>has everything to be the best Macbeth adaptation ever
>still fails
What went wrong?
Has everything to be the best Macbeth adaptation ever
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Not enough minorities
>ancient europe
>women have manicured eyebrows and botox lips
Has fastbender been in a good movie recently, he seems like movie poison.
I'd have to imagine that while well known, Shakespeare just isnt that popular.
>is more concerned with looking cool than actually adapting the material faithfully
>everybody's performance is dry, lifeless and understated rather than dramatic and bombastic like a stage play should be
Plays should be read. Adaptions always skip all the juciy dialogue.
Watching plays is shit-tier, filmed or performed live doesn't matter.
>Plays should be read.
no niggers or fags
Shakespeare's plays were good for their time because that was the way in which people spoke; it was pure entertainment through and through. Now we admire him for his poeticism and language, and his writing is best appreciated when it can read. Trying to adopt his writings to a movie before a modern audience is just wankery. The dialogue comes off as stilted, and unless there's some exceptional directing going on, the movie's going to feel like a dud.
Shakespeare is exceptional. But his plays are not suited to the big screen as is.
>the best Macbeth adaptation ever
I don't believe you've watched any Macbeth adaptation especially the one you are shilling.
>alarum pleb filter
Greatest adaptation thus far.
You have a shit reading comprehension, don't you?
>implying you actually watched the movie
Lack of an audience I think.
Shakespeare and Ibsen didn't waste space, cutting out all the dialogue to fit some arbitrary 2 hour format is ridiculous.
It failed to pull an audience when it released but it's still an enjoyable movie
Converting Shakes into something attempting to court normies is silly.
It's Shakespeare, only a certain percentage of the population is going to appreciate it.
Coriolanus did really good by comparison.
nobody in the movie speaks above a whisper, which on its own is pretty bad but when you're adapting shakespeare it's really bad
Seeing a play live is great, though
Throne of Blood is actually the best Macbeth adaptation.
only shakespeare film I've actually enjoyed watching (I pretend to like several of them to seem cultured) is Ran