Everyone on YouTube makes fun of YouTubers who just add inane commentary to actual funny content

Everyone on YouTube makes fun of YouTubers who just add inane commentary to actual funny content
But then praise pewdiepie who adds shit commentary and is boring as fuck
The Quality of his videos have declined this year
Zoomer faggots act like he's so funny but all he does now is put on a fake swedish accent

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Not television & film.


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I can’t stand the little gay voice he does

I love watching Felix's daily 10 minute videos, the routine is comfy desu

the only two youtube 'content creators' i can stand to watch are sseth and kumbi

I always hated that Swede but at the same time he angers people I hate even more so I begrudgingly accept his existence.

he knows
it's why he made it from his tranny phone

his act is to pretend to have down syndrome from the way he talks

Uh oh

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I don’t get it. This douche doesn’t actually create any content.. he just.... records himself reacting to other people’s content and talks in a silly voice while saying shit a 12 yr old would say...

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he's not so much a legit content creator these days as much as he's a figurehead for the soul of youtube.

His' post ironic humor hits a very broad audience, and his feud with t series has only made him ridiculously popular, I thought the meme would die down after the Superbowl, but it just keeps escalating, now the Gap is around 100k and rising.
That's enough time for something to boil up again.
That swedish bastard it's influencing media in a huge way.

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He got kids to start reading books and has expressed his contempt for capeshit so he's not all bad

his audience are 12 year olds

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Why does redwood keep babysitting Yea Forums threads?

He's funny and charismatic, but you can't please everyone and he doesn't try to do that. Some people just won't like him for whatever reason like OP (including people that hate popular things).

i keep seeing threads about nyan nyan the trap cosplay
and no one complains
also youtube is basically the new television

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cause he said nigger once and has the full backing of the cult of /pol/

less than 4 years ago this screaming faggot swede was unironically yelling OH NOOEZ and making silly voices playing happy wheels unironically “brofisting” the camera

is it just me or is it incredibly embarassing to see someone wholly transform their image and adopt this popular idea of constant irony to their personality because its hip? like how do adults watch this fucking garbage

how is he funny
is putting an autistic accent on funny
the only time you could say he's being charismatic is on pew news
his only good segment

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>swedish man doing a fake swedish accent
what the fuck

I don't know

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lmao don't act like you've never done cringey shit in your life

ok i phrased it wrong
doing a stereotypical swedish accent

What I don't get is why he still acts surprised when it gets a copyright strike for stealing peoples content

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no scandinavian has ever been funny or charismatic, you want boring stilted conversation go talk to a nord.

Just because you can't mentality grow up, doesn't mean everyone is the same.
He literally got redpilled "on camera".
And he references how cringy he was before, he doesn't hide.

Brad stop it >:(

It’s not like he was a little kid when he was doing those vids either. He was a grown ass man acting like that

They post gay porn so that dumb nigger faggot gives them a pass.

I 100% have, the difference is that I was 14

this guy was like 23 when he was doing all of that embarassing shit

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I hope that one day someone will go through your computer and find all these pictures

how has he grown up? he talks like a retard

Good morning.

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difference is that with pewdiepie it feels incredibly forced and planned, artificial, because he was already completely an adult when he was doing insanely cringy shit on camera

he is very mature he even has the clothing brand made with real Canadian wool that stuff isn't cheap you know plus it will last a lot longer than WalMart fact

Come at me bro.

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nice try, T-Series

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literal shill, fuck off

Why is someone posting balding bears? This is a twink and otter only board.

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If you go solely for his content it's glaringly obvious, from pure video game streaming to book reviews/alcohol reviews/blogs.
If you hadn't noticed this you have never seen him, or are just dumb.
He was a manchildren

He used to be funny before he got all pretentious.

Look at this low income shitskin post
holy shit

He said nigger and his apology wasn't too groveling.

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pewdiepie has always been shit, and unless you're younger than 16, you're actually retarded if you regularly watch his videos

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long term relationships destroy a man. man should either fuck and have a child, or fuck and dump prove me wrong

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>trashing Gen Z
>but still watches Pewdiepie
Your lack of self-awareness is astounding.

>imagine unironically defending your favourite e celeb on a trap porn website

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He's a post-election tourist still in his honeymoon phase and without the self-awareness necessary to realize that none of the opinions we are feeding him are his own.

imagine hating a tube personality so much you spam threads about him with gay shit

same here, I always watch his video before going to sleep

Imagine being this new, Yea Forums is bear country

The absolute state of nu4chan

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Yea Forums is cunny town bitch

I cant stand Pewdiepie and his humour but atleast he is making zoomers based

>gay shit
Being manly is gay now?

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>he is making zoomers based
No he isn't, he's making them more stupid.

Threads made after this one have been deleted
Why is julian protecting it?

that's what you get when youtubers are forced to make videos every single day in order to get promoted by the algorithm

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I've also noticed that Pewdiepie is PAINFULLY unfunny. His comments are 5th grade tier. Using faggy voices etc that really are not funny. At this point he just can do whatever he wants because he just "does it ironically".

I disagree. He's very funny. Watch this and tell me he isn't funny.


>buy actual name brand clothing
>buy pewds and his girlfriends clothing for the same price
think of the poor Chinese children!

You have to be 18 or older to post on this website

i really wish i could report people like you for being underage

bearposter saved this thread

It's also funny how little children think that pretending to do things "ironically" makes you mature and totally not like everyone else. Hey, I'm gonna clickbait, but it's ironic!

Like how fucking dumb people. Using irony to make people less critical of you is such a cheap move and I can't believe people are so stupid as to fall for it so easily

I actually have more respect for goofballs like Jake Paul with his everyday bro shit because it's goofy and he's not hiding it, unlike these losers who do the same thing but are only pretending lel xD but essentially make the same content

How is everyday bro worse than bitch lasagna? Seriously. One is goofy and one is "ironically" goofy to render it immune to criticism. That's all there is. They both deserve equal praise or resentment

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Pdp is sometimes unfunny but I watch him because he is usually funny.

Fuck you, T-Series.

T Gay

Daily Pew watcher. He's like family at this point.

>2 hours
Why should anyone else have to follow the rules if Yea Forums doesn't?

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how did pewds get on trending with a will smith cameo

I thought (((they))) blacklisted him

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Because it made him fucking rich you dumb idiot.

Why was it that 2 years ago only little kids liked him but now all the grown incels suck how dick?


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He’s BFFs with Ben Shapiro I doubt it

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because he had a based dispute with the wall street journal and based people the world over are rooting for based alternative media to btfo old fart brainwashing media

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>1 ticket to Bohemian Rhapsody, please

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So no reason for non-incels then

his videos suck dick. just gets by on conservation of e-momentum

Reminder anyone shilling him is an actual shill

Ok dude, recommend us some channels you think are good, so we can ridicule you.

You can't ridicule someones taste in Youtube when you unironically find pewdiepie to be funny and talented

>(trans/black/LGBT/etc.) folks
I can't describe the irrational rage that engulfs my soul when I read or hear these words

White people are becoming megacucks at an alarming rate.

Too many young faggots on the internet these days. Can't go anywhere without hearing about some retarded e-celeb and whatever controversy they've gotten into.

These threads are always shill threads.