>the only Yea Forums channel you need
The only Yea Forums channel you need
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not halite or qBittorrent
>implying you use those literally whos
>Actually using a BitTorrent client that runs ads in it's software
>not using utorrent
>not downloading all your movies and shows in 240p
>not accidentally downloading the spanish and arabic versions of films
>not downloading camrips
>2011 + 8
Netflix is alot more convenient than your illegal sources provided by russian hackers and incels.
The force is Female.
>no no an fuck no
this board is fucking embarassing
>it's software
>it is software
kek you qbit fags are dumb
>He pays for kino
uTorrent has had a bad reputation FOR YEARS. qBittorrent has been one of the go to options for /g/entoomen for ages.
qBit is buggy af
Qbit or Deluge are the only sensible options
Qbit is above because it has the search plugins, so you can search Rarbg, Piratebay, nyaa etc... whole catalong with one search
>using trackers where utorrent 3.x is whitelisted
oh no no no
Is it 2009? lol no one fucking torrents anymore, you fucking idiot.
name one bug it has
Even the devs say they haven't fixed the thing where it causes your torrents to recheck themselves when you start it up
>not using uTorrent 2.2.1
> I bypassed the power converter!
>more holes than swiss cheese
>the LOUD AS FUCK interruption for 1XBET at random points of the movie
scares the shit out of me every time
how you store your kino? I have 1 tb ssd and that's like 10-15 movies in 1080p. I want to have a collection of my kino
cringe and peasantpilled
>using utorrent
>1 tb
>10 movies
I also would like a shows in 1080p
only 6 seasons of lost in maximum quality would be ~850gb
Using that is fine when all you watch is easy to find, modern and mainstream stuff.
Its awful however for when you want to download older and particularly obscurer stuff though, thats where direct downloading becomes your main option.
Also fuckall anyone marks most torrents correctly and some sites don't allow you to check the details.
Torrenting is also slow as all hell too for most of what I want to download.
The prick downloading Venom will get his movie in 5 minutes, while I wait hours for some old, obscure Italian film to download off rutor.
use private trackers
>anime nigger falls for garbage tier bait
nigger why the fuck are you storing videos on an SSD?
.t guy who spends days torrenting a movie because he's the only person still doing it
I dont have hdd, where else should I store it?
>pushing a literal botnet
put each movie on their own usb stick
you know, i recall a couple events/conventions in which vendors gave out flash drives with their compnay info and whatnot on them. i bet if youre one of those who goes to conventions often enough and chat with enough people, that might actually be a neat strategy. just a fucking cupboard with rows of mismatched flash drives somehow organized in some autistic fashion.
The only bugs I've encountered in the past 2 years of use have been related to hastily released updates that were faulty but were fixed within ~24 hours.
>tfw public trackers suck
>can't find dubbed shit online
I watch my Yea Forums subbed, but my mom prefers it dubbed and sometimes I want to show her a cool movie.
I should have gotten into private trackers when it was easy.
I use Netflix
based tixati bro