Jon Snow The Secret Prince will kill the Evil Dark Lord with his Magic Sword

>Jon Snow The Secret Prince will kill the Evil Dark Lord with his Magic Sword
>All the Dark Lord's minions will also instantly die when he does, solving the entire problem immediately

When I started this series 8 years ago it's because you fucks promised me it wasn't going to be another cliche fantasy good guys vs evil monsters bullshit, it was going to be a medieval political thriller. But all that turned out to be bullshit cover to hide the real story, and yet you motherfuckers still say it's the best show on television?

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>white man save everyone
Umm, yeah, pretty problematic sweetie. not gonna happen.

He'll die in the process, and the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms will by Dany, who will be acting both as Queen and as a single mother, raising their daughter by herself.

We haven't been saying its the best thing on television since like the second season

why did they make them look like fucking draugr?
reading the book (don't, they are shit really), they are supposed to look like evil snow-elves with irridescent armor
it doesn't matter anyway. the show was downhill from season 2

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Blame D and D

The show has incredibly bland visuals and doesn't do justice to the books in this regard. Or any, for that matter.

Maario Naharis

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The show is gonna disappoint no matter what. Everything feels unearned and I don't even know what the point is anymore besides characters just going through their motions just because.

based Maario naharis poster

>and yet you motherfuckers still say it's the best show on television?

NO ONE on Yea Forums says this. I'd say the majority of people on reddit don't even say this. Even normies don't say it as much anymore. And it's all precisely because the point you brought up in the OP.

based based Maario naharis poster poster

dubs of truth

Captain Maario Naharis

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based Captain Maario naharis poster

based based poster

It's also weird all the theories about how they'll all be 'redeemed' even though the writers admit they intentionally just made it a horde of dumb zombies that go around killing everything that moves. There's literally zero reason not to just wipe them off the face of the continent.

Its up to the individual whether you think its the best tv show or not, but its an amazing universe once you dig into it. The tv show can't include everything, like the characters thoughts or feelings. There's more to Game of Thrones than what you see on tv.

I know this is bait but I also know people will be lurking for spoilers. So every credible source is saying Jon gets blown up while killing the NK. So yes the living do win but all the Chads die and it’s Missande and Tyrion left in charge conflicting reports if they are raising Jon and Dany’s child. Some reports say she miscarries or dies before giving birth.

what the fuck is Game of Thrones.

yes but they are not the real villains. Watch them bait faggots into thinking its a happily ever after thing and then have the lannisters kill the heroes.

It literally won an Emmy award for best drama for its last season. By normie standards it is by definition the best show on television.

based based Captain Maario naharis poster poster

>>Jon Snow The Secret Prince will kill the Evil Dark Lord with his Magic Sword
>>All the Dark Lord's minions will also instantly die when he does, solving the entire problem immediately
How do you know?

Where can i find spoilers