shit. In 5, 10, 20 years, this is all just void space in your memory.

>Just do things and don't worry about little agendas here and there that insult your very being.
Movies being made to appeal to the 50% of the potential consumer base that are generally an untapped resources isn't an "insult to your very being." It's capitalism. You're choosing to feel "insulted."
>I feel embarrassed for these people.
They don't really think about you at all generally. Like you have malignant, politically-motivated feelings about a children's movie. You're unironically "insulted" by ANYTHING having to do with a comic book movie. Who the fuck are you to be feeling "embarrassed" for other people?

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I feel sad for these people because this movie shouldn't be having this sort of backlash already.

>They don't really think about you at all generally. Like you have malignant, politically-motivated feelings about a children's movie

This is how everyone ostracizes other people from their products in the end. Do you know how bad it is for business to have your lead actress decry played out social politics for a comic book film?

>Who cares if you're embarrassed
>The movie's not for you
>It's a kids film nerd, lol
>Literally don't get upset

No one's upset. I'm upset for them. Like a parent whose kid taking cocaine or something.


Outside of twitter, I literally see no praise for this movie. Youtube is just 24/7 shitting on it

People are waiting to see it, whereas the idiots are just saying its bad before seeing it
ie, you're just paying attention to idiots
What a surprise

>People are waiting to see it
That hasn't stopped any other Marvel movie getting mass praise prior to release, why is this one different?


>grown ass men

It's not that close to release yet
Report back a week before release and you'll probably see the praise that you're used to seeing, which only happens around then. So in another 5 days or so
The only people making noise right now are the people who are saying shit like "brie larson is killing the mcu" or something. you click on one video, suddenly you're flooded with similar videos and channels in your recommended
In fact, having quickly done a search on google...
BP released feb 16
I searched "black panther" with time period feb 1 - 8, and feb 8 - 15. feb 8 - 15 saw just a few more praise-like articles, but largely not that different from feb 1 - 8. feb 1-8 would correspond to the 2nd to last week prior to captain marvel release, so feb 21-28. It's about the same as BP

If you think this was 100% organic and not brigaded at all, you're being a silly pants. So does that mean I'm saying that it's 100% brigaded? No, but I don't think it's honestly as low as 33% either. My guess would be closer to 40-45%, which is still bad and laugh worthy.

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Molly? Luna? Valeria? Gabby?
Please let it be about Gabby

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I think there are people motivated to review this movie from the articles about the score that wouldn't otherwise be motivated to vote; however, that seems like an internet reaction to bad publicity more than brigading. I haven't seen any evidence to suggest alt account spam (and RT likely hates this publicity so they are undoubtedly looking for it) nor do I think a post on Yea Forums asking people to "do their part" constitutes as proof for brigading.

I think people saw an article about the review bomb or a tweet from someone complaining about it and that motivated them to voice their opinion that "no I actually don't want to see this" is a genuinely motivated sentiment.

I don't even have an account.

I think it's literally falseflagging, there's no way a bunch of retarded underage MAGA kids could do this, or "Russians". Don't think I'm throwing out that term because of things, its mostly the "meme" kiddies who use "kek" etc in those cringe images that make anyone on the right look like an idiot, besides old 70+ men being fucking retards too.

Has to be a falseflag. I can't believe it otherwise. More outrage fuel for the libshit media machine.

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>I think it's literally falseflagging, there's no way a bunch of retarded underage MAGA kids could do this, or "Russians".


Calm yourself libtard.
Next you'll claim that a $700mil domestic gross for a B-grade superhero that was only propped due to race somehow was 100% legit.
Also again, seems to be you glazed over my post. Also Disney moms, Solo damage control, Ghostbusters, etc.

There's no way to organize that many "virginal NEETs" as you claim.
Or Poe's Law, and you're pretending to be retarded, and congrats, I gave a (You).

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Nah. People are doing it to piss off libtards and media, since they made a big stink about some people not wanting to see this movie. They kind of dug their own grave. The more they complain about it, the more people will want to bring down the score. At this point it's sort of a competition to see how low it can get until the movie premieres.

I honestly cant tell whats legit bait and whats autism.

>It looks up be a film with an unattractive actress lacking charisma in a movie with boring unengaging trailers.

No its j just incels and m m m misogyny

We considered it, but in the end decided not to. Those low numbers are completely legit.

>with boring unengaging trailers.
The only legitimate point you made

>did any of you
>of you
Probably not anybody from Yea Forums
but its pretty easy to get people fired up about the "culture war" so that they'll do it of their own volition
It's really nothing new
Downvoting CM is just virtue signalling from right wingers

no, his other point was better: unattractive actress is a big one. personally, I still haven't bothered watching wonder woman (for free). I'm just not attracted to the alien they cast to play her. same with this. I'd eventually get bored and watch schlock if the chick was hot, but she's not.

>review bomb

those aren't reviews you imbecile

This. I will never see captian marvel. I wanted to but brie had to shove her fucking virtue signaling and identity politics into it so per my rule, the minute any of my entertainment gets political i drop it completely. I watch entertainment to be entertained not have peoples personal opinions shoved in my face and then get insulted if i dont agree with them.

She is factually fairly ugly, a woman in a superhero AAA hollywood movie should be nothing short than a top 5%

>unattractive actress is a big one
I'd agree if the movie was marketed towards people who just wanna see a sexy girl for 2 hours
But it isn't. So not a legitimate point

My parents have gone to see every marvel film in theatres the first weekend it comes out. This is the first time they arent going. They both just think it doesnt look very good and my mother of all people said "that actress seems kind of bitchy and smug in the trailers" keep in mind these two are about as normie as you can be. Thats not a good sign if mega normies dont like brie because she comes off like a bitch.

I told my autistic brother to do it, he is review bombing nonstop for 5 days.

>She's factually fairly ugly
Let's pretend that's true
>a woman in a superhero AAA hollywood movie should be nothing short than a top 5%
That's your opinion, not a written rule
The fact that you're focusing on that instead of the only concrete evidence out so far
>boring trailers
demonstrates you have an agenda and aren't interested in facts

I also will never understand gal gadot being seen as this gorgeous sex symbol. Literally looks like a stick with an alien head.

>30k user ratings
it was like 50% yesterday with 15k user ratings, the fuck happened? i didnt see any threads on here

You need help understanding that irl someone having a different opinion than you doesnt mean that person is 100% wrong or a bad person. News flash not everyone thinks like YOU. I know that kills your narrative but im trying to help your twisted mind.

Do you think people pay to see ugly people who cant act prance around wearing latex costumes and capes for 2 hours? This is why you have a casting call. To weed out these ugly people who can't act for shit.

>hoping i'll talk about his irrelevant nonsense
Welp looks like you have no argument

that's everyone. nobody wants to watch an ugly woman for 2 hours in capeshit. capeshit is about superficial thrills including sexual attraction. name a recent successful capeshit movie with an ugly male lead. doesn't exist. meanwhile they cast some plain jane with no curves and expect people to give a shit. wonder woman was still a reasonable cast for normies as they don't understand angles and makeup. with brie larson not even angles and makeup are going to sell anyone on the fantasy that she's pretty.

What about ugly people who can act?

>that's everyone
that's projection

There are nonstop articles about it by the mediuh. A lot of people are probably doing it because they know it pisses them off.

They're okay but superhero movies aren't the right fit for them, unless they're playing a villain. Superheroes are supposed to be ubermensch.

>sex doesn't sell
yeah, it's just a coincidence that all the successful capeshit franchises have attractive leads.

If "all publicity is good publicity" was a false idea we wouldn't have president Trump.

well why can’t the white man share?
why does the white man have to antagonize and ruin films that have nothing to do with it? Brie Larson might be an angry bitch, but you are also a racist, will you acknowledge that

>sex sells
>poster says ONLY sex sells
>sex isn't the only thing that sells
It's like y'all hate facts when it dont like it.

>poster says ONLY sex sells
nobody said this.

>that's everyone
>Do you think people pay to see ugly people

everyone who watches capeshit wants to see attractive actors. fact. this isn't faux indie "art" we're talking about. literally every single person who regularly watches capeshit expects attractive actors of the sex they prefer. is there a hot guy in captain marvel at least? if not then "everyone" is true. if there is then I guess the movie could attract the 20% women who take the initiative to see capeshit in cinema (instead of being dragged there by Chad or male friends always picking the movie).

Anyone who refers to themselves as a gamer is a useless faggot and should neck themselves. Games aren't fucking culture you autists. You're grown men playing with baby toys

>everyone who watches capeshit wants to see attractive actors
It only takes one example to falsify your argument
I, for one, don't care about the attractiveness of MCU actors, so everything you said has to be re-evaluated. And by that, you have to make sure everyone else but me watches it for the reasons you stated.
You also changed your argument from
>people don't want to watch ugly
>everyone wants to watch attractive
It seems you can't make up your mind as you what you really want to say. You're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping people will join you in your outrage

1) I'm not outraged.
2) You're not making yourself look as smart as you think by focusing on semantics and being obtuse to hyperbole.

Most people won't bother to say they want to see a movie, but everyone loves to speak when they don't like something.

Not him but you keep moving the goalposts and strawmanning that he has to clarify and reiterate every time you reply.

BTW you're an idiot. Cheers.

Attached: 1537183862362.png (525x698, 565K)

Incorrect. Because they literally don't mean the same thing. That you're trying to turn it into
>you're just arguing semantics
Demonstrates you have no interest in clarification and only want to argue in circles over whether or not something is semantics

Hyperbole is just rhetoric not argument
So you're admitting you have no argument - just hyperbole. Just note how nothing you said addressed the substance of my post, just nitpicks about how i look or how you look

You're mistaking me for him
he's moving the goalposts, and then he's saying no you're just talking about semantics over something that literally mean different things
Cheers to you too user

Hahahaha!! fucking hell the comments on JewTube are epic.

>what is a strawman

Attached: 1463930928711.jpg (807x659, 42K)

EchoChamberTube more like
libtard channels have libtard comments
alt-right channels have alt-right comments

Should I know what this means and why it's apparently important enough to get 200+ replies?

Attached: 1537774212693.png (483x470, 184K)