Action movies after the 80s guys (Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme, Seagal, etc) suck and the genre will never be good again.
Action movies after the 80s guys (Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme, Seagal, etc) suck and the genre will never be good again
Nice try, fatboy.
Two of his movies were actually kino.
It will return but with burly muscular lesbian women.
Hard to Kill is definitely top kino. And Under Siege is at least watchable.
>Under Siege
without Erikas tittays, whats left?
>erikas titties
thats still 100% more titties than we get in recent action films
also, Busey and TLJ offered some amusement with their overthetop acting
and for being a stupid action film, it was kind of anti-/k/ in terms of demostrating the true danger with weapons (when wackos get hold of them)
the cinematography, audiography and pacing wasn't the greatest though, pretty plain, that I agree
That is correct.
The Rock, Vin Diesel and Jason Statham tried to replace them in the last 15 years, but zoomers prefer capeshit
Statham is one of the better recent ones.
The pebble is a try hard bitch, Diesel did alright but wasted too many of his prime years on trash. Statham had a moment then it faded.
Bruce Willis will probably be considered the greatest action star from that era.
They replaced Muscle Men and Martial Artists with actors.
Love 80's style action movies but there is no demand for them when people can just play violent video games. This is also the reason why video game movies generally do not work. Why watch Nathan Drake in an Uncharted movie when you can be him in a video game?
But the musclemen and martial artists acted better.
they fucked up james bond too
I recently watched the Rambo trilogy for the first time, besides Missing In Action, anyone got any 80s action movie recs? I’ve also already seen Iron Eagle
Dredd gave me some 80s vibes.
But in general they aren't getting made anymore, because capeshit pulls the same kind of normie audience while being more family friendly.
So unless capeshit isn't dead 80s style action movies won't get a huge revive.
i associate short cropped hair with lesbians more than men now
Yeah I know. That's what I was saying. The Muscle Men and Martial Artists know action, it's what they do. Actors don't know action and just pretend. Real orgasm vs Fake orgasm.
Watch Rambo 4, its better than 3 for everyone and personally I liked it better than 2. 1 is still the best though.
For other actual 80s movies watch Tango & Cash, Beverly Hills Cop, Commando, Cobra and Raw Deal.
'That era'? Willis' action era was Die Hard - Fifth Element. 88-97.
Vin started in 2000 with Pitch Black, and hasn't done much but action.
Statham really started, what? 2002 Transporter?
The Rock started with The Mummy Returns / Scorpion King (2001/2002)
Willis was done as an action start before those three event started.
true, and the muscle men and martial artists actually studied and trained to be better actors (at least for the role they were in).
fucking truth.
very true.
Rambo 4 (Rambo) is elite.
Punisher could have a return to this type of hero but Netflix made it pozzed.
Mahtt Deymonn
First Blood > Rambo > First Blood: Part II > Rambo 3
>80s guy
He did one single movie in the 80s and before that, he was just an Martial Arts adviser (for example in Never Say Never Again). Why does he comes always up in that list, Above the Law wasn't even that successful.
>putting Dolph Lundgren next to these two
At least make it Bruce Willis. But I still think them two were the kings since they did action pretty much exclusively.
>Bruce WIllis
thats not how you spell Tom Cruise
I have no idea why they don't just make an action movie with that Icelandic guy who played the mountain. It would be kick ass to see him beating the shit out of pencil neck faggots through the whole movie.
>He did one single movie in the 80s and before that, he was just an Martial Arts adviser (for example in Never Say Never Again). Why does he comes always up in that list, Above the Law wasn't even that successful
Under Siege was good.
Over the Top > Rocky > First Blood
Dolph's I Come in Peace is one if the best action movies you'll ever see f@g
It makes me kinda sad I've already seen (and rewatched) the best of the genre and now I'm left with shit like pic related.
You can not possibly be that stupid an you?
This has to be a joke
Shit. You are probably right.
His punisher is the only punisher once you see it. The opening is just bad as ass it gets.
It's decent, the only good movie I remember him in, probably the only good movie he did. Still not nearly enough to compare him to Arnie and Stallone.
roadhouse ofc
anyone else watched this utter kino?
Seagal was trash and is mostly 90s. Under Siege is the only good movie he did. Arnold, Stallone and Van Damage are both levels above him.
Stallone was, is and always will be an overrated faggot and most of his movies suck. Comparing him to someone like Arnold is insulting
Dolph is a literal who compared to either
How the fuck can you ignore Tom Cruise? Probably the greatest action star still around.
>Dolph is a literal who
Except you know who is he is, dipshit, and nobody knows who you are.
Conan, Terminator, and Predator are the Holy Trinity of 80s Arnold kino.
Ignore the snarky satire and this is also 80s kino.
go take a nap
>genius level IQ
>famous actor
Occasional reminder that you are not Dolph Lundgren
Maybe if men hadn't become bitch titted capeshit watching vidya addicted soiboiz there might be a market for good action movies.
Yes, but Under Siege was in 95, the only 80s movie he did was Above the Law and this was arguably more a thriller than a action movie.
The Rock was buff but had a feminine demeanour, Diesel was a DYEL try hard, and Statham was a bald skinny fat boomer dad insert.
Tried watching Above the Law, god what a shit movie. Plot was some really bad potboiler shit. Only thing I even remember is young Sharon Stone as his wife
1995 was the end of the 80s white innocence we all crave. Microsoft then lead the pozzed revolution that birthed Plebbit and vaccine propaganda. Seagal didn't have the le funny self awareness of the late 90s, or the nice guy shit that took over with Keanu and Speed. That show Friends redefined American men as metro Jewish sweater cucks. Arnold made Last Action Hero, a shitty winking action adventure that killed the 80s brute merc white alpha in movies.
Seagal is 80s even though he peaked in the 90s. His fashion sense was like the all-black clothes version of Don Johnson in Miami Vice. In every movie he kills blacks and mutts, which is 80s.
What is this revisionism? Statham was cut in his movies when he had a shirtless scene. He had the closest thing to a real fighters body of any of them
Dark Angel was the Jooish title. I Come in Peace is the Chad white man title.
>vaccine propaganda
Jeff Speakman would have been a huge star in Perfect Weapon had dropped in the 80s. FACT!!! The hype around him, newfags will never understand.
>Last Action Hero not based and redpilled
you're full of shit
Our for Justice and Marked for Death are kino though.
true, although I'd say Hard to Kill is his most memorable film
ACTION KINO: Toy Soldiers, Best of the Best (entire trilogy), Lethal Weapon 2, Last Boy Scout, Executive Decision, Stone Cold, Point Break, Cobra, Nighthawks, Tango & Cash, Crackerjack, Running Man, Demolition Man
>Arnold, Stallone
>JCVD, Seagal
That movie killed McTiernan's career and put Arnold out to pasture. The "everyday kid" was annoying as fuck. When those dogs formed a pyramid, the entire theater groaned. My older brother actually left. I felt sad leaving because subconsciously I knew alpha kino was dead. Fuck you.
>complains about the feminization of the west
>fetishizes movies with slick oiled up roid ragers
>Skinny fat
delusional roidcel detected.
Transporter 1 and Crank 1 are pure action film Kino.
Also everyone woman I know thinks Statham is hot.
it turns out I don't actually like action movies. commando was great but that was because it was a comedy. die hard was interesting, but First Blood or Predator or something are very boring.
While the stars played a big role, the writing and direction had a lot more to do with it than you may want to give credit for.
First Blood is more of a thriller than an action flick, also I agree that Predator is overrated. Don't see what this has to do with action movies as a whole though
True, but ancient Romans and Greeks were debauched and many were pederasts. I agree with you, the oiled up shirtoff look was a gateway to homo modernity. At the same time, Michael Keaton playing Batman pissed off Stallone and ushered in manlet capeshit. At least the 80s muscles were real.
Stick to capeshit, zoomer fucking shit.
not true.
MI: Fallout was action-kino
*cocks arms*
it's all about the one-liners
>but First Blood or Predator or something are very boring.
still doesn't make the second half of predator interesting
>duhh this team of badasses including arnie all get picked off
>it's only when arnie is alone without his badass team can he beat the alium
Will he ever be surpassed?
I feel bad for Scott Adkins, he could have been a big deal if he was 20 years older and working when action movies were actually big.
Instead he has to make action movies for a million dollars in Bulgaria that go straight to netflix
I did not care for The Running Man
Arnold is the Predator the ayyy is the prey. Zoomers don't have enough experience out of doors to understand this. Arnold used the team as bait to catch the big fish.
Then why wasn't Arnold the predator in the Alien vs Predator movies?
Whatever you say, boomer
I sorta agree user, but Adkins could easily team with a smart, slick screenwriter, plenty would work with him. Adkins is gradually popping up in more mainstream shit on the periphery. He'll get a henchman showcase soon enough in a Statham etc shitshow.
My real disappointment is that Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning didn't lead to more movies of that quality. It's seriously the hypercoolest, darkest sci-fi actioner in two decades. And director John Hyams hasn't doesn't anything since. He's working on Nic Refn's Maniac Cop remake which is a wet dream...if it ever gets done.
Because those Predators were made by Joos. And the audience was the ayyy. Predators the Movie actually has IDF soldiers as the only human survivors literally "chosen."
They all have been replaced by capeshit.
Replace Conan with Commando
god damn I hate Conan. the only decent bit was the 10 minute fight in the little fortress of spikes
the only modern day action kino i can think of is john wick, but beyond that i cant think of any
John Wick is kino
Commando is pure 80's action
>The Rock was buff but had a feminine demeanour
user, you hilarious!
>probably the only good movie he did
Rocky IV is kino
Upgrade 2018
Posted b boomers wearing backwards caps and carrying skateboards.
Except it was excruciating for Arnold to watch his team one by one. But in the end, yes, I guess you could say Dutch became the Predator.
>Terminator 3
Fury Road was the last great action movie.
Fight me, faggot. American Ninja was awesome. The US Army versus ninjas in the jungle. Who doesn't like that?