What kino was it?

what kino was it?

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Ace Ventura


birth of a nation

this comic is old now. the girl in the comic would probably be another 10 years older. probably either killed by a black bf or drunk all the time

"Kill All Black Transbians 2"


Austin Powers

Triumph of the will


Most movies made before 2008

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Blade Runner has a rape scene, so probably something like that

>the girl in the comic

But yes, is still likely dead.

>the intro literally has racist homophobic jokes within the first 2 mins

it really is kino

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All of them. I notice tons of shit in all the old stuff I love that would be offensive today.

>this comic is old now. the girl in the comic would probably be another 10 years older.

This comic was made less than three years ago.

>he's handsome
does not compute

fixed for realism

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literally me, minus the netflix subscription

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Jesus, it's so accurate it almost isn't funny.

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Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?

>stairs burger

>Malcolm X
>Anything related to peace

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wheres the lie?

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If a single word can honestly make you mentally disappear into a black hole of dread from an otherwise pleasant context you need therapy.

Read a history book, nigger. He changed his tune dramatically after his hajj, and started breaching peace and brotherhood of man and such, and that's when he got assassinated.

he did want peace, though. It's the TOGETHER part you should be laughing at

Everyone became pussified because boomers are overprotective helicopter parents. They think their kids are perfect and can do no wrong, so they go to great lengths to protect and explain away every misstep they take in life, because if they didn't, then THEY would have to take responsibility for their shitty parenting, and we can't have that, now can we? Thus we end up with a generation of self-important, narcissistic assholes who are now slowly taking the reigns of society and are incapable of taking any criticism, constructive or otherwise.
tldr: A generation of spoiled brats raised another generation of spoiled brats, leading to the mess we have now.

>the 90s have aged badly
t. the decade that will be ridiculed for the rest of history
this is what trying to be deep when you're mentally a 5-year-old looks like

He did after he went to mecca

>spend most of your life preaching how white people are the cause of everything wrong for blacks and how blacks and whites should be segregated
>"Oh but he changed to peace before he died a year later so therefore it's okay and he's comparable to Jesus"
Fuck you nigger

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ahahaha perfect

Remember folks: Drinking and smoking are a-okay, but calling someone a retard is literally the worst thing.

>left thinking that teaching pajeets how to photoshop red hats onto existing memes breaks the "left can't meme" curse

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>ignoring how every one of these people was killed after they started talking specifically about economic equality or not spending money on warmongering

Yes Fortnite, everything's boomers.

3 years ago was 10 years ago.

>t. millenial with overprotective parents

>getting triggered by Ace Ventura
>getting triggered by modern television
Probably justified.

I really really really like this image
mind if I save it?

That's not what he was saying at all
Stupid nigger

only a soulless fucko can hate the 90s

But of course people like that never get help cause they choose to surround themselves with people who are just like them, making them think that it's normal to react that way and it's society that needs to change.


So is that why when you do about 2 seconds of research you realize that's what he was teaching? And it wasn't until he left the Nation of Islam that he started to change his opinion due to the realization that not all white people are bad. But again to my original point, that was a year before he died, so when you spend about 20 years of your life teaching segregation and black supremacy and 1 year not doing that, that makes you comparable to Jesus or Lincoln? If you could actually defend your position with something of substance instead of replying with a long version of "no", then do so. Otherwise, get fucked you stupid monkey.

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Seriously, how did Raimi get away with it?


>Parasitically acquires and repurposes anything seen as oppositional to be used as a mouthpiece
>Doesn't understand that he's offering up his ideological process in microcosm

the three panels of Oswald loading and using the gun is the funniest shit in the entire universe

Always been a stupid saying anyway

There there, no one will hurt your feelings ever again, sweaty

When I am coming to the conclusion that I dislike or hate something, I typically spend a good amount of time learning about it to make sure. I'm assuming that the person who drew this is also against guns given their rhetoric. I can't say how many times I've seen some cartoonist who mis-draws firearms so completely that it shows they are utterly unfamiliar with what they are and how they work. They don't even bother to know what they're railing about.

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Crocodile Dundee
Ace Ventura
Trading Places (or ANY Eddie Murphy movie)

Does this guy not realize that the Kennedys hated niggers and were just pandering to get the black vote?

People fear what they don't know/can't understand

I've read this 100 million times and I never once saw this. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I, nor anyone else, has said that he was the same as Jesus or Lincoln. But he was killed once he started talking about living in harmony and trying to love one another, which is enough to fit in that point.

>retard invited to a party

yeah, nah


Pretty spot on, justifying your own occasional foolish or underhanded action with a bunch of extraneous mental set dressing is something people have always done in private but now it's codified into everyday life at the institutional level because it's very profitable pharmacologically speaking and emotional suffering(or the perception of such) is a potent political weapon.

>awkwardly editing some nazi comic isn't working so I'll try editing a SJW's
I've actually never seen this before

More poking fun really. If I want to genuinely influence politics I do it in real life like a real human. Stay mad though.

what, you mean you don't reload all guns like a double barrel shotgun?

The comic strip artist seemed to think that, because they lumped him in with those figures. Ironically, the artist put him in there with Kennedy, which when he was assassinated Malcolm X said that it was just an example of "the chickens coming home to roost." His too little too late peace teachings were not enough to justify him being a martyr.



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Is this some kind of special needs party

>fucking Lennon
A dirty hippy who died a dirty hippy but also very much like Jesus and MLK and Lincoln.

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best post itt

The second and third panels are hilarious.

There's no consistency whatsoever.


>Malcolm X

>guise humanity is so shitty we kill people who were only trying to be peaceful
>communist party? what's that?

this is the hero Yea Forums deserves.

Fuck, the commie witch hunts never should have ended. I don't give a fuck about chingchong commies, only those in the West.

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>multiple serious or higher budget films depict bullets flying and inexplicably leave the brass casing on it, as if the entire thing travels once fired
>the motherfucking pest box art actually depicts it accurately

gandhi hated black people

So fucking unironically this.

>subscribing to Netflix

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>watch modern movie
>its filled with this kind of shit
>watch an classic from the 80s or 90s
>no pandering garbage, just kino
ur btfo

>i used to love movies before i was fucking brainwashed
I experienced that comic after being in a tumblr cult for 5 years. Then I woke up and rewatched all my fav movies again without feminist glasses on. You honest to God don't enjoy anything, not life itself, with SJW talking points in your head.


Does he think the firing pin is in the fucking stock

Whoa this is deeep