Get btfo by multiple anons

>get btfo by multiple anons
>call them reddit and hide the thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

When the time comes, you won't even have to hide threads

>not just doubling down, and making more and more intentionally flawed arguments

>make a retarded mistake
>anons call you out on it
>decide to be the better man and admit it and call myself a dumbass hoping we can all laugh
>they just dig deeper into it and keep making fun of me

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>get so butthurt about being called reddit he posts a new sarcastic thread to show how not butthurt he was by being called reddit


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>be from reddit
>jump into boards without lurking first
>ask asinine shit that's been discussed thousands of times
>have shit opinions
>have worthless posts
>wow i just btfo these idiots haha lol

>Not hating this site more than anything and shitposting with reckless abandon, hoping you make the utter cretins who browse this website unhappy

Makes me forget about my own self-loathing

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reddit post

Where we’re going....

>get called out because you're acting like someone straight out of reddit
>your cheeks get pink irl because you can't believe someone saw through you like that anonymously
>you didn't realize you acted like a total npc drone
>get your ass blasted and hide the thread

Days later...

>"i know how to get them back!"
>false flag the concept that calling someone "reddit" means you lost

>Get BTFO by dozens of anons
>Shoah the thread by posting from my loli collection

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t. reddit

>go to reddit
>pick up some of the lingo there
>pick up some memes that you only see on reddit
>put them in your posts as if they were just a normal part of how you type
>look at seething faggots who browse reddit daily recognize all of them and call you reddit

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Be from.redddit
BE careful about the offer tomorrow, you were going there is no idea how to the turks managerd reddit instantly updated with a knights and you have just a big piece. And you can see the same people are still. I'm not a good meme that I have to be my reddit best friend of mine era, you were going to be white women in Budapest, you were once inhabited lands of a lonely planet, and is racist, but the second time this the polish people raddit chupacabra this is my shitpost so you think has been a good meme is your mom and tricks to make sure you are downloading speed up the same Clearly, but you have to do so

Well played user.

Fuck I gotta try this


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Try not being a fucking retard next time.

>go to reddit

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>user winning argument using greentext
>respond with “who are you quoting?” and watch him stumble to explain himself

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I enter all threads on animated shows to sneed post just in case someone brings up the Simpsons

There's literally nothing wrong with using reddit

>There's literally nothing wrong with using reddit

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Here's guide how to reddit if you don't want to browse reddit.

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I'll fucj you up

ohhh that is devilish

>using reddit
Just kill yourself and your family and your pets.

> go into thread
> pretend to be a braindead Trump supporter
> watch libtards get buttblasted
> laugh with my radical centrist friends

>be me
>make waifu threads
>sneedpost constantly
>never discuss films

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>still using söyjack in 2019
gonna be a big yikes from me

>spaces after the meme-arrows

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>enter thread
>see heated arguments between people
>target one side with blatant shitpost argument
>chime in samefaggingly to attack other side now
>create chaos and confusion
>leave thread

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>make retarded mistake
>hide thread and hope i forget it by the time i wake up tomorrow

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>want to participate in off-topic funthread
>have nothing of value to contribute and reply to every post


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I honestly go there daily but don't know any internet lingo unique to them.

I still cringe at that time I made a thread instead of a reply like 6 years ago

>want to participate in off-topic funthread
>have nothing of value to contribute and reply to every post

ok this is epic

Based schizoid poster

kek i think i did that once

>Go into a thread
>People are being mean
>Leave thread
Guys please stop

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Remember kids: project your shitty childish emotional knee jerk reactions on the other person when you are losing, that way you can change the subject quickly and get the people behind you and make them forget it ever happened. Who cares you lost the argument and your decency?


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Why can't I build muscle?

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Yeah I remember that. You fucking tool

>my thread only gets one or two replies
>make it again the next day

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>make a joke I think is funny
>0 replies

You're not eating enough or deadlifting enough.

>when you're beating some faggot in an argument and he starts samefagging pretending to be someone else so you have to beat both of his arguments at the same time


>make a thread I put a minimal amount of thought in once every two or three months
>get one or two replies
>never mention it again

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seriously based post

>make a post
>monitor thread for the rest of the day waiting for (you)s

>go into random threat and reply to random post with t. incel

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>post the same cropped mlp porn picture everyday in hopes barneyfag spams it

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Hang yourself shill

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>arguing with user
>wait til page 10
>then reply to myself with "you're totally right, I'm a big fat dumbfuck goofy faggot"

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>relentlessly shitpost and make inflammatory statements
>don't bother sticking around to see the response


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>be insufferable zoomer
>makes 15th "ironic" thread today
>people call me a waste of breath and the reason the board is what it is
>tells me to kill myself
>I get offended
>insult people by running through a list of buzzwords used on Yea Forums a lot which I learned when I was too much of a pussy to post anything but "based and redpilled"

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but I'm alive

>playing new MMO
>in a thread on Yea Forums
>not entirely sure on what everything is called
>make a mistake
>12 replies calling me a retard
>unsub from game and avoid Yea Forums for 2 months

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you aren’t feeding enough on sneed’s (formerly chuck’s) seed

>start thread after watching a kino
>only one post
>"no sage"

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>Open random thread
>Reply to random post:
>"Why do you talk like a homosexual?"
>Close thread

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>get in debate with another user
>everyone else gradually leaves thread
>can’t let him get the last word

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>browse Yea Forums for longer than is good for you long term
>go to reddit for more specific discussions
>get banned from every sub reddit, even the ones you try to be on your best behaviour for because someone will like at your post history and see you've used the word faggot 17 times and you get banned.
>realize the reddit memes here can never do reddit justice
>still browse r/opie and anthony

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i'm sorry user

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dont worry user, my suffering has only just begun

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>browsing movie related subreddits random post calling MoS shit or how ZS sucks.
>get so buttblased but can't reply because i dont have an account

>See 2 anons arguing
>Pretend to be one of them and make some completely retarded point
>Leave thread

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>open random thread
>find random comment where it seems like the poster made an effort
>reply t. incel
>close thread

This, Jesus Christ. Yea Forums is filled with those jackass kids who would cry if they lost at video games and go overboard with insults if they won

>see debate
>falseflag as both of them
>eventually steer conversation away from anything the original topic was about
>call the original anons samefags

>be jannie, a discord Jannie
>user spills the jelly beans on the jazz thread
>pretend to be a user
>block and call a most for ban
>jazz thread safe

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I once shitposted so hard that I ended up making a beneficial contribution to the debate.

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>get into argument with user
>lash out cause of my shitty life and call him every insult in the book
>he doesnt reply
>spend the rest of the day thinking I might've ruined that user's day

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