Who is your favorite French actress?
Who is your favorite French actress?
Clemence Poesy. She was in In Bruges.
that's a tranny.
Sadly she isn't
she's Algerian
>septum piercing
>terrible hairline that the fringe doesn't hide
what's wrong with her mouth?
the goat
It doesn't have a black dick in it.
>he hasn't seen her post-wall
oh no no no no
this isn't post wall? she looks like a taxidermy apprentice's first attempt
For me?
Lea Seydoux
they have something in common
no fucking way
>have a class with ~11 guys & 1 girl (shes a lezbeen)
>everyone was talking about hot hollywood actresses last time I was in class
>class ended with everyone collectively salivating over Sofia Boutella myself included
I caught myself by not waxing poetic about her excellent footgame but I was pleasantly surprised how many normalfriends also find her very attractive
literally looks like a man in the thumbnail
She isn't French you dumb faggot.
biopic when?
>there's a difference now
Ain't fooling me Jean Pierre
Looks like a tranny