Why haven't there been any movies exploring conservatism as the modern day punk rock?
Why haven't there been any movies exploring conservatism as the modern day punk rock?
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You love labels don't you? Makes it nice and neat and easy to tell who the enemy is! Quit being such a dork. This post was very dorky.
>t. this post was made by normie gang.
>"trad" Thor
>late twenties
>constantly drinking
>abhors children and pregnancy
>has an army of desperate males funding her grifter lifestyle
Some of them are even on twitch lmao
Chick on the left looks like a granny. Who's the cutie on the right?
Roast post
We live in a society... and it's great!
Ah yes, I'm sure that women are dressing conservatively as a form of counter-culture. Suuuuuuuure.
this is a boy pretending to be a girl who is pretending to be a boy
Of course Yea Forums loves conservatard women cuz muh western values. Imagine being so insecure u need ur wife to stay at home cuz she might cheat on u lmaooooo
>Imagine being so insecure u need ur wife to stay at home cuz she might cheat on u lmaooooo
Did you just insult the practice of hijab wearing wives, you islamophobic bigot?
your tattoos are ugly and won't replace the love daddy never showed you
I'll take both senpai :3
Because there's nothing less punk rock than trying to revert to the norms that actual punk rock rebelled against.
>that good looking
lmao I wish
MSI is the absolute worst band on the Earth. Their music is nothing but obnoxious cocaine fueled garbage, and I absolutely love them.
Are you married? Women are actually happier in the home, you ever notice how they always complain about “anxiety”? It’s because generally they weren’t meant to be in public except for certain situations. “Never year down a fence unless you know why it was put up”.
Patrician choice
>Conservativism is the new punk rock
Fuck off, Ted Cruz.
it's synthpunk, cut em some slack
This posts reeks of incel
>unironically believing that the girl on the right isn't as slutty as left
Simple wait for the Paul "Mainstream Meteor" Watson movie. It will be kino.
This. All women are satanic whores with 0 exceptions. The only hope to moderately reign in their degeneracy and civilization ending behavior is Biblical law.
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based al woman are whores but the right make me pepe harder
conservatives are so insecure that they can control all three branches of government of the most powerful nation in history and still feel like powerless underdogs
Trad Thor best Thor. New one is pure cancer.
Don’t make me post my wedding ring
>brainlet who doesn't know how government works
what is exactly "conservative" that you do in your life? hating niggers? wishing a virgin girl to knock on your door and ask you to marry her? wishing you lived in the 50's?
meanwhile, anyone who disagrees with them is immediately condemned and mocked.
the things you’ve read in this thread have all been said by super hot conservative blondes I’ve met. The super hot ones are all actually conservative as fuck and it’s hilarious and sexy. They’re the first ones to laugh at these ugly bitches trying to get attention with identity politics
you arent good at being a woman.
You are easily replaced by a sex doll
deep down you know this and project that men who call you out are not good at being men but we both know the truth.
>Married traditional dude
>quotes Chesterton
>Wife has anxiety from working
are you me?
enjoy making 35k a year doing busy work because 1970s lesbians told you it was true happiness, and remember not to mix wine with Ativan.
the better question is why do you think girl #2 would think you any less pathetic than girl #1