I don't get it

I don't get it.

Attached: mathjoke.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

that integral makes no sense
I guess it's supposed to look like a dog


(Sissy Moe had his mind broken like the pussy he is by Sneed and Chuck the Buck)

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

i 8 sum sneed

Attached: 1551023819784.jpg (653x97, 14K)

Please don't Sneedshot my reddit posts without upvoting m'sir

Attached: 4chanformerlyreddit.jpg (850x602, 106K)

There's already a thread for this
What the fuck is wrong with you Simpsonsfags

I think it says sneed but I don't know what sneed means.


Attached: smiggers.jpg (600x300, 38K)

This is actually funnier than the real one

Integral pi sum sum delta

Imagine not getting the sneed joke and needing to have it explained

Formerly tomorrow's math joke

You guys realize OP fucked with the sign to make it look like "SNEED". The original is " i 8 all the pi".

Attached: Screenshot.png (801x446, 299K)

nice shop idiot

sum pi you retard

i assumed it meant all the because its summation. Thank you for pointing out my brainletness. Now I will change my major to engineering for I have shamed Math.

Can't believe you've wasted time making this shop.

Attached: 1427321385933.png (1548x1468, 124K)

the thing i hate with this kind of plotline that all shows do, 'stupid charachter suddenly becomes a genius', is that even accepting that scenario, this kind of scene makes no sense at all.

if he never learned the what the mathematical notation means, he's not suddenly going to understand it, because it's simply a 'you were taught it or you weren't kind of thing'

you could be the biggest genius on the planet but if you didn't know it beforehand, you still arent going to know it.

I understand the structure of Infinite Jest was based on a Sierpinski triangle. Honestly, I didn't spot it.

The square root of -1 is j. Abstractfags gtfo.

Oh...ooh my

Based and sneedpilled

Integral pi sum sum delta, what's there not to get?