The Woke Knight Rises
>"There's things all the time that I catch myself doing. Case in point, sitting here with my feet on the table," he told writer Alexandra Pollard. "I mean like, I'm just being comfortable and relaxed, but like ... There are things all the time that I catch myself doing and I think, 'Wait a second, is this white privilege? Yeah, I think it is. Look at what I'm doing. Yeesh.' "
>Despite being aware of his privilege in that moment, Pollard noted that Hammer did not remove his feet from atop the desk.
sounds like he's taking the piss desu
Hoping this is some good old sarcastic white male humor, I like this dude
Based Jew.
>'Wait a second, is this white privilege? Yeah, I think it is. Look at what I'm doing. Yeesh.'
this happened to me once, was pretty embarrassed at the time but turned out blacks jack off in public too
>Pollard noted that Hammer did not remove his feet from atop the desk.
Exactly. Another Jew/Mischling playing his part.
Are they required to say or pressured by people under threat of their job or something?
It seems like it.
"You have to say white males are baddd REE."
>Rumored Batman Actor
So, is he even a real actor
Ah shit wait yeah nevermind, he was in the lone ranger like 9 years ago
absolutely based
>His paternal great-grandfather was oil.
/ourguy/ for sure, he might even lurk here
>another half decade of pure tears
Will Yea Forums ever stop losing?
I wish my great granpappy was oil.
I knew Cavill had good taste in friends
Blackness is threatening. Their entire culture revolves around violence.
*sips milk*
Is this white privilege? Yeesh.
I need more context. What is anyone losing?
but they're not very good at it. whites have been far more successfull in this department and it's one reason (''white'' history of violence) that seems to tick everybody off
seems like a lot of their culture revolves around writing poems tbphwyf
But whose side is he on?
Oh, well never mind then.
based anti white kike
hes playing 4d chess
at what point did all this shit kick into high gear? i dont recall Hollywood being this anti-white even 5 years ago. did they kick it into high gear in retaliation for the trump election victory just to spite middle class whites?