Any kinos for this feel?

Any kinos for this feel?

Attached: supermax prison.png (509x474, 218K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Silence of the Lambs


Is this where Sneed posters go?

The last time this image was posted it was a 300+ reply thread of Europoors crying over the idea of rapists and terrorists not being given tax-payer funded luxury apartments.

absolutely based janny cell, he doesnt deserve cunny threads in colour

It must actually be a pain in the ass to get black and white tube televisions now.

You gotta admit they were pretty based giving Anders Brevik a free IKEA studio apartment for killing all those little faggot commies.

They only gave him a PS2 though. He went on hunger strike until they brought a PS3 in.

Attached: breivik cell.jpg (700x428, 49K)

I unironically wish I could stay in a place like this for a month. Even if they didn't give me any books. I'd just sleep all day and be lost in my dreams
Prisons that make you do labor are shit though

this is literally nicer than my 5k university dorm. Norway is a fucking joke

Use a color lcd panel and strip out the color signal sent to it.

>Uhmmm we're trying to rehabilitate him back into society after he larped as Rambo and gunned 300 people down.

It seems to be working, why else would he try to kill himself?

he's never getting out so what's your point?


Attached: dhx.png (500x481, 270K)

>They only gave him a PS2 though. He went on hunger strike until they brought a PS3 in.
If I were him I wouldn't complain if they gave me some based kinaematique games like Jak & Daxter, Jak 2, Ace Combat 3, Ratchet & Clank, and Need for Speed Underground 2

What's the point though?

maybe he really wanted to be punished

>American reoffend rates are insanely high compared to the rest of the developed world because of their insanely brutal prisons
>American prison costs are insanely high compared to the rest of the world because they need so many more guards
>"I don't care if our system literally costs more to produce a worse outcome because the bad men did bad things so we need to treat them bad!"

>why else would he try to kill himself?
Because they deprived him of kino like Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us and God of War 3.

Luckily he won a lawsuit against them and they gave him his PS3 plus 35,000 euros for his trouble


Attached: 1533413370523.jpg (640x480, 33K)

yeah but its still prison, when he requested kingdom of heaven they only gave him the theatrical cut and he refused lunch until they sent someone out for the directors cut

yeah killing white children is so based heil breivik

>compared to the rest of the developed world
there's the mistake in your comparison, you don't compare the developed world to America considering half their crime committers are literal Africans and Hispanics

>American reoffend rates are insanely high compared to the rest of the developed world because of their insanely brutal prisons
American everything bad is insanely high compared to the rest of the developed world because we have 40 million niggers.

Of course everyone in Europe is in a rush right now to import as many Africans as they can because they looked at how our country turned out and were like "That's fucking awesome, we gotta get in on this"

They had all already pledged to spend the rest of their lives dedicated to the final destruction of Norway.

Attached: _88775359_norwayvictims2_utoeya.jpg (1024x576, 660K)

Symbols - with added sidestory of luchador tele novela.

This is the real Anders Breivik cell?

>Y-y-y-you're the NPC! Not us who instantly blame everything on the bad black people
even though you can also control for just white people and still get the same result!

>He went on hunger strike until they brought a PS3 in.
so he wants a console with no games on it because history's greatest console didn't suit his tastes?


1. American cops exaggerate the quantity of prisoners because they are racist
2. Nobody cares to spend more money on prisons but that just leads to more serious spending later, a lesson nobody learns
3. America extradites foreign criminals so they aren't just housing domestic criminals. Leading to a higher than average prison population.

In regards to rehabilitation vs punishment, most of the prisons get filled with minorities, I'll remind you that America is racist and will continue to fill those prisons with minorities over white people and nobody will spend a dime on their behalf, because again, racist.

>even though you can also control for just white people and still get the same result!
That'd be pretty fucking amazing since if you removed black people from any equation every crime metric in the US would instantly drop 50% to 70%

This guy sounds like a real jerk

When did I say anything about black people? You need to stop seething so much and count backwards from 10, chief.

it's probably the worst prison cell in norway

Attached: norwegian prison.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

he wanted to play MW2 no Russian level

Attached: file.png (655x699, 773K)

Attached: 7ACB756F-3E7C-4F90-9870-74C5464843D5.jpg (354x499, 47K)

Can I just go to Norway and shoot someone?

They only give him dubbed anime

More like 50-30% really
>inb4 2012
You find a more recent source

go right ahead i won't stop you

Attached: the only place in the world where crime pays.png (640x1135, 1.04M)

you wouldnt like it, theres no internet

Yes you’ll get 8 years in a luxury apartment

no way, this is better than my apartment

Attached: goose computer.jpg (428x424, 20K)

Attached: Bastoy prison - norway.png (900x600, 660K)

Then Hispanics are another 20-30%

Basically if you took out blacks and Hispanics crime in US would be Finland levels and lower than UK or Italy

>he thinks this link actually defends basketball americans

I'm from Eastern Europe and my cousin is a thieving bastard, who only does his shit in western europe, because if he gets caught, he gets sent to one of these "jails", where he learns to play guitar and has a pretty good time in general.

Completely 0 fear of being caught. I really agree that prisons should be shitholes, so that the fear of doing time would stop you from commiting crimes.

Attached: file.png (626x626, 287K)

It's the same in Britain. Absolute scandal that prisoners live in relative luxury compared with most people.

Attached: BritishPrison.jpg (1024x682, 83K)

Attached: file.png (961x887, 1.03M)

this isn't real, can't be real lol

Living on that shithole island is a prison in of itself.

That's nothing. This is a low class swedish prison

Attached: sweprison.jpg (474x316, 24K)

Here’s a 40’s menu from Alcatraz

Attached: 6B9B33DE-CF4E-4FAA-BA6E-44E25ECFB4B3.jpg (553x735, 85K)

don't forget that in America poor areas, particularly minorities, are more likely to be next to toxic waste dumps and have lead in their drinking water, causing brain damage that is directly linked to higher crime rates.

to be clear
there's nothing wrong with treating prisoners well
but everyone else should be able to afford that standard too

In norway the crimes are not so severe. Muggings occasional fight where opponent get badly hurt and such. They go to prison to rehabilitate not to suffer.

compare to south americans or asian prisons now haha

Israeli here. One of our best kept secrets is out prisons are even more brutal than American ones

The guards are basically Shawshank redemption tier and will legit kill you if you piss them off

So this Europe luxury shit is hilarious

wish your church looked like this?

Attached: bastoy prison church - norway.jpg (2448x3264, 2.93M)

>its white peoples fault im a criminal!

I'm enjoying this thread a lot, thanks guys

Attached: typical danish prison recreation area.jpg (2048x1365, 932K)

But only for the mudslimes I assume?

Yeah it really is. This is what a minimum security prison 'common room' looks like. Minimum security is generally to prepare people for life outside prison.

But guess what the leftists in Britain got upset about? Was it the luxury and wealth afforded for prisoners?


It was that there picture of the Queen could be disrespectful for people of different faiths and cultures. Really makes my blood boil.

Attached: BritishMinimumSecurity.jpg (626x418, 52K)

>thinking i have to be defending niggers to say the US prison system is a failure on multiple levels
Our recidivism is stupidly high, we have more people in prison for smoking dope than for rape, murder, assault combined.
Our prisons are overcrowded, underfunded, full of people in there for crimes which aren’t even crimes in a third of the states.
Joining a gang isthe best way to stay alive in prison, and when you get out of jail that foesn’t mean you’re out of the gang.

Ours look 1000x better

>He went on hunger strike until they brought a PS3 in.
fucking lol

I mean half the thread is about how nice the cell is of the guy who shot 90 kids in the face

You'll get deported retard


>the Queen is disrespectful of different faiths
Do people in England worship the queen?
I understand Irish folks being offended but still.

Commies are not people.

Fucking monsters.

Well, more of them should be killed, obviously. Rehabilitation is a pussy meme. Not everyone deserves to be rehabilitated.

Kek eurofags are retarded

How is that possible? It's like being mad if some Indian room has a pic of Gandhi or a US room a pic of Lincoln, literally how is that offensive? Jesus they're no even trying.

prove it

The queen is head of the Anglican church.

At least Norway has the low crime rate to kind of justify something like that. Doing this in the UK is a fucking joke.

do american prisons have supermarkets? because norwegian prisons do

Attached: file.png (705x705, 899K)

seems pretty comfy

The people who do crimes worthy of killing(rape, murder etc.)are pretty much in their for life since the US has one of the longest record of holding people for criminal activity.
Murderers tend not to have a high recidivism rate since they’re stuck there for at least a few decades

do american prisons have roller coasters, swimming pools and zoos? because german ones did

I didn't know anyone other than the catholics took those seriously

Attached: my head of church.jpg (474x900, 63K)

What do they let these guys watch on the TV?

Religous reasons. SeeAnd you know, separation of church and state

Attached: norwegian prison yard.png (780x453, 817K)

As someone who was in prison for years...I'd have killed someone for that cell.(not literally).

Attached: 1539607790843.gif (219x263, 3.91M)

yeah, yourself! lol!

>prisons in Norway better than apartments in America
>never: why aren't my living conditions better

If this doesn't hit right to the heart of American values I don't know what does. Horrible people making the world a terrible place.

Don't forget the machine that prostate milks you to death

Still pretty gay

America has the right idea with their justice system.
Fuck pussy Euros and their laughable "prisons".
All murderers should be executed by firing squad

What were you in for

Which is a waste of time and money. Just hang them and be done with it.

Where do the prisoners get the money from to buy all that shit?

i raped a hentai pillow

>he's never getting out

They only sentenced him to 22 years.

burger BTFO

they do work, in bastoy they make woodwork and shit, some even do ceramic stuff and they get salary for doing so

Attached: file.png (650x488, 443K)

This was the 'cell' that Rose West (one of the most notorious murderers in UK history) spent the last 18 months of her life in.

She was diagnosed with a terminal illness, so was moves into this wing in her female only prison because of 'human rights' and 'european union'. There is something wrong with the UK.

Attached: rosewestcell.jpg (900x600, 115K)

based neetbucks

Why should they have amenities? It should be a small, clean space with a cot and a shitter. They are there for punishment and contemplation on what got them there so that they do not do it again.

To be honest, they should really add manual labor requirements.

But then youd have to murder the people who murdered the murderer then murder the people who murdered the murderers of the murders who murdered the murderer and on and on

the rehabilitation rate wasn't that great, though

Attached: th[1].gD7KB3E11gYikG5cZws5fgHaFj&pid=Api.jpg (474x355, 42K)

I remember seeing this and thinking how austere and unpleasant for Anders.

Then I saw the reality and laughed.

Attached: Just how cushy are Norwegian prisons .png (645x456, 502K)

This is why you get one dude to murder everybody and then kill himself

pic related

Attached: file.png (650x435, 479K)

There was a pretty major scandal in Finland when this image came out.
Thieves and rapists living in luxury.

Attached: 609384.jpg (800x533, 52K)

>Cries over PS3

And poltards admire this fucking faggot

Attached: [Laughing_Internally].jpg (600x450, 19K)

Do any of your Scandinavian countries share a border with Mexico?
Do any of your Scandinavian countries have to babysit a massive population of niggers?
Do any of your Scandinavian countries actually have a population even NEARLY comparable to America?

No? Then shut the fuck up.
Your faggoty touchy-feely approach literally only works in 100% white populations.

>kill innocents
>spend your free time playing bidio games and woodworking
>get paid for it
man something's off about this

more pic related

Attached: file.png (700x700, 886K)


Nice try

In a terrorist case like this a calm, Jack Kevorkian style administered death should be allowed. The guy isnt gonna help society any bit yet draining resources.

>America is racist, really

Attached: SJW Girl.png (444x368, 169K)

It's getting extended by another 22 soon, thats how the system works

>Do any of your Scandinavian countries have to babysit a massive population of niggers?
Sweden is/is going to have one of those very shortly, it's not clear at all how the "friendly pleasant social democracy" thing is gonna work after that

here they run a bike repair shop

Attached: file.png (570x366, 321K)

What's with the dual wine glasses? Are there prostitutes on the house too?

On the second point, look how the past 5 years have gone for sweden

wait til he finds out about

Kek based

Attached: prison shop.png (1200x800, 1.59M)

They will only release him is they deem him safe for society. Hint: that means never

>could have played the holy trinity of ace combat games
>instead chose to get a ps3 and play ass horizon
absolute madman

Attached: file.png (640x480, 450K)

Looks comfy

I bet half you fags claim to be Christian yet you hope and revel for the suffering of others.

Attached: file.png (640x480, 433K)

>tfw scandi
brb finna do some mad crimes

Do not even get me started on their gym facilities

Attached: 03135161d30c5442144a5548e2f3885c.jpg (960x1206, 223K)

What the fuck kind of shop is this?
>handmade soap and candles from the looks of it
>floor mats
>indiscernible shit
>random table mats
>soft toys


Attached: Mikado.jpg (489x366, 56K)

Hopefully they gave him one of the ones that also plays PS2 discs

>Why yes of course as a PROUD American I am happy about my "first world" country having the worst law enforcement system in the world. FUCK those eurofags for having a lower crime rate and less prison inmates than us!

If you don't think immigration is about invasion and takeover you're fucking stupid.

Attached: norwegian prison yard.png (1620x1080, 2.34M)

>never: why aren't my living conditions better

Who is going to pay for them to be better?
You always leave this shit out of the equation.

>he doesnt know


Attached: lo.png (126x124, 44K)

Liberals are in the minority. /Pol/ will make you believe liberals are 80% of the population and anyone who owns a gun is I'm the 1% but in reality liberals make up maybe 25%. right wing gun owners who wouldn't raise a fuss if America became white nationalist make up 40% easily.

Everyone else doesn't care and just want business as usual

You mean like liberals who claim to compassionate and revel in "male tears"?

>handmade soap and candles
>table lamps
>gold memorabilia
>hair stuffed cushions and toys
looks german to me

>It's getting extended by another 22 soon

Then why not just sentence him to Life in Prison and be done with it?
Too honest and logical? Why are they PRETENDING they're "rehabilitating" him?

>no squat rack
It’s shit, rather go to an amercan prison

does american prison has school shooting?

jesus that's fantastic
look at those tasteful kettlebells, polished metal with wooden accents

I have no sympathy for rapists and child molesters but American government and judicial system is fucked up beyond belief

this is a prison cell in iceland

Attached: 61_1.jpg (900x516, 68K)

I’m not sure how much of this is actual prison shit, vs. what he’s saying. Could just be random pictures he got off the internet and renamed prison

life sentence IS 22 years

Something's off about your thinking that everyone in prison should be punished, instead of taught a trade and thus rehabilitated, keeping them away from prison in the future instead of kept in prison to make some faggot money.

The clearly incorrigible murderers and rapists don't get these chances. They get sent to maximum security shitholes.

>because of their insanely brutal prisons
I have never seen this proven to be the reason. Only bemoaned about by bleeding hearts such as yourself


Secular "men".

>Life so unfair

Attached: jail norway.jpg (940x588, 81K)

Well first result is this gallery

in Sweden the blacks and muslims won't have lead in their drinking water thanks to centuries of entrenched retards like you making decisions. occasional acts of terrorism are probably as bad as it will get, and oh look, this thread is about a white terrorist, gosh.

>automatically recoils in a knee-jerk no you reaction
Fucking Americans

Are there any studies that show serial robbers, rapists, minor criminals and gang scum actually doing a 180 on their lives with these 'prisons'?

Why does this have more options than my university's market?

American society is one that actually destroys a persons potential and turns them into a repressed violent passive mutant

>worst law enforcement system in the world

Fucking LOL

Attached: 1547048665319.png (673x947, 56K)

I'm a euro and I wish all our prisons where like this (except the window slit, they should have no windows).

you dont need to be pacified and rehabilitated

Is that a bong on the bottom right? jesus lol
the view is fantastic too. Prime real estate for someone who raped or killed
seriously that view is gorgeous, I could look out the window all day long

Pretty fucking amazing how blacks have managed to drink lead contaminated water in every corner of the earth for hundreds of years then

what? you don't like it when prisoners get to work for a living?

Attached: file.png (900x600, 1.34M)

That’s a luxury ski chalet you Mong

>no actual explanation as to why

OK so then why should I care about your baseless opinion?

>that colour and aesthetic coordination
Norwegian prisons apparently have better interior designers than 99% of the ones decorating millionaire houses in America.

brain damage is linked to stupidity which is linked to crime, this is why it effects niggers twice as hard

More like
>why do non-criminals have to suffer more?

Man, I’ll bet the Finns were mad.

I’d have be coporate wage slave in Kuala Lumpur to get digs like that.

why aren't you afraid of takeover by asian or indian americans?

>He deserves the chance!
>Even though we will literally always say no
what ever lets you sleep better at night

He’s right I’m a burger and Britain’s police system is a nightmare but American police officers are terrible they are low educated men and racist not the racist that people believe them to be but still racist. They are corrupt and itching for violence

Did he ever get a PS4?

>Something's off about your thinking that everyone in prison should be punished

Yes, it's not like Prison is a form of punishment or anything.

there was a news article on how the guards in a swedish prison forgot to lock the cells and the inmates broke out and baked a cake

Hint: niggers

Most of it was designed for blacks and spics but "equality" means white people end up in the same prisons. That's the real problem with it.

I should go to Iceland and do a crime spree. Too bad I don't want to do anything bad to Iceland.

Entrapments illegal in the US as well though.

5k nkk ? thats p spicy.

>he said as another Grenade Attack is heard in the background

Corrupt nepotism
Hiring rate for police that have no education
Terrible three strike laws
Police corruption
Police covering up for other officials and corruption

American police here are terrible anyone worth their salt should not talk to police and especially not trust them

>America founded on principles of anti-tyranny
>modern every day Americans dream of being tyrants

>reasonable people are in a minority

you got that right

WTF I love Norway now!?

do british prisons let inmates have access to knives and forks?

Attached: silverware halden prison.png (643x321, 302K)

They are already calling the 50 or so no-go zones around the country "go-go zones" but soon there will be "go-go cities" or "go-go counties" in addition to that. Problem solved.

>America founded on patriarchal white supremacy
>why is everyone in this 56% feminist shithole going crazy

it's only the Right Wing Retards. They also think that starting a war to defend rich people's right to own slaves was a good idea.

Attached: 1528371497198.png (1076x935, 1.52M)

>crawl backwards with your hands up sideways

Attached: 8B09C4CD-3922-4B1A-8400-EC6524E32237.jpg (720x450, 33K)

Not yet

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 40K)

thats literally the same in the US though unless you live in some stand your ground state like Florida thats why the homeowner who waited for this guy and chick to break in to his house and shoot them was charged

>Why yes, of course not being allowed to kill someone who steps on your lawn makes MY country (which has 10 times as many criminals as yours) superior in dealing with them!

Attached: 1532863264734.png (474x711, 90K)

America has tons of zones like that here too

>putting rapists and terrorists in prison

You also think Donald Trump is a "FASCIST", don't you brainlet?

Nah, it's just a kooky coincidence that all the countries that focus on rehabilitative prisons have a smaller reoffending numbers than the ones who profit from using inmates as slave-labour.

hopefully they fucked that thing
i would

If I'm italian and I commit a crime in finland or norway I will be deport to my country right? I don't know shit about laws ok

Attached: buffon.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

>go to jail for owning butter knife
>jail gives me a drawer full of butter knives
This is like a comedy sketch.

"Sweden is becoming as much of a shithole as America, that proves Sweden is winning"

There are so much police here like this guy I’ve been pulled over for looking at a cop here and held at gunpoint for walking to work and no I’m not black I’m white police here are looking for violence

>low educated men
Seems like you're projecting, user.

Yes america is retarded sadly

>be a drunk faggot that intentionally makes people think you have a gun
>fail to follow instructions when a cop has to make split-second life or death decisions

Nothing of value was lost that day. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>in the age of reverse image search being available at a click
>people still falling for bullshit stories attached to random images grabbed from the net

Attached: long john.jpg (1257x922, 143K)

>no go zones
>what are detroit, chicago, LA, miami

I am.

>you're not american right wing retard

Attached: 7283.png (317x317, 95K)

It’s known that police that are hired are not known for their formal and social education why would they want to hire a man who questions authority and the rules instead hire some guy who wants to have a gun and look tough

>everyone in the system is a terrorist or rapist

Your brain on Americanism

>categorically untrue statement
>muh cops are racist
neck yourself

"the guy in first place is starting to lose his lead, that means the guy in tenth place is winning!"

>American I am happy about my "first world" country having the worst law enforcement system in the world.
Imagine being this delusional.


T. Didnt watch the video
There’s a video of the cop in question doing what he did user. It wasn’t a
>split-second decision
It was a deliberate murder by a manlet with napoleon syndrome

Police in America are racist. I’m not talking about some black guy getting shot for waving a gun but officers are racist to non whites in places like New York and laps especially

>doubles down on categorically untrue statement

Maybe ur country is the joke m8 :-)

>*masturbates rifle*
>*masturbates rifle again*

You didn’t watch it did you? It was a Manley who wanted to kill


yes. it's literally cheaper to rehabiliate than either keep people in prison forever or intentionally give them a shitty time for a short setence. if you thought about it for five seconds you'd realized it's actually an unusually easy thing to study.

what American politicians know is the best solution has nothign to do with what they can get done in practice.

Americans are ok with shitty cops because Americans are shitty people.


Yeah I can imagine being this delusional

Attached: l_eqq_2b000b533c011d1af04c0a5ed4e85144.png (940x470, 35K)

Based Norwegians.

Attached: SSSS-Sigrun-01.png (825x1920, 1.88M)

>Look at me! I just pushed an old lady down an escalator at a swiss tube station.

We need to vote these elitist cucks out NOW.

Attached: ztsxrdyijk.jpg (900x372, 196K)

Don't they let them use knives in those hotel prisons?

Yeah it’s true mate you’re hatred of nonwhites is greater than the love of autrhority

they're too busy having a job and don't actually go to church 24/7

They dont need this level of glamor to be rehabilitated. The most important part of rehabilitation is actually out of the criminals and the justice systems hand. Its in the citizens to actually accept theyve paid their debt and can intermingle with society again. All you need for rehab is basic respect from your peers and superiors within the system.

I case you didn't know, most countries have corruption.

Inner city liberals pay $3000 a month to live like this and that Brevik gets it for free for life. LMAO!

>it's literally cheaper to rehabilitate
You are very retarded if you think rehabilitation works on any scale beyond the minuscule. Our prison system could definitely use some reforming, but some of you idiots seem to think these prisons and their rules came about first and not because of the prisoners' actions.

He killed commies. The ressource he saved is at least 9 digits.

two and a half men.

Most Americans here either democratic or republican love authority and don’t actually want autonomy they just want the other side to suffer

>fucks up your country
nothin personel... poorfag

Attached: Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpg (2399x3000, 1.22M)

Of course I know that but when tour country is called the land of the free and we pride ourselves on liberty we should be the first to look inward and see how the police and authority here are terrible

It doesn't look that bad irl
prison cells in third world countries are probably A LOT worse places to live

Attached: SupermaxprisoninColorado-5ac624cfeb97de00373c52f5.jpg (768x508, 48K)

compound movement would make them too strong. they are only allowed to focus on aesthetics based programs- unless they go on hungerstrike for squat racks.

A prison system doesn't stop people from committing crimes. It stops them from committing crimes again.

You do realize around half of the NY police force are minorities themselves right?

>looks comfy to me

oh god my life is worse than i thought

>basic respect from your peers and superiors
So it wouldn't work in the USA then

>it's literally cheaper
Big distinction here, it's cheaper FOR SOCIETY, especially if the prisons are funded by the state. America has for-profit private prisons. For them it's certainly not cheaper to rehabilitate their workers and lose all the profit, which is why you never see them crying about how they can't afford more prisoners.

Can't believe some of you absolute retards are falling for some of these "Luxurious Prison Cells"

>You are very retarded if you think rehabilitation works on any scale beyond the minuscule
most people commit crime because they're are poor stupid and see no other way to change anything in their lifes, if Americans tried to change that then maybe their country wouldn't be such a shithole


Attached: 160418-florence-adx-supermax-cell-643p_94259e1c03196fda8eae8e951ebd72ac.jpg (838x1332, 315K)

Yes and minorities can hate themselves so much they take it out on their own race and the fact that you give anyone a badge they become power tripping fools

I have no idea why half of America worships this man. Is it seriously because the USSR happened to collapse during his term out of sheer coincidence?

because he was charismatic celebrity, same reason why republitards worship Le Ebin Orange Man

>most people commit crime because they're are poor stupid and see no other way to change anything in their lifes, if Americans tried to change that then maybe their country wouldn't be such a shithole
lol you are incredibly stupid. Tell you what, moron, America will ship a few million of our blacks and mexicans to your country, let that shit simmer for a few years, then see what happens to your police force and prisons.

look at his fucking eyes
fucking hopped up CoD kiddie

Attached: halden prison.png (600x642, 799K)

>artists rendition

Attached: 1542348469790.jpg (640x628, 40K)

Reee harder, tranny.

I'm confused. Why would anyone think these are bad conditions for a prison cell?

Real men are all right wing in life, sucks 2 b u.

Attached: file.png (1000x2154, 145K)

>out of sheer coincidence?
Oh god is this that yuropeon education I hear so much about? lol Reagan forced the commie faggots into an economic and military race which they lost BADLY. Yea the USSR was going to collapse eventually because communism/socialism doesn't work, but Reagan forced that collapse to happen much sooner.

Have you tried not acting like an asshole?

>pedos should be treated like regular normal human beings and basically rewarded for being monsters

What percentage of your salary is taken for taxes? It seems pretty costly to turn every prison into a Restoration Hardware gallery.

>India - 1.2b+ population
>less than 50 inmates per 100,000
woah how come the gubermint there hasn't pulled a USA and started making money off prisons?

Most police are on coke or some type of stimulants when working the same cop who will ruin your life for smoking a joint my in your backyard is coked out

Maybe don't commit most violent crimen while being 13% if the population?

you need discipline to be a fascist.

How is Trump a charismatic man? Come the fuck on, if you're gonna meme at least do it right. Trump is right up there with Bush. Obummer was more charismatic by far

recidivism rates must be insanely high here

Attached: norway prison experiment north dakota.jpg (2000x1124, 762K)

Yeah I was walking when there was two of them outside of their car standing and I looked at them and they stared berating me besides being an asshole is not a reason for unlawful search and seizure and getting a gun pointed at you

Because the corruption occurs at street level

Except in the US most people are criminally active again after beingin prison you dumbfuck

Only to people with low self esteem trump is charismatic

You joking?
It reduced criminal religious practices immensely.

wtf are those benches

Imagine knowing you have to spend the rest of your life there.

Americans worship their presidents.
People worshipped JFK.
People worshipped Obama.
People worship Trump.

Nice try, pussy-hatter. Even the average leftshit retard admits Trump is charismatic. Obama had the charisma of an autopsy by comparison.

>>be a drunk faggot that intentionally makes people think you have a gun
He had a pellet gun because it was his job
The cop gave impossible direction, the dude would unironically be still alive if he refused to comply and laid on the ground with his hands on his head

Do try to be a little more subtle.

You yuroshits literally worship the EU lol

Imagine being this big of a cuck at only 12 years old.

>that tv placement
true nightmare fuel right there, humans deserve better than that

I can walk out of my house any time I want. Feels good being a good guy.

Attached: 1550948789232.png (500x519, 126K)

Do try to be a little less retarded.

>crime worthy of killing

Attached: 1544457499660.gif (382x344, 1.57M)

We can only hope

exactly. the American system is set up so it's almost impossible to fix.

I'm sorry the truth upsets you, boot-licker.

Why would you call him a boot locker when you are defending a political figure

If you watch the video he's so hyped up that he keeps stroking/changing the grip on his rifle like a fidgeting junkie. He was completely out of control and should never have been allowed entry into a job that demands you stay cool under high pressure.

This coming from a country that has kids sing to a flag every morning lol

>says a political figure has charisma
Go pay your TV license, cuck lol

but italian prisons are notoriously bad and overcrowded

post some third world cells and prisons

But an user said it. Why would he lie? He's always educating us with his factual infographics!

I'm actually impressed by how close the 3D model is to reality.

This coming from a country that has kids sing to a fag every morning.

Better than a country that makes their kids pray to Allah in school lol

I’m American you fool trump doesn’t have charisma neither do any politicians here. Only a person who has low self esteem would say that drug dealers and mob bosses have more charisma than trump

Attached: prisoner living quarters norway.png (460x259, 158K)

Why are you responding to an obvious shitposter?

Depends on the value of the woman.

>your "house" is a one room, reach infested hovel
>80% of your paycheck is going to putting these shitlords up in a penthouse suite
That's a good citizen

nice try incel, he was adjusting his grip to keep up with the criminal's pathetic attempt at surrender, in the end he took the only safe course

Meh I’m bored and waiting for my stew to cool down

You are extremely stupid, user. Seriously. It's not even about liking Trump or not. Even far-left shit shows like Huffington Post admit Trump has charisma.

Attached: 1371338890776.gif (207x207, 1.37M)

In Sweden they're putting white people in shipping containers and throwing old people into the street so they can put Africans up in duplexes and apartments.

Huffington post can go fuck themselves once again their a media outlet of course they would say anything to create a headline

These are 100x better than my army barracks kek.

Please head back to resetera.

>all these retards itt falling for stock apartment photos

Attached: 1446495288698.gif (256x234, 2.67M)

>meh I'm bored so I decided to let a monkey fling its shit on me
You're an idiot.

>your church
No m'gentleman, no

>literal truth
>actual lie

lol no wonder murrica can never handle bantz

Haha who is pushing for this immigration? Is the population just powerless to stop it, or too apathetic?

I'll bet that includes the OP as well.

When I lived in the barracks I would have done five extra miles every day to have a private room with its own toilet and shower.

*farts on you*

I don't get this, is it a Holocaust joke?

They're terrified. If they speak against it they go to prison. It is literally a crime in Sweden to criticize immigration.

These places have become totalitarian almost overnight because their regimes used the morality of the people against them.

It's the king. The dirty Frenchman has been scheming against the Swedish people for decades.

Nah it's actually not as horrible as OP
I'm in AIT and actually get my own room with a shared bathroom since it's 2 small MOS's with like 80 people total. You only have to share when you first get here until you phase up. I even have a PS4 lol.
We're here for close to a year though so they treat us a little better than sub human

I can't tell if this post is supposed to be ironic.

Are you in the Chair Force? Sounds like how my buddy was living on base.

>Yea Forums - Prison discussion

Is it a political party that's promoting it for votes? I just don't see what is to gain by bringing a bunch of fucking Africans to your country. Look how we turned out in the US, for christ sake.

A surprising number of anons are convicts.

Army unfortunately, I should have went Airforce with my Asvab scores