THE TWILIGHT ZONE (2019) - Trailer

any chance it will be good?

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looks like a shit moneygrab to me. the cast looks really bad

Looks cheesy

i recognize that thing on the bottom
they're remaking episodes instead of creating new stuff? or they're remaking the episodes but also changing the social commentary that already had?

All the twists are going to be about race.

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60's twilight zone had a few episodes with social commentary in them. It is gonna get cranked up to 11 in the reboot though

yes, enjoy niggerdegeneratehomosexualjewmarxists shows now, goy

>hosted by Jordan fucking Peele

Yeah, they clearly don't give a shit any more.

How many episodes are going to be about "ORANG MAN BAD" and "RACISM (but only against blacks) BAD"?

A few? Have you ever seen more than four episodes?

I've watched all of them.
>monster are due on maple street
>He's alive
>I am the night-color me black
>Eye of the beholder

and maybe a few more but, I don't think it was more than ten

CBS. Garbage tier like the myst and the dome. Pass

theres probably at least 30 with social commentary and much much more when you include the 80s and 00's seasons as well

things i know

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how can a humble british subject watch this online advertisement

>theres probably at least 30 with social commentary
list them

>when you include the 80s and 00's seasons as well
not all of them were bad butTwilight Zone died with Sterling

Recast it

How would Keelee modernize this specific episode without changing any of the script?

Bottom one has Based Shatner in it and is actually one of my favorites.

Not him but a vast amount of them have social commentary. Maybe you forget that 60 years ago things were very different. Stuff you might have watched and ignored were very controversial back then.

>Get Jordan Peele as the host
>because he directed that one horror film
Jason Blum's more qualified for this

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It will probably be alright, obviously not as important as the original (or even Black Mirror). But I also low standards for anthology horror so I'll watch it no matter what.

Not him but I feel like every other episode I've seen has some WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY attitude about it. It's obvious that was the stuff Sterling cared about. Not specifically politics, but human connections.

enlightening. great post user

Top one is also a screenshot from this versions remake of Nightmare at 20,000 Feet and the doll looks like the Gremlin from the original with Shatner.

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Not available to me what the fick

Can't wait for the gremlin in Nightmare at 20,000 Feet to be orange with a red hat on.

use link here

Oh yea, it does.

What social commentary did the clown on the window episode have? Was it about gamers?

Looks like they're remaking the classic episodes. The boy in the White House will be a remake of the one where the town has to listen to the boy or be exiled. I'm curious if they'll unify the stories with an over-reaching arch. Like there's an organization creating the scenarios seen in the episodes. Like SCP. The Shatner plane will be some kind of experiment and the person was wearing a mask.

>tfw loved the twilight zone but you just know nu twilight zone is going to be more focused on identity politics, virtue signaling, and hating white people than trying to tell good weird stories

Its a pass for me. Im just not #woke enough

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>overarching episode
literal complete retardation if thats the case. just leave brainlet storytelling like that to inferior shows like outer limits

Boy, that'd really subvert my expectations.

great stuff. never would've picked up on the nuance and the subtlety without it. thanks for your high quality posts

Doesn't work for me. Someone post a working trailer vid

I love it so I'll give it a pass for now. At max 2 eps can be woke shit, and the rest be the regular mystery with lesson that everybody can learn about.

>not black and white
Dropped like a hot potato.

Id say realistically all of them. It wont even resemble twilight zone.

>hiring his shitty comedic friends

this may as well just be an extension of the nerd network

Would there be a Twilight Zone reboot without Black Mirror?

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good ol race baitin' Peele!

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who the fuck even has CBS all access? i mean why would you pay for that shit. they even force you to watch commercials when you pay them $6 a month. they charge you an extra $4 a month to watch them without commercials like hulu. fuck that shit.

t. centrist

shut up grampa

try this one, works for me

maybe. they had a revival in the early 00's.

Only pretending to be retarded, amirite?

They have never been able to recapture the original series. Mainly because it was just Rod and a few others working from the top down. There are way to many people involved in the writers room these days,

I think even if they some how resist the temptation to go full intersectionality/progressive bent it'll fall short.

damn #owned

Looks good and not cliche. My body is ready for Twikino

When you retards say shit like this it just makes it ever more apparent that you haven't even watched the 80s, 00s, etc episodes. They were still very much the same Twilight Zone even without him. Take off your black and white nostalgia goggles. All Twilight Zone is good Twilight Zone.

>every scene is a blurry shallow depth of feel mess that looks like a cheap dslr youtuber clip

deep focus is back to being the true kino

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ITT: fragile little white boys :)