What's the laziest worldbuilding in television or film?

What's the laziest worldbuilding in television or film?

Attached: marley.png (1053x817, 498K)

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hunger games and the giver

Attached: fantasy worldbuilding mistakes to avoid.jpg (1080x1155, 226K)


>What if the Nazis won WW2?
also applicable, the setting is now a dystopia run by a totalitarian government

>a fucking rectangle

Attached: gotmap02.jpg (1200x800, 187K)

>Trader town
jesus christ

But when Tolkien does the same you guys can't stop drooling

>two literal beans

Attached: tolkienmap.jpg (700x432, 88K)

That's a really good question. Of course the easy answer is any number of B Movies that bafely put any thought or effort into it beyond a few props, extras, and shitty locations.

But it's more interesting to consider this about more popular or big budget movies or shows. Paranormal Romance schlock is probably pretty bad, although its world doesn't need to be thought out much beyond the generic setting of a teen soap.

The answer is prob something based on Young Adult Fiction, as lazy and generic as those plots and their evil antagonists / states / corporations can be.

GoT is an interesting answer though, something about its cheesy fantasy setting always felt cheap and tacked on.

Probably The Handmaid's Tale.

It made sense in the beginning, since that's what ancient and medieval maps literally looked like. Then somewhere along the way they (either D&D or the guys who wrote the guide this map is from) decided that it's actually how the world is shaped in reality, rather than just a representation of the flawed understanding of its inhabitants.

I guess they will also make the world literally 8000 years old in the prequels, even though characters inside the books point out that those are just legends and there weren't any knights or stuff back then.

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I thought the undying lands were heaven

There's nothing wrong with GoT in that regard, I suspect you just hate it because it's popular

this is quite wrong but anyways; world building is a 4D activity and all of you in this thread are stuck in a pleb 3D mindset. sad and bluepilled

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that's not an official map, and it's all fucked

>world map perfectly fits A4 format


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>just starts drawing things without even looking into what tolkien did

Attached: J.R.R._Tolkien_-_Ambarkanta_Map_(colorized).gif (720x1160, 417K)

SnK is kino though so that's fine

Prior to the Third Age, the Undying Lands existed as a continent to the West of Middle Earth, but after the destruction of Numenor, they were removed from the world.

It plays into the plot you pleb

Ymir reversed the poles making magnetic north our south and thus maps seem upside down. AoT world is ours 2,000 years in the future. Read the first title of the manga

Germany was written terribly
>always le evil catoon tier bad guy
>main baddie's name is Hitler
>second in command is Himmler
>other two henchmen called Goebbels and Goering

Reversing poles doesn't explain mirror flip

in defense of that artist, it's intended as a composite map, not an actual map of arda.
i have the book it's from, and it's explained in there.
but yeah, if you look at it as a proper map, it's all out of whack

it's supposed to be lungs

>Sauron and Sauronman



I mean how the fuck did this get past the editor?

Attached: mordor.png (866x560, 31K)

Churchill losing the election during the war was awful writing. In real life he'd definitely be reelected. Hacks get paid to write this shit?

Those mountains were raised by Morgoth, the literal Devil of Tolkien's world.
They aren't natural.
Tolkien didn't make any mistakes, user. He thought everything through, his autism was unparalleled.

No, I don't hate things for being popular, that's stupid. I just always feel like there's a slightly awkward inconsistency between the grittiness and intrigue and then the dragins and ice liches or whatever they are. It feels extranious. Not that such things are inherently extranious or unnecessary, but they're like a parallel story in GoT.

Not him, but lore reasons for something looking lazy or unaesthetic aren't very convincing. If you are going to work on something creative, you had damn well better be creative.

>Goblin slayer
>Jurassic world
>Cool world

>tolkien's world is unaesthetic
>tolkien's world is unconvincing
>tolkien wasn't creative
>tolkien was lazy
pure retardation condensed into two sentences

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is it geometrically plausible for the continent on the right side to loop back on the north side?

Yeah, unlike the real world map amirite?

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If that's just a small section of the world, then yeah, I guess it's possible for it to go around the back like a long strip and appear on the north as well. Be really fucking stupid, though.

This specific instance is all of those things you fucking retard, nothing was said about the rest of the world.

I've got masters in IT and still don't understand this.

If the world is a sphere it shouldn't matter how you map it on a plane, eg. left to right is normally west to east but should look same if it was north to south. Only way for it to be self consistent is for world map to be a square