Is there a purer form of love than that between a mature man and his young charge?

Is there a purer form of love than that between a mature man and his young charge?

Attached: i-love-you-once-i-love-you-twice-i-love-you-more-than-beans-and-rice.png (500x568, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the love between a man and his beans and rice

I wish I had a daughter.

What about the love between a real human bean and his bean and race?

Formerly his feed and seed

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he has been refuted, stop posting this


>Is there a purer form of love than that between a mature man and his young charge?
The (sexual|romantic) love between an older sister and her younger brother.

the love between two people who are around the same age

>I love you TWICE

Attached: 1548305332422.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

a korean and plastic surgery to look more western

The love between a man and our lord and savior, Jesus Crist

Attached: YRVNBasm.jpg (512x512, 43K)

I love you two, I love you three,
I love you more than feed and seed!

blessed post

name of the kino?

They're both not very attractive and the red one looks so bored of her life as a corporate slave.

ah this notorious kino

can't believe this movie was acceptable back then

it's on the bong netflix so it should be fine

censored i think

My teenage self fondly remembers this. Like really fondly

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