Remember this isnt necessarily just a vs fight, the rest are trying to assasinate you by any and all means. Take that into account

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dooku + Sheev + Vader

The other ones can't even touch you

Christopher Lee, emperor and Vader.


Like there's no contest really

It's kind of a shame tho because Grievous is such a qt


Where’s Darth Jar Jar Binks?

Where the fuck is Snoke

Bossk and boba team up to set you up and snipe you a thousand yards away

Palpatine and Vader for power, Boba for combat smarts

Only having sheev would already be more than enough. Vader wouldn't do shit if Luke isn't involved.

>woman is the only useless one

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You really think they’d be able to sneak up on Vader and sheev? They’d know before he even got near them

We've seen how Boba fights Jedi. He jetpacks right into melee and aims his gun at them.
Face it; Boba is a worthless scrub.

My knee jerk reaction is the three most powerful force users, buy I really don't want to be hunted by a bossk/boba team up

just give me john wick

Palpatine and Fett is all you need

Palpatine can overpower almost everyone else. Fett will make it easier by putting traps, getaway vehicle and crowd control shit.

I only need two.

sheev wouldnt protect you really
he would just use you ;(

stay useful and you'll be fine

>darth maul
>boba fett
>kylo ren

Its not even a choice. Its obvious who has the biggest force dick in the Star Wars universe

Attached: sheev JOI.jpg (1920x796, 547K)

Phasma vs. Boba Fett
Who wins ?


You blind?

This image should have another line:
Power - Unlimited

I keep forgetting this exists. What were they thinking? Sheev is a pretty good dancer for his age though.

At least we got Han Solo dabbing out of it.

Attached: Han Solo Dab.png (488x895, 572K)

Boba has better gear, more experience, higher damage output and air superiority. Phasma struggled to beat finn

Depends on which Palpatine. If it's the Palpatine that's literally so old a block of wood robot man could lift him up and toss him into a pit with ease, then he would be able to overpower a cat much less trained killers.

Vader, Sheev and Fett.
I would pick third Sith Lord but that just asking for trouble if there is more than 2.

>only 1 woman
sweaty this is problematic

This, although I'd like to have Bossk and Boba on my side.

Wait a sec that Kinect user sensor...

>it's a fippy bippy episode



Sheev, Grievous, Dook is the best combo

pretty sure maul beats dooku in some canon comic so im thinking maul vader sheev

Grievous is just a better Darth Vader who can't force-choke people. Put Dooku and Sheev with him and you're set.

I know who can protect me

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Boba, Vader, Sheev
Boba rockets you

sidenote: how the FUCK did Vader kill all the jedi? we saw the prequels they fought so fluidly and fast. Vader is too big and hunkers around, I cant imagine him beating a fast jedi in lightsaber combat

How can he beat Dooku if Maul gets BTFO by Kenobi like 10 times and Dooku walks all over Kenobi


inb4 saber form X beats saber form Y which in turn beats saber form Z

Palp, Vader, and Dooku are easily the 3 choices, even more so if you get their resources; entire separatist and empire fleets with droids and troopers at their command. Plus, assuming you're sensitive, they could train you themselves.

>losing to Maul
Yeah, no. Maul lost to a fucking padawan, the same guy Dooku humiliated twice in a row. Not to mention that Maul canonically even had trouble handling some fucking non-Force-sensitive Mandalorian with a short lightsaber.

He has a defensive stylee and it tends to overpower.

I pick Saruman, pope Ratzinger and padre Garrupe

Darth Icky, Darth Insanius, and Pong Krell.

>how the FUCK did Vader kill all the jedi?
Obi-Wan and Yoda aside, most of the remaining few Jedi were pretty shit. We only ever get to see top-tier Jedi fighting in the prequels, and almost all of them died. And the two only good ones that remained got old and rusty. It's quite likely that the surviving Jedi were pushovers for the most part.

grievous for strategy/berserking
sheev for unlimited power
boba for ranged coverage

darth maul for fighting.
jango fet for high ground since he flies.
lord papatine for suprise lounge attack.
you cant even refute me

This. for bonus points each commands legions of troops, and can literally turn the entire galaxy against the rest.

>that image
Thanks for the laugh. Have a (You)

Going by the movies:
Maul: won a fight, lost a fight.
Dooku: won one, lost one, has an army behind him that can capture main characters.
Grevious: lost two, but is squirrely as all hell.
Palpatine: Win or lose; everything proceeds just as he planned it. If he loses, its because he's using himself as a game-piece and is using it to move himself into position.
Vader: won 4, lost 1
Fette: lost 1
Bossk: He attended!
Kylo: has only won against a non-force user before, has never won against a force user.
Chrome-dome: has never won anything ever.
I agree with the first post. Dooku, Sheeve, Vader. With a consolation pick of Maul.

Sheev + Dooku + Boba is the only answer here

>wanting a traitor like Vader to protect you

Boosk, Grievous and Phasma

Movie Grievous is a jobber if we were talking about 2003 clone was then would be different

Talk about fucking surreal imagery. Every time I see this game I have to remind myself that this isn't some cheap youtube poop made by a fan and that a company actually dropped millions of dollars into this.

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Jar-jar Binks
Purple hair wine aunt
wedge/c3po for comedy relief

say what you want, but I find that more amusing than Disney Wars

Grievous was unstoppable until Mary Suindu gave it asthma

Sheev, Maul, and Dooku, because they're all cunning enough to deal with tricky fighting styles, and strong enough to deal with brute force attacks.

Everyone who's saying Boba seems to be forgetting that Maul defeated a dark saber wielding Pre Vizsla in one on one combat like it was nothing, and there's no way Boba beats Pre Vizsla in terms of fighting prowess. Not to mention the guy took over the entire Mandalorian civilization within a couple of weeks.

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>like it was nothing
>lets himself be disarmed
Granted, he won regardless, but being disarmed is supposed to be the one thing any lightsaber wielder first learns to avoid at all costs. He got very lucky Vizsla decided to be some kind of honorable idiot and charged him instead of shooting again.

We never really saw him come to blows with anyone in the movies, so how would you even judge how skilled of a fighter he is?

I prefer Boba because he can snipe from above meanwhile Dooku and Sheev protect me

Are we assuming ypu can completely trust the ones you pick to peotect you? I woukd worry about choosing Darth and Palpy to protect me, because I feel like they would very easily decide to kill me instead. I think Dooku is at least somewhat reasonable though so him and probably Bobba Fett not sure about a 3rd.

This. Both underling sith would be secretly looking for the chance to kill the alpha.

Palpatine, Grievous, Darth Vader

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>Dooku + Sheev + Vader

This was very easy. You can eliminate those that can't use the Force right off the bat. Of the remaining five that use the force, you simply select the three with the most experience, and there you have it.

>Joi Sheev
you created feelings in me I didn’t even know they existed

Boba + Bossk + Maul = Criminal Underworld combo

The three take out the others one by one in well orchestrated hit jobs while you chill on Naboo with a fake ID.

This, the two most powerful force users, plus someone who understands what it's like to not be a demi-god

Dooku, the emperor and Vader

If they're using any means necessary, you have the Death Star, 501st, etc. etc. on YOUR side. Otherwise they could simply bomb whatever planet you're on or hunt you down with their entire military force.

I'll just use my seismic charges

Wouldn't you just take Maul the hit-man sith? Boba was useless as far as we could tell from the movies.