This is the greatest DVD of all time, if you haven't watched it...fuck you watch it now!

This is the greatest DVD of all time, if you haven't watched it...fuck you watch it now!

Attached: R-2448578-1284889391.jpeg.jpg (444x600, 121K)

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Nirvana isn't dadrock, they're a 90s band and popular with all young people

hi zoomer

What am I suppose to be reading? Isn't this music?

It's a DVD, it's a film, 1h37m of Nirvana's Reading 1992 gig which is widely considered to be one of the best live shows in history

t. middle aged white man

Nirvana is easily one of, if not -the- most overrated bands of all time. Garbage at their instruments, garbage lyrics that made no sense (despite Cobain and his fan's claiming they were deep). Total shit show.

I was more of a they might be Giants fan

So it's an hour and a half of nirvana reading something ? Like a book ? This sounds boring.
Wow Kurt reads a book on stage! SO DEEP!! Who is he Andy Kaufman ? Ahaha

I'm a 20 year old Mexican, nice try pleb, shouldn't you be listening to Mac De Marco or some shit

Nirvana fucking sucks

Nirvana sucks. Glad that faggot blew his head off. What a whiney cunt. He would be one of those fags marching with the metoo movement

t. 33 year old boomer

>not Stop Making sense

came here to post this

You're retarded. Pink Floyd and Led Zepp are dad rock, not fucking Nirvana.

nirvana is dadrock to 12 year old zoomers that browse this board now

Kurt did admit to raping a disabled girl in his journal so he probably wouldn't be championing the #MeToo movement.

Limp Bizkit is dad rock now.


user... the 90s were 30 years ago...

can't wait for justin bieber to be labeled dadrock

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>justin bieber

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If it isn't Stone Temple Pilots then it's probably gay

>greatest ever
never thought I would read those three words in the same sentence

Dave grohl is an amazing drummer you pleb

ironically dads and 12 year old zoomers are the only people listening to nirvana

Zoom zoom

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Nirvana? Heh, I remember when I was 12 and a major poser. Listen to real music, kid.

People who grew up in the 90s are now fathers, based retard.

Cobain was a whiny fag who deserved to die

>garbage lyrics that made no sense

Wow. Thirty years later and Nirvana is still the ultimate pleb filter.

Explain to me how "deep" a bunch of mumbled lines made sense

>Listen to real music, kid
>posts KORN

What did he mean by this?

Grohl wasn't even the best drummer in Nirvana.

You'll just suck my dick and FUCKING LIKE IT!

You must be new here

would anyone care about nirvana if kurt didn't kill himself
everything they ever did was already done better by the pixies

and everything the pixies did was done better by the gun club

and everything the gun club did was done better by the wipers

and everything wipers did was done better by the ramones

and everything the ramones did was done better by the stooges

and everything the stooges did was done worse by the sonics

Fun House might well be the greatest rock LP of all time, absolutely.

It's probably my fave proto punk along with Modern Lovers 1st LP and VU & Nico

Did They make an Opening for Gundam? Or is that linkin park im thinking of/

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The way the wind moves his hair at some points was absolutely fantastic, real life kino.

Chad Channing's work on Bleach does not sound good. Dave Grohl is a genuinely good musician, are you just lookin to start trouble m8?

Both excellent choices, I know Zappa isn't traditionally thought as proto-punk, I think his Freak Out! in 1966 was incredibly punk.

Nirvana is shit, Alice in Chains is the patrician choice.

Dadrock isn't music that your dad happens to listen to.

how do you tolerate layne staley's vocals? i've always wanted to get into the band but i fucking hate yarling.

Thinking about rewatching Soaked in Bleach.

Who do you think killed Kurt Yea Forums??

This. The only good thing about Nirvana is Dave Grohl.

I dunno I just relate to a guy being completely ravaged by drugs, it comes through in his delivery.

Lyrics are irrelevant you philistine.
Music is all that matters.

>can't express himself without memes
Piece of shit. Here's a meme for you.

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Third best Nirvana DVD
1. live tonight sold out
2. Unplugged
3. Reading 92

>Alice in Chains is the patrician choice.
literally a glam metal band that reinvented themselves to cash in on the movement

Attached: glam.jpg (500x395, 83K)

what exactly was there for them to cash in on in '87 when only a handful of obscure bands (and soundgarden) were making this music? that and only staley was in the glam band.


Here's the true Nirvana kino, although it's mostly a SY film.

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what are you into gorilla hop

cobain had some songwriting talents but there legacy exceeds them due to being the right band sound for the times
