Does anyone actually think this is funny?

Does anyone actually think this is funny?

Attached: donald-trump-alec-baldwin1.png (618x354, 302K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I like that he makes you /pol/ and gamergate type butthurt.

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They keep doing it because they know Trump watches.

It's not even a good impression

If you don't like unfunny jokes next time don't vote for one.

Yes. Millions.


satire is pointless when the reality is more ridiculous

if you don't, you're a literal triggered snowflake

Orwell would say its a combination of duckspeak and prolefeed.

SNL isn't funny overall.

It's more about how the cult-of-personality reacts.

I think Trump is a clown but SNL is pathetic, they have completely forgotten the point of their show (comedy) and have instead turned into a circle jerk over how righteous (((they))) are.

its funny that trump actually tweets about, therefore, watches it and gets riled up about it.

The one with kanye west was funny

Wow all the faggot lefties in this thread. Sorry snowflakes 8 more years of God Emperor!

I like that mocking SNL's shitty skits makes you butthurt

my boomer trump hating dad does
he loves seeing drumpf btfo epic style on the #1 comedy show in america

>someone made this
>someone else saved it

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My dumbshit millennial socialist brother that lives in New York does.

He pulled up some SNL shit on YouTube for the family during his visit during Christmas and he was the only one laughing.

It's fucking puerile masturbatory material at this point. Every joke was literally just "YOUR BELIEFS ARE CORRECT, TRUMP IS DUMB AND WRONG, YOU ARE SMART AND RIGHTEOUS". It's pathetic.



Alec Baldwin's impersonation sucks


I genuinely can't tell if this is an actual lefty meme or a /pol/ spoof because of the masses of text everywhere.

>you SEETHED over it

Bob Dylan made a song about this forty years ago

Wtf is with all the lefites in this thread? Go back to r*ddit this is a /pol/ board

From what I can gather nobody thinks its funny but they say they like it because they think Trump is personally offended by it.

Wow someone's absolutey SEETHING over that post. Can't wait for your butthurt reply ;)

Star Wars.

Attached: youloseswitzer547.jpg (828x960, 127K)

What is this new brand of right-wing autism? I've never seen people get so upset that others disagree with them.

The guy who did the impressions during the Republican primaries was actually pretty good. The joke was pretty much killed stone dead when they switched to Baldwin - you could tell how mad they were about Trump's success so they just got a famous has-been actor and dialled the impression up to 11 in response.

Dunno, user. What's a "lefite"?

Remember when impersonations on SNL were actual impersonations and not some guy in a half assed wig saying "me dumb" between thundering applause?


Bob Zimmerman, you mean.

>no Trump/political threads in the catalog
>hit refresh
>suddenly half a dozen political threads in the catalog

Just like how /pol/ doesn't have any serious political views other than OWNING and TRIGGERING libruls


Leftists are obsessed with the notion of retaliation at this point.
They took losing in 2016 as a personal slight and had a histrionic fit over it, so anything they even THINK hurts Trump's feelings they support 120%.

oh shit

I was thinking of this when I typed my post but couldn't remember the source, he was spot on. Fuck SNL, I used to watch it as a Bong back in like 2011 and found it hilarious, genuinely quite sad how it's become an insufferable libtard circle jerk

>mocking autism
That's pretty offensive dude, you hate "right wingers" but you yoursef are just as bigoted and hatefilled toward people with menta disorders?

Alita made them think they were welcome here

>millions of people find reddit-SNL humor to be hilarious
I've been #owned

>Anything being funny on a show hosted by a suited American buffoon

Literally not even once

SNL has been caricaturing presidents for decades, why does doing the same with Trump make his followers so asshurt?

Rob Schneider: secret intellectual

>I've never seen people get so upset that others disagree with them.

Sounds like you don't understand the actual argument here, shitlib.
Not surprising.

Attached: SJW Troll Warrior.jpg (900x1200, 279K)

>Alec was an Emmy award winning performance for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy

Alright, that gave me a chuckle

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They have a victim complex for some reason

You are obsessed.

>Yes. Millions.
Yes and no. I don't believe no more than 8 million people actually tune-in. Which is way down what it used to be in the 90's.

>Leftists are obsessed

sucks to be you breh

This. My dad 65 yr old dad doesnt get any of the cultural references but still loves it because they make fun orange man. The jews really did do a number on boomers

And just like liberals have no political beliefs, serious or otherwise, besides "DRUMPF IS FREAGIN CHEETO HITLER"

>bringing up /pol/ when nobody else has


because before it was like 5 minutes of President-bashing a series and now EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY EPISODE is bashing Trump and going on about faggot rights

I didn't start this thread

Democrats do

Are you going to cry about it? Autistic faggot.

Damn, he just got #rekt! I was formerly a trump voter but you just convinced me! White people shouldn't have a right to exist after all!

this but unironically

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Baldwin isn't a good trump

At least *try* not start sobbing over it, user.

>people disagree with my abject retarded beliefs
>they must be brainwashed
I've seen right-wingers squealing and shitting themselves whilst spewing some variation of the greentexted meme for 2 years now.

I don't get the lip pouting thing. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Trump doing that and yet it's his main schtick with mocking Trump.


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>accusing literally ANYONE ELSE of having a "victim complex"

You faggots literally sent a man to a re-education course for wearing an Obama mask at a rodeo during the Obama years. You sensitive little fucks can't handle your Democrat Overlords being mocked and the media reflects that with how they handle Democrat politicians with fucking kid gloves.

Beacon of comedy Rob Scneider has spoken....


Taking into account you're the only people who ever say this I'd say your claim's pretty rich.

>trumpepe will end huwite jennyside
oof, imagine the smell

>Guy who has not released a single funny move providing commentary about what he thinks is funny


>not one asshurt comment about an impersonation
>ha ha look at all the triggered trumpets btfo Cheeto president bad

It's just so tiring.

But they are.

Leftists have gone completely fucking insane over the past three years.

Only he /pol/ shitskins think he's not funny.

Fuck Obama, for starters. Which "overlords" are you screeching about?

why are leftist so hate filled?

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Yeah. I also liked Dana doing GW, Ferrell doing W. I think they went soft on Obama. That's bullshit in my book.

>accusing anyone else of 'crying'

We all know where you're going to end up within the decade.

What did he mean by this?

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Rob Schneeder

So do you not read posts before replying to them?

> “I, Rob Schneider, a 1/2 Jew, pledge from this day forth to never work with Mel Gibson, actor-director-producer and anti-Semite.”

You'll all still lick his ass though.

/pol/ absolutely BTFO

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>Taking into account you're the only people who ever say this

>Leftists haven't been calling Trump "Hitler" for three years now.

Holy shit, what planet are you from?


This is what the upset adult needs to believe.

No, Americans cannot be funny intentionally.
Americans can only be funny unintentionally. See Trump and Alex Jones. Some of the funniest people to ever live, without intending to be.

>getting mad that people aren't anti-semitic

That /pol/ boogeyman really did a number on you.

Which leftists?
>inb4 some rando communist trannies


Weak and dishonest.

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I do.

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I like laughing at /pol/tards, but that image is utter dogshit and not funny at all.

Yeah, remember when a leftist brought a gun to a pizza shop because he believed it was the center of a massive pedophile ring?
Remember when a bunch of leftists believed that Trump was secretly orchestrating a massive investigation thanks to some anonymous shitposter on Yea Forums?
The left is really, really insane!

Attached: Q.jpg (1200x900, 157K)

>American humor is too deep for him

Guess what? Both are intentionally being funny.

>shitposting low-effort leftist talking-points on Yea Forums in an attempt to "change the culture" here
>not a tranny

I mean I guess it's theoretically possible. But statistically you're likely to either be a tranny or wannabe tranny.

Meaningless from someone with the /pol/ boogeyman boogeyman unloading its poz in his guts.

>don't force me to TV only roles like Terrance Howard

It's nice to see that, young transsexual people should be treated with respect and dignity, we need to embrace them as part of our society and help them become successful citizens. We're not going to do that if we fold under pressure from people promoting hatred and discrimination. We need to stand up for what is good in the world, and I applaud Don Cheadle for putting out this positive message out there.

>lol, American leaders and media personalities are so dumb. not like the globalist traitors that rule over me, or the state-funded propagandists that create my media. Glorious European supremacy.

You're trying much too hard there, guy.

I think it's really sad. From Cat in the Hat and 30 Rock to this. Tragic.

>a few rando boomers

Yes, what a nightmare.
Now compare that to the past three years of near-constant leftist violence and hate-campaigning.

You're a fact-blind tribalist.
It's especially embarrassing considering the fact that Leftists have spent the first two months of 2019 doing nothing but embarrassing themselves.

Attached: Leftist Protest.jpg (1127x699, 189K)

Point made.
I'm sure you're not one of those cunts who attributes every mildly conservative opinion to /pol/ .

I didn't say they were dumb, I said they were funny, surreal, and almost unbelievable. America is like a reality TV show of a reality TV show. Bizzaro land. But when you know a little about the countries history, such as the fact America was formed by religious extremists, political extremists, social rejects, and criminals, you can sort of understand why it is the way it is.

>It's especially embarrassing considering the fact that Leftists have spent the first two months of 2019 doing nothing but embarrassing themselves.
Also, what's your point with that image?


clapping instead of lauging


Idk how people can even watch television anymore. It's 10 minutes of content with 20 minutes of advertising.

Remember when that bernie bro actually shot a congressman at a baseball game.

And that was horrible.

baldwin's performance of Trump is funny. The lines he works with however are not - it's really lazy and anti-funny, but that's SNL trademark at this point

This thread just shows what an absolute fucking dumpster fire it is.

SNL shit on Bush *and* it was funny. Why can't they shit on Trump in a funny way, instead of just going "I FUCKING HATE TRUMP HE'S SO STUPID I HOPE HE DIES SEE THAT WAS A JOKE LAUGH WITH ME LET'S ALL LAUGH ABOUT HOW STUPID TRUMP IS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

I got a challenge for you. Quote a joke about Trump that made you laugh. Not righteous self-gratification over how somebody you hate just got /btfo/ but straight up you went "haha that's funny"

Attached: 140228_2749970_Bush_State_of_the_Union_anvver_2.jpg (640x360, 141K)

i watched Superbowl for the first time and was absolutely baffled by the format. You can really sell the proletariat masses any lie
>no, you actually really love the endless barrage of commercials, and these are just the best, you L-O-V-E them

wtf i'm with her now?

Kimmy Schmidt. Even that was lame in the setup but the last Trump scene where he's in the hospital, proclaiming proudly that the heart attack he just had was the biggest heart attack his doctors had ever seen, and nobody had ever been flatlined for as long as he was, and all those guys in hell must just be sad losers.

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Not that guy but,
>covington catholic media gaff
>green new deal unveiled to be ludicrously practical
>smollett hoax

The first few times it was funny. Now the routine boils down to stupid faces. We got like 6 more years of this though.


haha it funny because trump talk dumb because orange man bad-stupid haha


No, it was a solid joke about his ego that was totally believable. If Trump had a heart attack IRL you know he would be bragging about it five minutes later. You want a bad joke? Before that they had him say "My buildings are all giant penises that have sex with the sky," that was just awful.

I still watch it because Melissa Villasenor is cute and what bugs me is that they still can be funny when they're not political. This cast has some underrated funny performers and some of the 100% comedic sketches are good.


Oh wow, willful ignorance, huh?

>Broadcasting fake news about Mueller's supposed iron-clad proof of the Muh Russia conspiracy to the point where Mueller himself has to step in and say they're lying and embarrassing them
>The Gillette commercial dumpster-fire
>The shooting of a black child that was hyped to be "the crime of the century that is dividing the nation" because the victim reported the shooter as being a white guy, with the story then being immediately Memory-Holed when it turned out to be a black guy
>The Covington Kids being labeled literal Hitler Youth by seething, foaming, psychopathic leftists for getting attacked by insane minorities and doing fucking nothing, and then being completely vindicated by indisputable video evidence
>Multiple high-profile Virginia Democrats toeing the Political-Correctness line then getting exposed as dressing in blackface or molesting women
>Literally hundreds of SJW bloggers getting laid-off
>Brie Larson's SJW nonsense costing Disney literal hundreds of millions in projected lost profits
>Senate now outright admitting that the "MUH RUSSIAN HACKERS" conspiracy-theory was baseless and untrue
>The idiot from Empire fucking faking a supposed hate-crime committed by kids in MAGA-hats and then being exposed

All in a span of six weeks.
But Jon Oliver conveniently doesn't talk about these topics, so naturally you are completely unaware of them.

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>Actually seething.

>I said they were funny, surreal, and almost unbelievable. America is like a reality TV show of a reality TV show. Bizzaro land

Yes, if only we could be more like the nations of Europe.

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Unironic kek from me.

it's all so sad.

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That's the point dumbass, Trump is funny as a personality himself, so that any parody looks cheap and fucking stupid

There's a clip where Norm talks about this too


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What's really thought provoking is that this random shitpost was better written than anything in the last decade of SNL

Most people who "watch the Superbowl" aren't actually watching it.

I have a family of football nuts and they are on their tablets, crocheting, chatting, playing 3DS, etc. whenever commercials are on or even during most of the plays. It's like background noise they stop to pay attention to when the cheering happens or the commentators start yelling.

This but unironically

This is actually part of Alec Baldwin's anger management therapy.

>all this /pol/ seething
My sides

>cherry picked images and a passive aggressive comment
Typical /pol/tard response.
Actually, France is the intellectual precursor for America. It's political thinking that developed mostly in France that led to America.

exec "BASED"

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B&R #BlueWave2020

>cherry picked images

Half of France was in a state of social disorder for six fucking weeks you titanic faggot.

Cope more.

>The number of triggered replies to this

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And yet France is still more civilized than America.
Europe isn't one country.

>Actually, France is the intellectual precursor for America.
they were still a monarchy halfway through our war of independence you fucking mong. They didnt even start to meaningfully help out until they were sure Britain was on the losing side. The hell?

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Compare these two clips. Look how ridged and politically weighed down the trump clip is to the clinton clip. Neither really does a great impression but the clinton skit is using a characterization enhance an already funny bit. It gets more and more ridiculous and has a climax. The trump shit is always just the current orange man bad headlines with references to twitter slang and then it just kind of ends.

>I think they went soft on Obama. That's bullshit in my book.
Obama literally told SNL to go soft on him during the primaries. They felated him nonstop during the 2008 election season. Skits were practically an advertisement for the Obama campaign. Not one joke made at his expense.

>Why can't they shit on Trump in a funny way

Also, the audience shouldn't pretend to laugh when it's not funny

Attached: gjhgjh.jpg (903x507, 53K)

How will Trumpfags ever recover? lmao

>All of that
Best year, evah!


You're dumb. The political ideology for America originated in Europe, particularly in France. Whether France itself was a monarchy is irrelevant.

know your baiting but the problem is there are people legitimately defending brain washing nonsense simply because its their "brand".
>At last, we know the reason why comedy writers don’t make fun of President Obama. It turns out the man is completely unmockable.
>Jim Downey, the longtime “Saturday Night Live” specialist in political japery. “If I had to describe Obama as a comedy project, I would say, ‘Degree of difficulty, 10 point 10,’” the writer says in the expanded new edition of the “SNL” oral history book, “Live from New York.”

>“It’s like being a rock climber looking up at a thousand-foot-high face of solid obsidian, polished and oiled,” Downey says. “There’s not a single thing to grab onto — certainly not a flaw or hook that you can caricature."

Political sketches were also routinely run by the White House and Obama occasionally vetoed ones he didn't want produced.

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why aren't trump supporters posting pepes and anime girls laughing to this?
they post those all the time

libtard here, SNL was funny back in the Bush days but after Obama came around I stopped watching.


Bernie's votes and jokes
Formerly Trump's

It was funny at first around election time, but they overused the character and killed the funny part out of it.

Only magapede retards would get triggered over this. Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Obama, Clinton, Carter etc... were all mocked by SNL


Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton and Carter were mocked by SNL.

Obama wasn't.



Is this what rekt looks like?

holy shit based

It's always weird seeing both sides in a thread like this claim the other is seething when in reality both are sperging

It's funny that /pol/tards, desperately clinging to drumphf, are shitting their pants over this.

drumpftards absolutely BTFO

>t. Never watched SNL during Obama's time.

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Honestly I would be less mad if SNL and late night spent 8 years shitting on Obama as hard as they shit on Bush and Clinton. It's all awkward now that political satire just died, disappeared, shriveled up and vanished entirely from television for the better part of a decade.


Coastie retards do.

I'm pretty much a lolbertarian, and if the left wasn't completely insane and childish about le ebin orange man, I'd probably hate him too. But I end up finding it more gratifying to support him and watch him just barrel through every roadblock they can conceive of


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I've heard of not punching down. But I have never heard not punching up.

Also, has a lot to criticize Obama on the Iraq war, drone strikes, ISIS and race relations which went down during his presidency.

Also, he's going to go down as an average leader. Not outstanding

>Political sketches were also routinely run by the White House and Obama occasionally vetoed ones he didn't want produced.
Totally not like a dictator, though!

Fucking based

Today I witnessed a murder

>Totally not like a dictator, though!
You alt-right cowards really are delusional.


None of us voted for Hillary though

>muh magical negro president could do no wrong

The scene in Idiocracy where the retard is watching "Ow, my balls" is pretty much this audience except a reference to Drumpf is substituted for the ball hitting.

The guy crying dictator went too far but don't you don't think it's just a little creepy that political satirists actively cooperated with Obama? Shit, Jon Stewart visited the White House multiple times to discuss which policies should be promoted and which individual opponents should be mocked on The Daily Show.

cringe lmao trumptards have no banter

*yawn* I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep

imagine if crowder put on a wig and said Hillary quotes with a wacky accent EVERY HOUR, EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK. hilarious.

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Obama was an evil piece of shit, dude

the right-wing comedic equivalent of alec baldwin

Its funny sometimes. This last one was pretty bad

Hey that’s not Pete Davidson

>Killed literally thousands in drone strikes
>Bailed out corps

Will Baldwin be out of a job after 2020?

XD put me in the screen shot
also fuck gays and minorites

I mean the boondocks succeeded in making fun of obama

based and archivepilled

You mean the even less funnier version?

now this is actually funny, and it's not a joke about trump by liberals so the rule stands.

reddit gold, my man


If only all leftists were this funny

we finally did it leftybros, we finally won the culturewar

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orange man have small hands

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I doubt SNL cares. They piss off Trump, he tweets about it, bazillions of people continue watching it, seeing ads, clicking ads, and making SNL more money.

Very few people think it's actually funny, they just like the blatant attacks on the opposition. If SNL went as hard on Obama as they did on Trump or even the Bush Presidents they'd be crying like babies.

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only homos hate Trump


Trump has a communications team do most of his tweets, he’s not just sitting around watching tv half the day and tweeting about it while editing videos and pictures to post.

His team actually brags a bit about how they can fool people based on writing style or typos into thinking it’s Trump.

Literal lol, and further lols @ the Kekistan MAGA CHUDS blowing thei lids over this.

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No. He just doesn't know words.

>americans non-ironically can't see anything wrong in defending Trump
You think it is funny to praise an agenda just to piss the "lefies"? You know you are doing propaganda for free, right? You don't feel like a major idiot for doing so?
In the rest of the world, right and left wing see this governament as a joke.

Attached: pucci.png (800x960, 1.5M)

>His team actually brags a bit about how they can fool people based on writing style or typos into thinking it’s Trump.
"We can pretend to be trump by writing like a blustering idiot"

They formerly were before Obama.

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they dont realize that they arent being subversive anymore and their party is in power

give it a few more years

This. Hillary voters are not very smart.

nigga u gay as hell

it's an epidemic

FUUUCK we just got BTFO fellow /pol/ fags!

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>Joke's on them, we were only pretending to be retarded

>Alec was a leading actor

don't say bad things about trump please

Man, Zac Amico is looking good these days.


based schneider


Attached: 1362354634006.jpg (657x632, 67K)

>Political sketches were also routinely run by the White House and Obama occasionally vetoed ones he didn't want produced.

I love how shit like this is just accepted, while Liberals have the utter fucking nerve to accuse the Trump administration of being "Orwellian". The Media is outright in bed with the Democrats.

>all this blatant samefagging

holy shit, how many times can you reply to your own post?

Holy shit
/pol/lacks on suicide watch

>these two groups of four people stood in a vaguely similar pattern!

Wow. Comedy fucking Gold right here.

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>In the rest of the world, our leftist state-controlled media see this governament as a joke.

Fixed that for you.

Get out of your Echo Chamber.

Yep, I would believe you are a Euro-brainlet.

Where were you when liberals took back Yea Forums?

I would love him hosting the oscars.

Attached: drapes.jpg (500x562, 93K)

Homos. And Jews. And blacks. And Hispanics. And nonwhite women. And millennials.

>I don't think about you at all.
>polices the world
Pick one.

>that realization when Trump was always doing an Alec Baldwin impression and then it went full circle and Alec Baldwin does Trump impressions of himself

I haven't watched SNL in ages, I watched the most recent cold open about the national emergency just now, it was hit and miss. It's not terribly funny, I think Trump jokes have gotten old, but at the same time I don't care.

t. Conservative who still likes Alec Baldwin because I'm not a retard who can't take a joke.

fuck, that was pretty good. I'll give you a BASED

the previous guy actually tried to do an impersonation but then they let alec baldwin play out his retarded drump btfo fantasies instead. alec baldwin is an actual angry retard. punched some guy in a traffic dispute or something

Whole lot of samefagging going on

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Stop being such a /pol/tard and shit post better

Boomer here, so not sure which Bush you're talking about, but they even did Clinton pretty well too. Then once Obama came in, it was hands off. The turning point was when they stopped using Armisen because he was white (even though he did a better Obama than the negro).

now that's actually funny.
imagine if the left could actually tell good jokes like this consistently, trump would actually have problems in 2020

literally, /pol/ is like a roach infestation

Leftist faggots trying super hard in this thread.

/pol/ absolutely rekt

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
all me

Alec Baldwin is a violent alcoholic. He called a paparazzo a fag and his daughter a fat pig over the phone. But none of that matters because he's a liberal.

capped. and its not even march yet lmao
2020 is going to be insane

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ducksuck and feedseed

>get a (You)
>mass reply shitpost garbage
Is there a worst feel?

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>He called a paparazzo a fag and his daughter a fat pig

Implying he isn't based

>If you don't like unfunny jokes next time don't vote for one.
Most of the positive replies are from one person. PATHETIC LMAO

Its target audience think it's hilarious, which isn't surprising since they've been indoctrinated to believe so by years of propaganda. It's not even actual comedy. There's no jokes, no set ups, no punch lines. It's just there to remind the viewer how superior they are compared to the enemy, which in this case is Trump supporters, Republicans, and presumably white America as a whole. What SNL doesn't realize, or does realize but they don't give a shit because the believe they have the moral high ground, is that all it does is worsen the divide. Think back to the Bush era where the skits were actually funny and still kinda benevolent, resulting in audiences from all over the political spectrum finding them funny. Modern day SNL isn't the same thing. It doesn't want to make you laugh, it wants to make you pat yourself on the back if you have the "right" opinions, or hang yourself from the rafters if you have the "wrong" ones. They're not even trying to provide food for thought through satire and maybe change some minds along the way, because in their reality, the one they manufactured for political gain but ended up believing it themselves, the Nazis have taken over the country and need to be stopped by any means necessary. Radical leftism is the new Scientology.

Making fun of the president can be very funny, but this is just awful. It's already laughable enough having Alec Baldwin be the guy who plays him as if Baldwin has any moral high ground. It's not even a good impression. Dave Chappelle in whiteface would probably be closer to actual Trump.

SNL hasn't been funny since the late 90s

Fuck in the 2000s they thought "Gay Hitler" just walking around like a faggot was funny

Lol it's just the hollywood libs jerking each other off on how morally high they (think they)are

Based, but bluepilled

I do. If you aren't into politics or are and are a Trump cult member I could see why you wouldn't.

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I wish for just one more season of 30 Rock to see funny Alec Baldwin again.

Based as fuck

Holy shit

Attached: 1515666759952.jpg (568x568, 29K)

It's objectively shit, but Trump is obsessed and it drives polfags insane. I guess sometimes you must fight shit with shit.
Put me in the screencap

Attached: RemoteVacantGalapagossealion.gif (500x418, 957K)

Which is a funnier basis for skits about Trump than what they do.

Whenever a typo shows up the comment gets repeated endlessly in the media amplifying any message attached to the typo. It’s ridiculous it’s been able to work so well for so long, but idiots want to think of the president as an idiot so it does.
Start at 3:45

Oh sheeeiiit

But Trump is hilarious?

Got 'em

Sometimes. Depends on the skit.

reelection is going to be even funnier

If it was Chris Farley as Donald Trump and David Spade as Mike Pence but sadly we will never get that.

would be just as shit without better writers.

I thought it was the cast members pitch a sketch they came up with, then if it gets accepted they write it with the writers.

Attached: archo45.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I worked on his campaign purely because I thought the asshurt would be astronomical if he won and every day would be funny.

And here we are in 2019 and it's still fucking funny how much free real estate he has.

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>not real

come on now, keep up.

Trump is the easiest guy to make fun of but I've somehow seen like 2 good jokes about him going on 4 years now

include me in the reddit screencap

>People care about the actions of the president of the united states
WOW you sure showed 'em!

user SNL talks about him nonstop, and so does the jew media, and even you

It was totally worth it lmao

The media SHOULD be talking about the president on a regular basis. People should be thinking and caring about what he is doing.

SNL is old boomer shit

based and not a partisan retard

You absolute retard. You don't need to be a partisan retard to know that Pizzagate is real and the shooting was a blatant Jussie Smollett-tier hoax. You don't even know about the CCTV cameras do you?