How do we get this cancer off of our art board?
How do we get this cancer off of our art board?
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How do we get this cancer off of our art board?
By reporting and ignoring it.
they’re the same people
>our art board
posting more 30+yo waifus
Just talk about actual films. They can only vaguely participate in the threads with popular flicks and spew garbage brainfarts as their opinion, but if the majority of the board was about actual films they would literally have no interest in it whatsoever.
art board checking in
good taste in waifus
why do Yea Forumsedditors like this insist on running our art board?
remove yourself
This is a shitposting board dude. No one here watches films.
The janitor and mods constantly protect their Yea Forums threads though
removal of capeshit/star wars would work for both of them.
Can confirm, haven't watch any movies or tv series in at least 3 years
This. /pol/shit is a far bigger cancer not just on this board but on the entire website.
Daily reminder that /pol/ is good for Yea Forums, if you want to “seriously” discuss muh art then unironically take it to reddit
Notice how every single year since bane made Yea Forums mainstream it slows down to it's old speed when Yea Forums is having their toy fair?
During this time theres almost no shitposting as well
>it's a "Yea Forumsermin attempts to deflect" episode
so much f*cking this! the sooner these problematic asshats get off this subchan the better.
Why can't /pol/tards handle the fact that they're just as cancerous as redditors?
And /pol/
And Yea Forums
/pol/ are the biggest cancer since it became ebin counter culture board for reddit tourists though.
Nah, its just your faggot brain that thinks that.
Why do you pretend to care about television and film while having videogame sensibilities?
Why do Yea Forumsermin pretend they aren't redditors?
Daily reminder to keep resetera at resetera.
Because they literally aren't, and libfag whiners like you are literally r*dditors
Go back
don't forget Yea Forums, literal pedophile central. they don't even try to hide it.
Culture warriors cant grasp the idea that people who hate them arent necessarily culture warriors from the other team, its just because theyre obnoxious, annoying and lack even an ounce of self-awareness. Hence literal nazi/discord tranny etc.
Hilarious how the only people that have problems with /pol/ are the ones who flood this board with complete pleb shit and Yea Forums threads
>Yea Forums shits up board after board with its shitty memes like Baneposting
>now gets butthurt when other boards fight back
>n-no this is fine, not everything has to be on-topic all the time guys
Why is Yea Forumseddit so dishonest?
Simply hide or filter the threads you don't like. That way the /pol/ shitters only scream in the vacuum of their own making.
This isnt fine though you culture warrior faggot. People hate it both. Christ, talking to you people is a chore.
the polcel op in this thread is literally from r/the_donald
Wanna know how much cancer this board is? 61 filtered, probably going to add cancer or board next.
>i-it's ok if we do this!!!!
Meanwhile at least a dozen IP's are from
Imagine caring this much about a shitposting board
why do the faggot mods allow anime threads on here when there are already so many boards dedicated to weebshit?
>n-no it's actually not fine even though I'm gleefully posting in it
Every single time
You point out their dishonesty and they deflect it
this wasn't a "shitpost board" until swaglord/invisibro had his way
because Yea Forums likes it
Anime website
why does Yea Forums hate blacked threads then?
/pol/ is ridden by stormfags. Remember that /new/ hated them.
>Art board
Its under my filters you dope. Tbqh, I barely come to this site anymore, literally my first time in over two weeks.The us election took it to twitter levels of constantly outrage by outrage tier threads. Cancer
Yea Forums fags too busy discussing shit on facebook
Hi janny
I'm back
Yea Forumsirgins constantly complain about /pol/ though.
Not an argument. More proof that all /pol/tards are newfags
>gets one of your shit threads removed
>retailiate with this
Truly epic
Seriously look it up on the archive. With the increase of Yea Forumsedditrors coming here so did the increase of threads like that
/pol/ has become such an unusable shithole of a board that they are forced to come here and post twitter screen caps
absolutely. reddit takeover has destroyed /pol/ beyond repair. you take a look and most people don't even understand basic chan or Internet culture.
>twitter screen caps
Threads with such OP pic should've been punishable by beheading.
2008-2013 Yea Forums was the best possible Yea Forums experience and I don't care who thinks otherwise.
off topic reminder that no board shills hard for I*rael than /k/. dumb autistic boomers and tourists
Don't know don't care I only come here to shitpost.
>/pol/ has become such an unusable shithole of a board
I wonder why that is
Kill them with your logos. Is the creator of chess an artist? Nope. Is the creator of football an artist? Nope. Is the fatass game master of a Dungeon and Dragon game an artist? Nope. Then game designers aren't artists and videogame isn't an art.
>post twitter screen caps
Which was first done by Yea Forumsedditors
It's hilarious how hard Yea Forums drones are trying to deflect the blame when it's almost all because of them
Other than that, no complaints.
yep. gamergate Yea Forumsscum
I never denied it was done first by Yea Forumsedditors. That doesn't change the fact it's most often /pol/cels spamming twitter screencaps from C-list literal Whos. For what purpose I don't know
those '/pol/cels' are crossposting Yea Forumsermin
You are all children
I doubt it, most of the twitter screencaps are most often political in nature
Remember somehow /pol/ is the problem
t. enlightened redditor that uses Yea Forums for memes
Yeah that explains why /pol/ threads on Yea Forums always get derailed and deleted
>have proof that almost all the spam comes from a handful of people from meme groups
>they don't do anything
>redditor cries about the majority of the board loving waifus and having high standards for cinema
>they spend half a year making sure these people are removed
makes you think
By killing all niggers and nigger lovers
As far as I know the discord trannies are exclusive to /r9k/ I haven't seen any conclusive proof linking them to Yea Forums
Based mods. I would hate to lose my favorite source of shitposting.
>high standards for cinema
Oh my god, this is too fucking funny. How retarded do you have to be think this shithole has high standards. 99% of the discussion is of capeshit, other blockbusters, and high budget TV show shlock like Game of Thrones
fuck you you lying fuck
Yea Forumstards aren't complaining about /pol/tards you piece of shit
Yea Forums IS /pol/ after gamergate
everyone else who doesn't want to have nazi retards shitting up anything and spamming forced memes while we're trying to discuss films? THAT'S who's complaining about /pol/tards
you lying faggot fuck
cancerous /pol/incel fucking faggot scum
i was talking about before
Why are these people fine though?
If not for /pol/ this place would have been reddit 1.0 you massive nigger
How do you figure?
>implying these guys aren't /pol/tards
Veddit ruins literally every board it touches
>Everyone ITT complaining about Yea Forums
>Nobody realizing there is literally a Yea Forums thread up right now that no one is even attempting to stop
Multiple threads made after it have been deleted
This means the mods are protecting it
nigger nicer nigger
most of the faggots on /pol/ found out about this site on /r/The_Donald. That board is a reddit infested shithole.
This is so horribly backwards and makes me question if you have any idea of what Yea Forums used to be like.
(and that's a good thing)
>mods delete cunny thread
>leave up every other off topic shitposting thread
It's like they're purposely trying to kill this board.
This place is reddit 1.0 because of pol tho
>only ones who defended us against reddit when they were coming after us through /q/
Nice revision faggot, today's /pol/ is pretty tamed compared to /new/.
Another Yea Forumseddit approved thread people who cry about /pol/ are fine with
Imagine being this retarded, what "old Yea Forums" was is now what reddit is. /pol/ is this site's natural evolution, it is the anti-reddit.
>B-But muh /r/The_Donald
Yes, because ONE infamous subreddit with like 10.000 people means the entire site (that consist of nearly 300 million people might I add) shares that exact opinion. Just take a quick glance at any other more popular subreddit like /r/Politics, it's filled with liberals, trannies and SJW's.
fuck off
>pic related
>back then, it was best of /pol/ by far
fuck /ptg/ tho
2016 was a massive set back for /pol/ just like what mentions.
Jannies and mods don't browse the catalog, they just delete threads that have a lot of reports.
What compelling evidence. I mean it's not like multiple people can save and post the same picture over nearly a year long time frame. It has to be a cryptokike samefag conspiracy.
Generals are shit no matter what board.
>shitposting scares people away
This is a baseless claim.
2016 saw Yea Forums's traffic double, are you actually trying to say that the election was irrelevant to this?
the real question should be, how to get our own cunny board
seriously, it's not even who cares?
You do mean sneedposting, right?
Bullshit. I get my threads removed after 5 minutes with only a single reply.
t. tranny
>posting Yea Forums shit
go back to tumblr
/pol/, even if you didn’t care for it, could be good for memes prior to 2*16, it got absorbed by reddit, boomers, twitter and other trump shills doing it for free. Because none of these fags understand how to keep /pol/ in /pol/ they spread out to other boards and bring down the quality.
fucking this
seething. cope.
nah depending on who it is the cunt will refresh the page looking for shit to delete. ive had on topic threads deleted so fast they dont make the archive
>old Yea Forums bad, we fixd it
Most newfags at least have the sense to try and pretend they know what they're talking about, but you're just straight up admitting you have no clue.
jazz threads are 99% spam, nsfw, and off topic shitposting and the threads are protected