how the fuck do people like this shitty movie unless they're 16 years old edge seekers?
How the fuck do people like this shitty movie unless they're 16 years old edge seekers?
>why people likes X unless they're Y
Dude, fuck off of what people likes or not.
You watch whatever the hell you like.
It's not like anyone cares.
>don't discuss film
why the fuck are you on this board you absolute mongoloid
Why are you here?
You wouldn't say that if you had actual good taste.
It's important to keep people in line and point their shitty opinions out to them. How else will they learn?
>don't discuss film on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>discussing films
>an stranger's opinion on the internet will make me change my ways
Oh boy.
Okay post every single opinion, lifestyle choice, and belief you have.
It's time to be ideologically consistent, that's the only way you can be considered an intelligent human being
>another thread infested with discord trannys
it hasn't even been a few minutes. this must be a record
what are some other "I am an enlightened individual living in a land of NPCs" kinos?
OP knows, just wait for his reply.
keep being a bitter faggot because you have shite taste in movies, maybe go watch something worthwhile
>"this film is shit!"
same brainlets that think wolf of wallstreet was a pro wallstreet movie
nobody actually thinks the movie is pro-heroin, but it shows how retarded you are for presuming that of others
No, it's only discussion if you use constructive words, retard
Ok, so why is shit?
>It's story appeals to young adults only
>I care about the plot
could OP be more uneducated?
i seriously hope this is tired bait
I bet you haven't even seen it. Faggot
this movie is extremely stylish and well-shot, perfectly edited and exquisitely balances humor and bottomless despair. bonus points for never tipping into bawling or educating like other addiction movies do
only a tiresome contrarian would rag on trainspotting
Why do you still come here when no one likes you?
>what are some other "I am an enlightened individual living in a land of NPCs"
that's implying the movie is about "I am an enlightened individual living in a land of NPCs" which it wasn't.
If you watch it when you're 16, and then don't watch it again, you'll have fond memories of it. The better question is why would anyone try to relive their childhood through Television & Film?
it doesn't accurately portray heroin addiction at all, you're a child if you think so otherwise.
>it doesn't accurately portray heroin addiction at all
exactly. that is not the point
'accurate portrayal' is one of the worst memes of all time
the movie is about the heroin epidemic in edinburgh, how fucking daft are you? the one thing it was supposed to do, it did wrong
>the movie is about the heroin epidemic in edinburgh
You're 20 years too late, zoomer.
kill yourself
>The one thing it was supposed to do.
Dropped. The one thing a movie is supposed to do is entertain, and it did it. Go watch a documentary you limey fruit.
how about you go accurately portray the edinburgh heroin epidemic you absolute bore
mayo > mustard, regarding sandwiches
entertainment is subjective, you being entertained by trash is your prerogative
but i'm rubber and you're glue
If entertainment is subjective, then isn’t taste? And if taste is subjective, wouldn’t calling something objective trash make you a pretentious dickhead?
They made a well crafted, fun and artistic movie in Scotland for about 1.5 million pounds. I'd love to see what your faggot ass could do with that budget.
>0 results
anything else you'd like to beguile us with
>its FUN!
>lets see you do better!
always the same wank
I'm hungover, it's really a great film, if you've ever worked on one you'd realize how hard it is to pull off what they did.
I probably couldn't do it on that little of a budget, even taking film stock out of the equation and shooting digitally. It's impressive
I like Trainspotting but OP is humiliating these fucking retards ITT.
>like you can make anything better!
>who cares if it doesn't portray the main subject matter correctly?
I have nothing but bad memories of this movie. I was having opioid withdrawals and no money left, and stumbled upon this on netflix and decided to give it a watch. Ended up making me feel 10 times worse and wanting to do more drugs so bad.
Words exist to convey meaning. Just because you didn’t use a specific word doesn’t mean you weren’t conveying its meaning.
that can't be right, you must be thinking of another film. trainspotting doesn't have an accurate portrayal of heroin addiction according to the expert itt
OP is the dumber, gayest and most unsufferable person to ever post
kill yourself
i don't doubt that they filmmakers put hard work into it, i'm not arguing the sincerity of their efforts or their talent, but that certainly doesn't give a pass at all the things that are wrong with it.
feel free to quote me instead of continuously talking out your ass
one of the best endings in kinos
why don't you tell us what's "wrong" then
i mean since we're talking about trainspotting, a movie that we all know aspires to documentary-like realism
In fairness, OP hasn’t really said much of anything. General consensus is that’s the film is good; he hasn’t brought any opposing points beyond “inaccurate,” which doesn’t really impact the quality of the film (for instance, anything “based on a true story,” which doesn’t even apply to Trainspotting).
i can't believe you're this buttblasted over a discussion, its pathetic
poor shitposting from someone who hasn’t seen the movie
>i wanted the movie to be an accurate depiction of Edinburgh heroin epidemic, but it's not, so the movie is bad
it wasn't bleak enough to make you feel despair, or understand the gravity of heroin addiction. it was so far off reality, you could almost say it was romanticized. the comedic elements were a further emphasis of this, it became a parody of itself at moments which would be fine if it wasn't begging you to take it seriously half the time. stylistically it was a wonderful, no complaints whatsoever and i think they did a marvelous job with the budget but it doesn't excuse the elements that completely took you out of the movie. it would have been a far more interesting watch if we saw what actually makes heroin so fucked up and the mundane existence of it.
pictures of yourself belong on /soc/
have you read the book?
no, i haven't. is it any better?
OP the kind of fag who thinks Trainspotting 2 is good
great post
the adaptation is quite close, some characters might be combined in the movie but overall not as far off as the (very stylized) film might have you believe. many bits of dialogues lifted straight out of the novel etc
also a very fun read, the phonetical spelling goes from initially off-putting and confusing to totally engaging. i highly recommend it (though i cannot vouch for its accuracy, in some regards it's even more flippant than the movie)
I bet he never even read the book
I bet he didn't know it was based on one
Sometimes its not about the quality of the movie but the quality of the crowd it attracts. I don’t have a huge beef with the movie I get what you’re saying, sheltered kids and even adults watch this and jerk off over it not knowing real addiction if it hit them in the face. I don’t think everything should be made digestible for general audiences.
One thing that annoyed me about Trainspotting was the emphasis on friendship. Real addicts don’t have friends, they don’t know the meaning of family let alone friends. That came into fruition toward the end but it really should’ve been showed all along.
See, this is where subjectivity comes into play, because I love that it wasn't all doom and gloom. Life is hard, it's bleak, sometimes in the worst moments, life can be funny too. It felt very earnest to me, and I don't consider the movie to be about heroin, but about friendship.
no its not. thats a pleb tier answer
i'll have to check it out then, though if its true what you say and the book is almost 1:1 with the film i don't see why the author couldn't have delved deeper with some truths.
i suppose that is an extremely optimistic way of looking at it. for others it completely ruins the immersion because its nothing close to what life is actually like. to quote the guy above you
>Real addicts don’t have friends, they don’t know the meaning of family let alone friends.
and i agree, i don't see why friendship was so central in a film about a heroin epidemic when the only people heroin addicts hang around are people they could gain something from
Because the movie, and more importantly the book, aren't actually "about" the heroin epidemic in Scotland, it was about Renton, and in the book, other people's lives in Edinburgh. It was really more about the time and the city then heroin, but again, I believe it was mostly about friendship and the fucked up ways in manifests itself when you are in those circles.
> it would have been a far more interesting watch if we saw what actually makes heroin so fucked up and the mundane existence of it
I was going to be another one in this horde of posters making fun of you for this thread of extremely low quality, but i see your problem with the movie and i understand as it has happenned to me as well in the past, you went in expecting another thing and the film disapointed you, it didn't live up to your expectations of what the film should be and it's unfair to judge it based in your expectations of what it should be, now there is only 2 things you can do, 1 trying to watch it again in the future with no pretenses and a more objective look or simply dismiss it and forget about it.
>i don't see why friendship was so central in a film about a heroin epidemic when the only people heroin addicts hang around are people they could gain something from
"What is juxtaposition"
What do you want? A guy repeatedly shooting up and lying down in a dark room for 2 hours until he eventually dies?
Not to mention that the movie is narrated in the perspective of renton, if you have ever had a period of drug use in your life you would know how glamorized and glorified is your vision of the drug and cynical and jaded you are to the horrors of addiction and all that surrounds it until things really go south.
>it would have been a far more interesting watch if we saw what actually makes heroin so fucked up
>dead baby scene
how jaded are you
The fuck are you on about? 16 years old?
Trainspotting is for 30+ generation.
Tommy showed pretty clearly how much the heroin addiction could utterly ruin your life, I thought?
>starts off fairly fit, appears to have his shit together, has stable relationship with girlfriend
>goes on heroin, loses girlfriend, lives in shitty flat with virtually everything he owned pawned to feed his addiction, gets HIV, dies of a horrible brain illness from cat shit infested flat
even in spite of that i really like the little moment when renton gives him £20 and they share a little smile together.
plus Sick Boy loses his child, and Spud ends up in prison. it's an ultimate high, but it comes with an extremely high cost; there's no way to do it safely.
the soundtrack is excellent throughout. although im a little biased because i love blur to be fair
also, Begbie is one of the most genuinely scary characters I've ever seen on screen purely because I was a young teenager when I first saw the film. maybe its because I live in Scotland, but he's a character that stuck with me because it left a nagging fear at the back of my mind that at some point in my life I'd run across a Begbie type.
the nurse scene where renton gets slapped about was apparently very true for addicts at the time (probably still is) - a lot of medical professionals fucking hated treating junkies and resented having to do it.