Why do we hate her again?

Why do we hate her again?

Attached: brie arson.webm (1280x720, 571K)

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we want to be inside her

> that flat ass
God really hates White people, Jesus

literally no hips at all

she's not a fridge

Attached: brie larson bikini.webm (640x1048, 795K)

That hunch of hers, is she a femcel?

because she couldnt just make a dumb capeshit movie, she has to make sure to make a wasteful cause and a political agenda out of it.

people go to cinema to get entertained.
cinema has and will always be about entertaining the masses for a low price since most people wont bother to buy an expensive ticket for an opera or an acutal theater.
She pretty much doesnt understand the point of cinema, from her point of you all that matters is not just playing the character you are paid for but to make it about yourself.
She is a barely okeyish actress, nothing more. She is no politicial nor is she a philosopher.
She is just suppoed to make dumb movies for plebs to enjoy after a long day of work.

Imagine working a hard labor job, specially as a man and you go home buy a ticket for a movie to have a decent time, escape from reality and just chill.
and shit bafoon with her high paying low suffering job is trying to tell you how to live and think.
Not only is your boss an annoying faggot but now you cant just enjoy the movie because even this princess has to make it about herself.

She is a worthless piece of garbage that could be replaced by any blonde bimbo with a bigger ass.

of course not

Attached: brie babysitter.webm (640x360, 717K)

I just wanna watch a movie, not be preached at about what I should or should not think. It's fucking old and tired at this point. You play act in movies, you aren't someone I give a shit about or look up to. Get over yourself.

lmfao I forgot she was in United States of Tara. had no idea she'd be a future Oscar winning actress back then, she was just a qt that I would crush on while Toni Colette was going full-retard and making a fool of herself

why not just watch the movie retard? actors have always had shit opinions. Sean Penn was such a retard his entire career, even liberals were sick of him, yet he's a great actor and I can divorce the person from the art and enjoy his movies

>caring about Brie Larson
her oscar win was basically hollywood saying "congrats no go away please"

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>why not just watch the movie retard?
because there are people with a mind beyond that of a child who cant just simply ignore shit.

I wish cakefarts would come back as a big meme.

She cute


Because she's a smug dumb bitch and I'm sick of liberal actors acting like their million dollar make believe playtime is "important" community service or charity.

You're right, you never see a conservative taking themselves too seriously

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The Irishman's dream woman


I would lick her pits desu

she doesn't put her money where her mouth is

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nig detected

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