God he was pathetic

god he was pathetic

all balding men are

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Guys at what age do you know for sure you won't go bald? Asking for a friend


Formerly had hair

I'd rather be a manlet than bald that badly. hairline cures are always "just around the corner and will be affordable in a few years" but there's no solution for the crushing deep dark feeling inside of your comb coming away full and your forehead slowly growing like a tumor in the mirror. End my gay life already

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>Guys at what age do you know for sure you won't go bald?
All men go bald eventually
Finasteride generally works if you're willing to risk the 1 in 1000 chance that your dick will stop working


>tfw bald at 23

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If you're still worried, you're still at risk. Worry increases that risk, so you're making it worse.
Knowing that worry makes it worse makes you worry more. You're going bald.

balding is caused by a build up of testosterone which ironically makes them seem less virile, which in turn feeds their rage in a hideous cycle

Look, I don't know if you work on a commission structure or something, but stop shilling awful hair loss prevention treatments that turn the patients - sorry, victims into overmedicated unhealthy half-men. They don't work on the majority of NW levels and they only work on the remainder if you start really early, which fucks your hormones all to hell. I'm not looking for any solutions, I'm screaming in agony into my metaphorical pillow here.

There is no cure for balding on the horizon. The only things they have in the works right now are improved versions of the shit we already have.

But Homer is more bald and he's a Chad

Just shave your head you fucking retard, its not like the incels around these parts are utilizing their hair anyway.

who else /nw0/

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formerly had a full head of hair

not being a balding freak > sex count in the 100s

>All men go bald eventually

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being bald > being an incel
Kek I'm genetically inferior and yet my genes will be passed on, while yours stay in your tissue paper. Stings a bit, huh?

You're children will be incels breh

If TV has taught me one thing, it's that bald>balding. So if you're past the point of no return just shave it. Just look at Scrubs. Would you rather be Turk or Ted?

masturbating and thinking about masturbating lead to inoperable baldness


everyone can have children

females get desperate after ~27

Incels can't. they are genetic dead ends

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you cant be incel if you have hair

but a bald man can fuck 1000s of women and still be considered incel

inb4 bald subhumans like jason statham that got lucky