What made this show so good?

What made this show so good?

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James Gandolfini.

>good cast
>interesting storylines
>funny humor

Was tony a chad?

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couldn't get past the first season the shit is a snooze fest.

Watch it

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Absolute pleb. State your top three favorite shows


You're weak, you're out of control, and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everyone else.

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Stupida fucking post

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You remember your first blowjob?

If you’re going to come in come in heavy

Fuck off AJ

CHRIS: then the girl calls him onii-chan. that means he's her brother, right?

PAULIE: the girl's bangin her brother?
SILVIO: naww
TONY: who's bangin her brother
PAULIE: girl in chrissy's comic book
SILVIO: it's a manga, and he ain't her brother. it's a honorific

TONY: lemme look at that
SILVIO: wrong way, tone. ya read it back to front, right to left
TONY: right to left, up is down, this broad's bangin her brother *chuckles* the fuck is wrong with japan

PAULIE: *points with cig* whys the guy's nose bleedin
SILVIO: *shrugs* artistic shorthand. means he's pitchin a tent

TONY: you got more of these chrissy
CHRIS: i got one where a girl's head gets cut off. girl grows a new head, head grows a new girl
TONY: what the fuck
CHRIS: hand on the fuckin bible tone
PAULIE: ehhhh. that's unhealthy
SILVIO: it's tomie

FURIO: in italy we do not read these things

CARMELA: what is that
TONY: crazy comic book. from Japan
CARM: ugh. looks like the smut ya son watches on that laptop computer
TONY: ohh, he's MY son when he's watchin hentai?


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the jaaaackeeeettt

How long did it take the guy to cum? HEHEHEHEH

Sopranos season 1 ep 1 now starting live at basedstream.com

Streaming the whole series stop by now and the next couple days to see where we're at.

>no one has mentioned the writing yet

Was he the comfiest character or the most tortured?

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acting is good. that's about it


The dreams episodes were horny AF DESU

Phil is the comfiest character.

I hated him the first time I watched the show for some reason, the second time every scene he's in is kino

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Because you're A FAGGGG!

trips = truth

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T-Rex in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve would be running all the time, scared shitless

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he gets better each time I watch it

jeshush chrisht AJ

> be thick Italian milf
>have to tell housewives to take Xanax and spineless men to resolve their daddy issues
>unit tony comes in mob boss take no prisoners attitude tell her stories about “coffee”
>first tingles

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It was made in a different time. If made today, Carmella would have the same screen time as Tony, Noah would have punched Tony's lights out, Christopher would be half-asian, Paulie would be gay, Ralph's GFs would be 40 and black, Livia would be framed as correct, Vito would have a trans son, Johnny Sack would be in the closet, Junior would be depicted as a horrible racist, Janice would be a hard-working single Mom with a tragic past, Sil would have let half-latina Adrianna go, The Bing would just be a bar, and Melfi would lecture Tony on his bigotry, misogyny and toxic masculinity every episode.

carm does have pretty much the same amount of screen time as tony what the fuck are you talking about


>Melfi would lecture Tony on his bigotry, misogyny and toxic masculinity every episode.
I'd actually be okay with this because her character is designed to annoy Tony.


>Tfw will never have the confidence and charm to wear as much jewelry as sil

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I'd drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie

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You don't really mean that

And she still wanted tony

>hfw she reads all of your mummy posting

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he was just a pimp but also he was the only character that was 100% loyal to Tony, not even paulie

It should be illegal to be this wrong

>100% loyal
he undermined him once though

Was Chrissy the original doomer?


Tfw he got to eat Adriana’s ass

A doomer doesn't necessarily need to be some kind of incel. Many memes have doomers reminisce of previous happy times, which suggests they aren't total autists. Doomer is more about the bleak outlook.

Made me chuckle all were spot on except the last one.

Paulie is the doomer

Paulie is obviously the boomer

Paulie Chris are doomer
Hugh is bloomer
Artie is boomer



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20 years in the can.. and for what?

isnt this being streamed on basedstream by bong right now?


>Big Bang Theory

Perfect casting.

the office
true blood


>Carmella would have told Pussy's wife to find a new man instead of stick with him like a real Christian would.

retards laughing off from mafioso anecdotes

Attention to details and James Gandolfini.
Chase wrote some incredibly subtle sybolism and subtext.


Every episode is like hanging out with old friends.

This. Sopranos isn't really about the mob, it's about life.

lol okay geek it's all about the mafia pussy and funny jokes

he's also literally /ourguy.

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Sure we break some balls here, but I go way back, and in light of some recent humiliations its honored to be joined by men AND NOT FAGGOT-ASS CORNHOLING COCKSUCKERS LIKE MARRIED MY COUSIN! HE SHOULD FUCKING DIE!

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Worst character

His son is half Asian? Damn he looks exactly like James in recent pictures, I would never have known.

The writing mainly. Even Tony could've been played by someone else less talented and it would've been a good show.

one of the funniest characters


Interesting well written characters in a show made before the PC-era

No more of this, butchie

The show touched on some things like race, homophobia and sexism - what makes it stand out is that they did it in a tasteful way

Go back.

I wish Yea Forums were creative like this more often

That’s from his second wife

Than you will be disappointed with the later seasons cause the first one is the best

he never had the makings of a varsity athlete

I like that weirdly shot scene where he's having an argument with Tony and lil Carmine but they obviously didn't film him standing at the window of his house

Yeah the rest of the 6 seasons are a total clusterfuck. That ending too...

great show but what blows my mind is that the entire show broke down to 'theres a gay guy and he gets literally everyone killed'

>muh reading comprehension

Bloatmaxed ex-Chadlite

I liked them all but the last two season were pretty weak. The shows libtard creators are annoying with their constant Marxist-PC nonsense.

Paulie and Phil were the only characters with super powers. Paulie could communicate with the Virgin Mary and Phil could morph in to a house. Of course they survived the decades unscathed. There's a moment when Little Carmine and Tony go to see Phil at his house to broker a truce. Nobody answers so the two start to walk away, only for Phil to start yelling at them to "go back to New Jersey" from his window. It's hard to see Phil's outline at all, and the way the camera just hangs on the outside of the house makes it almost seem like the house itself is talking with Phil's voice.

Started watching it yesterday after saying I would for like 15 years

It's great, comfy as fuck too, just watched the college episode.

Heh same it was a comfy time the late 90s early 2000s lowkey the best thing is all their outfits comfy slacks button down bowling shirts and jewellery

When it turned into a full on "human condition" thing in the final few seasons


It drops redpills upon redpills throughout. HBO would never make this show today.

>paulie's black magic scene
>paulie seeing the virgin
>devil standing in the shadow in the stairs
>pussy in the mirror

some of the scariest and unsettling shit i've seen

The wire is better

Why did he have to go bros ..



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The wire was overrated. Most people who liked it were whites who fantasize about hood life.

The fact that David Chase didn't give a fuck about what anyone thought and had complete control over whatever he wanted to do with it hoping it would get canceled so he could get out of the T.V. business. That and the casting.

Sad but true and it pisses me off for some reason.

Violated many NDA's and brought fucking Gotti's daughter to the set, kek.

Shows how much of a sheltered teen you are. A lot of nonwhites like it. Season 2 especially.

Wtf really? Tell me more. He was talktative?

Gonna be a yikes from me dawg

Livia WAS right.

That's at least according to Entertainment Lawyer. Yeah, apparently he was a blabbermouth

tha boss money

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With the tiles at the job site.
>Knock off the tile? Tony says no.

And what was that deal with Sil telling New York about the zone Tony made profit in? At least the cinematography suggested he told them.

That's enough to get completely written out of the show in that weird manner?

I mean violating NDA's and bringing the daughter of arguably the most powerful LCN boss ever into the fold? There's a line later in the show when T and Carm are fighting and T says about F "if certain people see him, he's dead" I still think that was done purposefully by Chase et al over what the actor did.

>don't explain things through dialogue (first season they did but they got over it)
>every season has 1 or 2 overarching storylines that get some service in most episodes
>smaller several-episode-long plots that last most of the season
>each episode has one or two of its own internal contained plots
it's nice

I'm being an absolute brainlet here but what's wrong with bringing the daughter?

Nah you have a point, it's more me extrapolating. But if I were the creators I would want nothing to do with that.

Ah yes, it's understandable if they were like "Fuck that", and not bring someone with such close ties like the daughter. Is this why he didn't get a lot of roles after?

I wouldn't doubt it. I heard through the scuttlebutt that he bought a painting at some flea market that was worth millions for only a couple bucks, then lived off of that for a long time kek. I couldn't source that, just heard it thirdhand.

Nothing, it's complete shit. Wire is much better than this horseshit


you gotta bee on you-a-post


Wire was gay. Go watch some more Blacked vids

official wire characters power rankings brought to you by Yea Forums
>realest niggas in the game tier
slim charles
jay landsman
>DAT WMD tier
prop joe
hungry man
wee bey
sergei malatov
>dindu nuffin tier of gud boys who dindu nuffin tier
frank sobotka
omar little
fat face rick
>bitch niggas with too much white blood in em tier
chris partlow
>disgusting subhumans that need a bullet tier
maurice levy
clay davis
d'angelo barksdale

they're both good :)
pretty easy to google that en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federico_Castelluccio#Painting_discovery
he's also a good painter himself

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Nah I heard that too. He madr massive bank off of it, enough to live without being under the spotlight. It's sad cos he could have went places .

>That scene where Paulie gets mocked by Mikey's ghost and the gang of Paulie's victims he led

>devil standing in the shadow in the stairs

He had the best biceps for his age.

How about a cb radio?

More like very good painter
Artie Bucco was the funniest character


streaming all of sopranos @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


He won the chin ups cup tree weeks in a row.

it went to shit after season 2, this is irrefutable. first 2 seasons were comfy as fuck and never took themselves too seriously. it was more a dark comedy/over the top mob glorification