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>söyboys paid money to see this in theaters

xDDD i love reddit! el oh el

You balls should get soaked in boiling water

What is this expression trying to convey?

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Shock and appall


embracing white genocide

and boy it was a good choice.

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Imagine being so fragile you can't handle a ~2 hour period where you don't see anyone who phenotypically resembles you.

Imagine being so fragile you freak out about non white casting choices

I did. Then got head from the tranny I saw it with in the parking lot. Good shit.

He’s kinda cute owo

Where did it say that he's freaked out about non white casting choices?

this is actually precious

Where did he say he was so fragile that he couldn't handle a ~2 hour period where he didn't see anyone who phenotypically resembled him?.


but they are not saying that user, she is just happy seeing this little kid looks like a super hero. dont know the problem with that.


Getting to Sneeds feed and seed 10 mins after they close.

because one non white character makes white boys scream "WHY HE GOTTA BE BLACK WHY CAN'T YOU JUST IMAGINE YOU'RE WHITE WHEN YOU'RE WATCHING THE MOVIE". lecturing others about why it's not important to be represented while freaking out about losing an iota of representation.

I wish I had, this movie must've looked incredible on the big screen.

>because one non white character makes white boys scream "WHY HE GOTTA BE BLACK WHY CAN'T YOU JUST IMAGINE YOU'RE WHITE WHEN YOU'RE WATCHING THE MOVIE"

no one really does that, most people just don't care

>the absolute state of animation films in 2019


fuck /pol/ this is wholesome

>people left their homes and had a good time at the cinema while you sat on the computer alone
How awful.

being told she looks like a Shädman drawing

They grow up you fucking idiots jesus christ. Only human beings have children.

No one can explain to me why Myles and his dad have different last names.

based and degeneratepilled

this is sweet

>this projection

and the world somehow has a problem with this


>killing off iconic white characters to replace them with more boring diverse copies

>pairing them with the blue eyed blonde exes of the white hero
Pic related

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>I just saw X
>X is the best film of the year
>X should win some award
>newest X movie is the best movie in the X series

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American will never stop with their BBC fetishism

>miles morales is a interesting character
>forgetting peter parker still is in the whole movie.
atleast watch the movie if you are going to throw trash at it.

What does Miles bring to the table that Peter or Ultimate Peter couldn't, not counting "muh diversity". Also A Peter dying is a core element of Miles' (awful) character concept and it happened in the movie, and the sequel won't have him at all.

That kid is actually kinda pretty cute no homo no pedo

>Here is the refund for Spider-nigger: The Spider-verse ticket. Thanks for using our services. Please come back again.

They're literally completely different characters


His dad's alive

he brings a different social status, new powers and ways to use it, he has a pretty common and relatable relationship with his father, different social skills, he is smart (not like peter) and its an artist who makes cool stuff.
i can agree with peter dying being his core element, but still it isnt something bad , like making him not being able to keep what peter did with spiderman in a future sequel.

Cry more incels

i pay money for every movie that has a black protagonist. sorry, nazi.

thought it was kal penn from the thumbnail

sounds like your typical Yea Forums incel screaming about any nonwhite character in a film


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that's really sweet, this is why i'm glad that women and nonwhites are taking leading roles. white boys are so used to it they screech and rage whenever someone that doesn't look like them gets to be the main character for once. it's really disgusting and sad, and why i hate Yea Forums nowadays.

Not "the world", just the pale faced bitter incels on Yea Forums and other incel/altright communities.

this movie was actually pretty good and redeemed miles imho

I think you mean cartoon

Cute kid

sounds kinky

>while freaking out about losing an iota of representation
Yeah nice strawman.

White people don't care about representation they care about you retards forcing representation on established characters. Only retards that hate black people would hate the OP movie since the whole gimmick is a diverse set of spidermen. What people get pissed about is making established white characters black but that hasn't really happened much lately.

He looks like he fucks white girls.

yeah and then he robs a liquor store

Very cute actually. Diversity in representation is a good thing, fuck /pol/


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>i just met you
>and dis shit cray
>here's some numbers on the percentage of crimes carried out by blacks in proportion to general population
>so lets fuck maybe

so what's up with the number 42 in movies? been seeing it in almost every movie and tv show i've seen

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BBC is the future

hitchhikers guide reference

will the niglet look that cute for the mugshots?

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Zoom zoom boom boom

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There was a chance of a seeing a blonde qt getting blacked, of course I payed money to see it.

Yea Forums MAGAcel polweenies lose their minds Everytime a non-white gets a role

cucknada btfo

>Nigger looks like a nigger

>Michelin stars
Who cares about this shit? It's always given to sushi bars

He'll fit right in.

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>Comparing the number of Michelin stars in a whole country to 1 medium sized city
Retarded weeb

>Cry more incels

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Dude, that's not real. I know lot's of people that did not cared about this movie because of the black spiderman. then again i'm not white.
It's only white people that like watching black heroes and protagonists, guess that goes hand in hand with their preference for cuck porn.


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lmao, my city has a quarter of torontos population and has 6 resturant with stars.

The framerate experiment sucked.

>There is a shadman style universe

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You mean like /pol/ bitching about the black guy from Star Wars?

>what about this continent full of your people?
>nah fuck africa they icky

Nobody wants to see niggers. Not even niggers want to see niggers.

I've dated a bunch of other races. It's hard for a kid to not look anything like the people being shown as heroes in media. My Filipino ex had a huge complex about her brown skin when she was a kid--she was really happy her niece could watch Moana now.

Glad to see we're BOTH idiots. Obviously the solution is to make it so that no race ever has to see another on screen.

Go back to tumblr, trannies. You don't belong here and never have.

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>what about this brown franchise
>nah fuck that we want to play white franchises

I concur.

t. ourist

>be in public
>have all of television
>have all of government
>have absolutely zero inhibitors to conversation
"nah fuck that i want to be oppressed by incels"

>I'm a criminal like Spiderman Shaniqua

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The beginning of the move seems to encourage young black people to abandon school work and go spray paint walls

>says the_donald redditfugee mass replying like a huge faggot


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>this is the faggot calling you a libtard on Yea Forums
Really makes you think.


>be me, artist
>see other artists suck the cock of the wagecucks that worked on this film, mostly storyboard/background shit, only one of them admitted actually animating one shot in the movie
>the high point of their careers and a good indicator of the state of the industry is that a bunch of artists that got in because of networking and connections animated a bland capeshit cartoon no one will care about in a year while independent artists/animators fend for themselves because the animation industry successfully became an Inner Party-esque operation where only big studios can make them and that's final.

Kind of sad that the only people who fall for these fake twitter accounts are the t_d toddlers on /pol/ taking screenshots of them and passing them on to other t_d kids

This was really good

>this is the faggot calling you a incel on Yea Forums
Really makes you think.

Yea Forums is not a safespace for norp opinions, never has been.
Yea Forums is a safespace for the edge. i can't think of a single reason you guys want to be part of this community, other than to hear edgy shit. but then you come hear and complain about seeing edgy shit.

if media ruins their lives so much maybe they should just ignore it

it's a waste of time to agitate for more imaginary character representation when you could be spending your time with friends or developing a skill set instead

How many years have you been on Yea Forums, friend?


>T-They're just fake!
Trannies lmao, pathetic

I pirated this movie but if you ignore the blacked sjw undertones(which were pretty mild overall) this was a pretty good animated movie with amazing art direction

No one you replied to was complaining about edgy shit. Are you lost?

It's because it's fucking cold and nobody wants to do anything. When people are bored they look for shit to complain about. People who live in Toronto are fine with Toronto, people who hate it don't live there. This guy is probably from Ottawa and wants his quasi "town the size of a city"

Don't look at Canadians complaining about Canada, it's always ALWAYS zoomers who are jealous they weren't born in America.

>be part of a demographic that has shrunk 40% over the last three decades
>be 56%

Imagine doubling down on falling for this obvious of a fake account

What ethnicity are you?

t. zoomie who thinks Spiderman Homecoming is the best one


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Dad's Irish and Mom's Russian

>Be you
>Make up a contrived argument to support your side

This movie is 100% animated and was made using a program developed solely for this film which is a Marvell for its time. Btw it's open source now and it's free. You can thank them when you come up with the next big indie film

So a slav?

Again, give me any evidence to suggest the account is fake, tranny. Even then, the literal point of the post was "two can play that game", both sites have repulsive fucks on them. Obviously you are too retarded to understand that

i want you in my room
to spend the night together
from now into forever

this actually

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If she was so obsessed with being brown why did she date a white? Indeed, all these brown people seem really obsessed with being as close to white people as possible, then forcing the white people to leave, only to go seek new white people.

Yea Forums is the safe place for racists who hate immigrants, minorities, homosexuals, women. It's a safe space for white nationalism and for being an asshole.

It's not edgy if you agree with the idiots saying death to Jews.

>give me any evidence
Not him, but the name you dense retard

No a mutt

everyone i replied to was complaining about edgy shit
don't play me carl i can smell your kind from a mile away.
Even your friend here admits it.
Yea Forums has always been a safespace for edgy shit. Why do you come here when you can get exactly the same normie "see no evil" style of conversation on facebook, reddit, 9gag, tumblr, twitter.....

>"look mom, that guy in the movie looks like me."
Imagine being Am*rican.

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oh boy they released a software big studios used to make their films to be open source so now everyone can make their own animated films


Still no actual big indie animated movies though.

>Yea Forums is not a safespace
Then why do you want dissenters to leave? If anyone is asking for a safespace it's you.

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Yea Forums is a safe space for people who hate niggers.

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Kek based. I lived in Toronto for a year, it's a shithole. Full of condos and Chinese people. Their recent spike of civic pride is embarassing

How many years have been here, friend?

>be 80% in a country formerly 90%
>be 70 %
>be 60%
>be 56%

His lips are very disrespectful

why do blacks embrace homosexuality so much more than other races, yet the "Hardest" of them hate fags?

So why are you here?

Yea Forums was fairly left wing in the past before the edgy /pol/tards arrived.

go have white babies dumb white boy

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There's a billion white people, a billion Africans, a billion Chinese and the rest are misc of everything else.

America's demographic diversity shows there's less white, that's doesn't mean there was a literal white genocide, it means that the world which is made up of 6/7 non whites wanted to go to America.

Whites were never the majority, hell, there is no white race, it's just caucasians, were only a paler demographic because we're a few km north. I cant think of a single reason why you think we're in the minority.

/Pol/ thinks Russians, Slavs and Spanish rent white, so really the only people who are white are the Germans, the British and sometimes the French. That's how stupid it is to care about white demographics.

You can't help what little kids feel inside. And seriously, there's nothing wrong with children being able to watch someone on TV that looks like them. Minority characters aren't a sign of the end of civilization. You're not gonna tell a 7yo girl to learn welding when she's wondering why the princess doesn't look like anyone in her family.

What I do disagree with is forcing it to the extent it's turning into. Mixed race couples should be accepted, not held up as the only acceptable kind of relationship. I've (I'm white) dated four Asian and three black chicks and at the end of the day I still prefer white girls.

Because he remembers a time before Yea Forums was a sandpit for dumb tourists I assume.

>Yea Forums is a safespace for the edge
Yet you come here, knowing that. This is because you understand that edgy shit is creative and interesting. You want a piece of the pie but all you do is shit up the place.

>Big indie film
You seem to misunderstand what indie means.

Non hispanic whites are actually falling in terms of population.


Since the beginning

>Yea Forums is a safespace
Kill yourself.

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Why not? Not every thread is hooked on racism. Also I browse tumblr and I need a yin to my yang because otherwise I'd be too sensitive and I really would need a safe space. If I browsed here exclusively it really takes no time at all to be a feels over reals retard.

Nobody is immune to propaganda, I'm just balancing my dosage

>have 17 babies
>be 56%
>have friends who have babies
>be 56%

The name doesn't say shit about it being fake, it's your average leftist group name like "everyday feminism" or whatever that site was called.

How many years? Say it.



Yea Forums was never left wing you retards, anti-authoritarian maybe. The site didn't get political until the mainstream became political and obviously the site picked the edgiest option out of the two.

>every racial group votes based on ethnic lines
>becoming a minority in a democracy will have no negative effects on white people

why are amerimutts so dense?

>Gets proven wrong
Trannies are truly pathetic

>Yea Forums was never left wing you retards
You sound like a zoomer who's too young to remember the Dubya days.

indie means independent, not lowbudget, a major studio can still distribute it and make shitloads of money, case with animation being that it doesn't matter how many fucking people own TVPaint, Toon Boom, Flash, OpenToonz, Anime Studio, Blender, Maya, the fucking animation function of ClipStudioPaint now, there's never going to be a big studio release of a homemade feature length film because if it's a success then it will harm the industry standard of every animated film costing 300 million dollars and needing 1 Billion to break even. Good lord, maybe spark up competition, someone might make a movie not in line with current hollywood morality.

So you’re ignorant to the enthnic makeup of America over the last few hundred years and how’s it’s changed so drastically in a little more than 2 generations.

Why are Amerimutts so obsessed with race?

Are you a white American?



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No such thing

People here really hated Bush and the Iraq War in the 2000's. Christianity was also ridiculed and there was a lot of atheism and agnosticism.


god damn you are gullible as fuck

you can go to the twitter page and see that the account was banned, like so many other troll accounts.

>there are just as many whites as there are africans
>there are just as many chinese as there are americans
>i can't think of a single reason why you think we're a minority
because we are, and falling
>white population used to be 90%
>then it was 80%
>then it was 70%
>white people are only paler
have you seen an albino african? it's not just skin.
>white people are only paler so i can't see how you think we're in a minority
because pale (read: white) people are a minority worldwide, and falling in our own country
>because the world is made up of 6/7 nonwhites who wanted to go to america
in other words, we're a minority
>>because the world is made up of 6/7 nonwhites who wanted to go to america
>because the world is made up of 6/7 nonwhites who wanted to go to america
They always have, and only recently did we allow them. And then politicians incentivised it it. Interrracial marriage became legal. Integration became mandatory. And then the market incentivised it in all forms of media.
Not a concerted effort?
Not important.
Used to be 90%
Now it's 56%
It's time to have some backbone. This guy is right
Go have babies.
Not only that, go research your own heritage.
Go support your own people. They'll be extinct soon. You don't think that's a problem? Then admit it. We have no reason to continue discussion after that.


I don't have any caps but Yea Forums was buck fucking wild the night Obama won.

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>Proven wrong
All I did was remind you that whites people have always been minorities to the world and that when you start crying when you see non whites in public because you think we're under attack or something then it just shows how moronic you are

>muh 56%
There are white people outside of Burgerland you retard

Alright, and why exactly should I care that much about an image that is simply supposed to be a lazy ad-hominem in response to someone else's lazy ad-hominem?

Blow me, libtard. It's your word, not ours.

Wow Americans are really fucked up

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>whites people have always been minorities to the world
But that's wrong you fucking braindead retard


>Yea Forums is a safespace
What dumb retardation made you come to that conclusion zoomer

the fuck? like several decades. 34 years. i was here when it was an AOL chatroom. do you think you're going to convince me of anything doing this?

this is happening in every white country save sub 1m eastern european countries

t. euro

go have babies dumb white boys

But the very limitations youve set on yourself makes it impossible to be satisfied

There's literally not a single way to distribute a movie across the nation, pay for advertising, pay for work force, pay for QUALITY without getting any real money, and to do that you need sponsors and investors.
At best you'll get a Kickstarter and those never end up right.

If you think you can pull together 20 artists to make a 1 hour film without paying them you're batshit crazy.

Nice one zoomer

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No it's not.

>t. euro
More like

Populations have risen around the world dipshit, whites just breed less. If you want Europe to look like Bangladesh but with white people I suggest you kill yourself.

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>He thinks Europe had a greater population then all of Africa, Asia and Americas

Jesus fucking Christ, what history book did you get this white wash fantasy? How the fuck were whites every above any population? That's fucking impossible. Asia has always been a higher population for one, same with Africa.

thats actualy adorable, go little dude

The population shifted ideologies.
It was "left-wing" in that it was counter-cultural. When it ceased to have a counter-cultural purpose to be left wing, they woke up.

I don't even think there is a single predominately white country where the natives have a birth rate at or above replacement level.

To save the white race?
Very brave and supportive of you. Hope you won't miss the negroid cinema.

do you understand that we live in democratic majoritarian systems where political power is weilded based on percentage terms and that racial groups vote based on ethnicity first and foremost?

just have white babies dumb white boy

>had the choice to see this or Bumblebee
>saw Bumblebee instead
Jesus fucking christ that movie was a waste of money, I'm so mad I didn't see this instead.

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>he thinks Jews are behind white people having less kids
>He'll never admit it's because having more of your race doesn't solve anything.

/pol/ inviting the reddit horde has been well documented. Very few anons are complaining about stormfags because like you said, they've been around since forever. It's the tourists who have since completely taken over /pol/ that are causing headaches.

While you are right about the importance of counter-culture I wouldn't call it a shift but rather a new generation stepping into the spotlight. Most leftist Yea Forumstards from back in the day are still leftist, they are in fact the ones who are now called "basedboys" and "libtards". Atheist men in their 30s.

>whites just breed less
Whites should breed more.
I don't know why you hate bangladesh so much. Does ethnic tradition offend you when it's white?

Reminder that Wilson Fisk is Trump
>Those realities hang over and inject real heart into every frame of the film, from his evolving relationship with his father to his shattering final confrontation with his uncle (revealed, as in the comics, to be The Prowler) and especially in his showdown with The Kingpin; whose stature as symbolic embodiment of blatant criminality enabled by power and privilege takes on a stark new dimension when he’s looming over a Spider-Man with the same face and voice of dozens of young men without superpowers who are (literally and figuratively) beaten down by other powerful old white men, like Wilson Fisk in real life, every day. It’s an animated film, and a very unusual one, but at heart it’s more “real” than most live-action superhero epics can ever hope to be.


Lmao every politician is white, they decide everything. Your left wing right wings system has always been pro white you fucking dipshit. Want to know what they stopped doing? Bearing black peopt slightly less and giving only white women a chance.

Suddenly guys go to jail for sexually harassing women and you cry "WHITE GENOCIDE, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE AMERICAN DREAM?"

technically you should be able to do exactly that and I agree with you but when fucking Ralph Bakshi and Don Bluth can't get their movies off the ground and completely fumble their crowdsourced attempts then something is fucked.

It's also very likely that everyone is just really fucking bad with money and contracts and are too proud about ''their vision'', like when Chris O' Neill turned down having adult swim pick up Hellbenders once just because they wanted to change the title and only the title

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In the face of chink domination, topsoil erosion, insect extinction, and the breakdown of the food chain, saving the white race isn't worth it. Earth is going to be a hellhole.

This, fuck the filthy hordes from Reddit

Inner cities aren't representative of the country.

> Atheist men in their 30s.
40s now, user.

>not giving her head instead

I don't care for a 50 person line up at Starbucks even if they were all white, and I don't care for traffic jams.

Why do you want more white people. What difference will it make in your life.

Three of those graphs are unrelated to inner cities.

Reminder that the most diverse city in Europe is still whiter than the US as a whole

I will. Keep helping by spreading this message.

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formely white genocide

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lmao, this is a country run by the Jews, for the blacks. There wouldn't be any affirmative action, quotas, special contracts, civil rights, hate crime laws or intentionally lowered standards if this country was run for whites. The government remains the #1 employer of black people. Everything in our society about race is geared towards more diversity, sensitivity training, inclusion, and making things as easy for brown people as possible. There just aren't any laws designed to help white people. Some places are decriminalizing things or removing public transit fees because of delinquent black behavior.

Holy fuck I didn't know about that hellbenders drama. Did he say that on sleepy cast? What a moron, he's hilarious but he's a moron.

Also yes, people are made to specialize in one specific thing and stick to it. You should not rely on ARTISTS of all people to handle money, just like you wouldn't make financiers handle the art. Same with eeyr aspect like marketing, management, business to business and so on

and I'm glad I did. kino on this level deserves to be seen on the big screen.


That's great news!

>believing whites and blacks are equal

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Feel free to show me how many Jewish people are in office compared to Apple pie Americans who share your sentiment. You like think you play the victim here but you're literally the aggressor to everyone. Jewish communities are fucking terrified because there are literally nazi demonstrations now where the police seem to protect the Nazis more than the anti nazi protestors.
Black schools are still losing funding, are still being racially targeted. I don't see affirmative action anywhere.

You're literally the straw man to this picture

based and wholesomepilled

The Hellbenders thing is because they wanted to own Hellbenders as a concept, which I think he and Zach weren't happy with. Especially since the show is about them, it would be weird to have your cartoon self owned by someone else.

Chris is also a legitimate brainlet with autism, however. Talented at music and art but really fucking slow.

>Feel free to show me how many Jewish people are in office compared to Apple pie Americans who share your sentiment.

not american but isn't your supreme court 1/3 jewish when they're like 0.1% of the population?


>white people cease to care about their ethnic heritage
>start lining up at starbucks with mixed race couples who also don't care

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Not at fucking all?

If all women are equal, wouldn't it be logical that all men are equal as well and that it's the judges who have bias?

This is a somewhat long video, so watch it at your leisure. But the author goes over a large number of studies that actually try to analyze Jewish socioeconomic status as well as representation in media, elite media, universities, business, and academia.

Despite being about 2% of the American population they're constantly overrepresented as political donors, academics, journalists and so on. They also saw pretty far left and that tilts public discourse away from what it would be if representation in elite institutions were proportional.


what will your reaction be when this happens on the big screen?

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>americlaps cant emphatize with a character unless it looks like them
it all makes sense now

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Yeah really.

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>He thinks we should be arguing who shares saxxon genes or danish genes like proto Britain
>He thinks standing in the same.line as someone not white is horrible
You sound like those dipshit inbred trash from the south clutching their pearls from seeing a black man walk on a side walk Jesus Christ.

>Live in a place where people look a certain way
>Movie expects you to believe this alien dude is the same as you
lmao lol

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But didn't Miles fuck both Gwen Stacy and Gwenpool?

You're both mentally ill, get help.

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I generally don't watch movies made after 1990.
I'll just keep coming here to laugh at it and try to redpill a few people.

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no, I just looked it up, I'm right

nine justices, three are jewish


History has shown that cultures in multicultural societes don't cancel each other out, e.g. New Orleans

You sound triggered by white people wanting to be white.
Something about this is sketchy to me.

Gwen Stacy yes Gwenpool idk

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>it's mentally ill to have any degree of in-preference

>Despite being about 2% of the American population they're constantly overrepresented as political donors, academics, journalists and so on.
Because many of them are upper middle class.

It's like thinking there's a conspiracy behind many black people being overrepresented as low tier works.

You can't act all scholarly and then link to Youtube. No self-respecting stormfag would do this. What are you, a larping zoomer?

>Because many of them are upper middle class.
Why are they so overrepresented in the upper middle class?

Blacks are overrepresented in middle class government jobs because of affirmative action by government. If this were a fair society they would have much less.

>Hey mum look a nigger he looks like me with less felony charges

Reddit tourists are mostly leftist though.


>french people and black people come together
>create something that is neither french nor black
>but mostly black
>very insular and proud, regardless

>Why are they so overrepresented in the upper middle class?
Historical context? American Jews weren't enslaved in the past nor were they illegal immigrants.

>Just trying to live my life how I want and not be bothered by others
>Suddenly people start intruding into my life because its "good for me"
>"Youre the aggressor!"
>"Not letting us control your life means you're a NAZI!"
>"Our programs are amazing, but they just need more of your money to work even better!"
Someone needs to slurp down a few more gallons of organic cockroach onions milk vegan latte.

Attached: Dororo-01-11.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Retards like you complained about imaginary stormfront posters just like you now complain about imaginary redditors.

Genetics and in group presences.

Would you like me to extract all the sources from the youtube video and meet you at your door with books or can you suck it up for ten seconds and watch a conveniently amalgamated briefing of the situation created by someone more capable than myself?

>create something that is neither french nor black
Then what do you call the influence of French opera and church hymns on Jazz and Ragtime?

Sounds like a combination of all three.

>Jewish communities are fucking terrified
What a joke you are.

this honestly. I'm white and don't give a fuck that most anime I consume is all asian characters. Literally never bothered me.

Attached: home-popular-cant-wait-to-trigger-a-bunch-of-liberals-29320105.png (500x919, 173K)

Created by an e-celeb faggot from youtube you mean.

You're not going to drag me down to your level of degeneracy, zoomer.

...something that is neither french nor black.
to save time, you can watch a summary of my opinions on the matter of multiculturalism here.

I'm a pirate Chad. It was a nice movie but no way I'm hell worth a ticket.

Yeah, all these hate crime hoaxes make it pretty obvious that Jews are safer than ever so in order to maintain their victim privilege they have to pretend to be oppressed even though they're are amongst the most well off people in America.

Oh look, some fat rednecks in Alabama with nazi flags and no actual power over anything, we're all doomed!

This complex comes from racism among filipinos in the philippines.

>imaginary redditors

They're real, user.

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*In hell
Sorry for being a phone poster

>Ugly people exist
>They BELIEVE in things
What the FUCK?

You go ahead and keep masterbating to your spiderman schlock big guy.

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>bloo bloo muh jewish community

>complains about multiculti and jews
>shills for Trump

What did your Youtuber mean by this?

>it's both french AND black!
>so beautiful
>muh enrichment!

No, they are not. A handful of reddit replies has no statistic significance. You probably don't understand that just like you didn't understand it with the imaginary stormfront crossposters of which you also have a screenshot saved in your argument folder.

What about supporting donald trump makes multiculturalism not a problem anymore?

>imaginary stormfront crossposters
Were did I say anything about those? Are you lost?

>being this deluded

Buckle up.

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>publicly displaying this level of reading comprehension
how embarrassing

There are people here that are as dumb as you but have been here longer. They complained about stormfront posters just like you complain about redditors. By now they probably migrated to sites like resetera and were replaced by other retards like yourself repeating the same fallacies.

Whoops, wrong image LOL

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>be a funny meme
>appear on reddit
>instantly turn to cringe
>be a logical opinion
>appear on reddit
>instantly turn to cringe
This isn't an argument against MAGA, it's n argument against Reddit. It's always going to be that way.
>90% of that website is still liberal and liberal-centrist

>defending redditors
That's all I need to know about you zoomer.

So what I'm getting is, multiculturalism is a problem, even when Donald Trump is a supportable candidate?

I didn't defend redditors anywhere you imbecile.

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don't worry, they do

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Have you watched the video yet or are you still being triggered?

You don't see the issue in complaining about multiculti while at the same time actively supporting a man who encourages multiculti?

Attached: G7hhm-e1WWlVEpn57ccVvglrvRrckIpr9IX-WL7V71Y.jpg (960x956, 191K)

Depends, are you still an underage Gen Z fag who shills his favorite e-celebs on Yea Forums?

holy shit how cucked do you have to be to be a muslim for trump goddamn either that is some stone cold taqiya or they are fucking retarded

Why don't all actors look like fat mutts then?


based. doing god's work, user

In a fight to the death who wins, I'm with herpes or the Mooga fatso?

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mutts are delusional of course

Attached: wow.png (500x300, 38K)

I do see the problem.
What I don't see - is how that has to do with the argument "multiculturalism is bad" other than a very superficial claim on the hypocrisy of the messenger. That's what an ad hominem is. (not simple namecalling, like a lot of people believe) and why it's wrong.

But even still, for the record, there's Trump
>close the border, enforce immigration law
>cut taxes
>be less sensitive
and there's Clinton
>all of that is racist and insensitive
It's possible his support for trump (an irrelevant topic to the discussion of the argument "multiculturalism is bad") is more nuanced than what you posit.

None of this is something that has happened in spiderman. They get around this with different dimensions. Peter Parker from the original dimension that most comics take place in is alive and well. Peter Parker in the dimension that has every bad guy who isn't Kingpin as genetically modified hulk men being dead leaving Miles to pick up the slack isn't "killing off the white character to replace them with copies".

I understand comics and their multidimensional muh ultimate universe shit is tiresome, cliche and stupid as fuck mostly based off the need for new stories but the unwillingness to write new characters without them being introduced via old characters. I understand why people fucking hate and don't keep up with the literal decades of recons, resets and other horse shit.

But it isn't forced diversification.

what's your endgame

>close the border, enforce immigration law
How is that going?

The topic isn't "multiculti is bad", it's "this youtuber is bad".

You're a retard for linking to a hypocritical faggot who's either willfully ignorant or a larper.


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>disingenuous nitpicking trying to handwave away how literally replacing white spidey with black spidey isn't actually literally replacing white spidey with black spidey, even though it is

Multiculturalism destroys social cohesion, and far from enriching, corrupts and destroys the native culture.

20st Century American culture is corrupted/destroyed?

so is he as shit as in the comics?

Not sure. I don't follow politics.
Is multicultural a problem or is it not?

owning libtards

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literally nothing wrong with replacing w**** spider man god i hate w**** people

>I don't follow politics.
It shows. Stick to your youtubers.

Well, I'd like to talk about how multiculti is bad. Would you just watch the video?

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The sequels won't have the "alive" Peter in them, on every levels that matter, Miles replaced Peter

Why do you want me to watch a hypocritical larping faggot?

If this is where you draw your infos from then there is no point in debating you. Read a book, stop watching e-celebs.

>Is multicultural a problem or is it not?
No opinion on that, I'm not the person you were talking with

Everywhere but rural areas. 20th century America is the destruction of 19th and 18th century america.

Ahah seething white boi

Is multiculturalism a problem or is it not?

>rural American culture
Such as?

Real problem is that poor white people hate niggers because now that there is affirmative action and blacks aren't discriminated anymore they end at the bottom of the ladder- Simple as

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Because he's aggregated a lot of valuable information on the topic. Putting it on youtube doesn't change the objective nature of the information.

>American culture

Not in the way YOU think.


Comics are quite literally filled with this sort of handwaving exactly happening. Hence why you can have black iron man chick as well as normal iron man comics running at the same time, why there is loads of different spiderman comics happening at the same time and how different runs explain inconsistencies between runs.

As we speak the most successful film series in the world currently has peter, there's a game with miles in it but is entirely based around peter. Getting butthurt because in some different dimension miles became spidey after peter died then teamed up with alt. fat peter, loli spidey, nic cage spidey, Looney tunes spidey and gwen spidey in a movie that had nowhere near the attention, budget, money made nor fanfare the game and live action movies have gotten just makes you a sensitive faggot tbqhwyf.

You admit it's been wrecked by multiculuralism?

If you rely on e-celebs for your infos you are not worth being talked to.

I don't even have to click on any of his videos to know that he
- links to his patreon "gibs me dat money"
- begs for donations
- would suck nigger dick as long as it gave him more subscribers
E-celeb are a cancer

It never existed in the first place, it was just a retarded offshoot of anglo culture
Multiracialism is as old as the US themselves

God you dumb faggot. There has been no "non-multicultural" American culture to begin with because this land started as aggregation of diverse cultures. Read a book and stop watching faggy youtubers for Christ's sake.

Americans mixing into a stinking, vile mutt amalgamation has nothing to do with whatever "multiracialism" was present in the past.

being ethnically unified, sharing ethnic history. religion, folk songs, folk imagery. the same stuff you find in ancestral lands in europe, but younger. ethnic unity is important because it withstands time and grants one a sense of place.
You will NEVER see a person with unified ethnic background complain about it. Pretty much everyone recognizes it's something to be proud of.

HAHAHAHA he's larping as anti SJW to sell apps to gullible niggers like you


You can't make this shit up
