What happened to her film career?
What happened to her film career?
he looks like the nigga from the rocky whore picture shows!
Is this photoshoped?
Idris Elba happened.
Ellen Page looks like that?
Is this real?
she looks so wise
john cazale biopic starring her as cazale when?
Just woke my narrative up senpai
She was typecast as the quirky little cute girl.
Now she is older, a lot less quirky, and a lot more political. Yet has the same amount of "talent" as before, so there's really few roles for her. She even felt out of place in Inception.
>Always looks and acts like she's had a hard as fuck life
>Was actually molly codled for years
>Came out as a "brave lesbian womyn" in an entirely supported bubble and acts like she faces daily discrimination
I think this is why I hate her, lads.
she went full lesbo, you never go full lesbo, you can just say you are bi or fluid or some shit and date women and your career will be fine.
You all will regret your sneers after she completes her training.
This is Dr Phil 20 years ago when he still couldn't accept baldness
Just looked her up
>Daughter of a teacher and a successful graphic designer
>Privately schooled
>Supported in the Hollywood bubble since day one
I bet she's never once been the subject of discrimination.
She's a dick irl and she was the least interesting character in Inception. Known for being a rapist in I forget which film and kinda funny in TPBs admittedly but TPBs is funny regardless. She's a prop
Riff Raff and yeah she does. It's astounding
Insulting to Richard O'Brian. He wrote Rocky Horror in a day or two.
She's in a netflix show, a friend forced me to watch it, first ep was ok. Superhero show. had 1 good scene with nightcrawler kid doing ninja stuff. how pozzed is it?
Is she playing Lynch in a Kane and Lynch film?
no just ugly
what career?
>how pozzed is it?
how HIV-positive is it? I don't understand you kids and your newfangled lingo
Oh nononono look at the top of her head
>someone drew that as an own
But what about the Pratt attacks on the LGBT?
this movie came out in 2015. how is such a decay even possible?
She became a Brundlefly. Only instead of a fly she melded with Clint Howard.
She literally walked out of HS and into a major Hollywood movie with little experience and zero formal training in acting. And was given an Oscar nomination at 20 after only three movies.
It is really obvious her parents or another relative knew someone important in the industry and very little work was done on her part.
this. i still would.
>ellen page nude
you can clearly see her bra straps there
t. virgin
she literally flaunts her tits around in that scene
that's really an irrelevant point since people who are actors and make money off their looks and personality can and should be held to a different standard than Yea Forums posters.