Best will smith kinos?

best will smith kinos?

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dunno lol


this video was so fucking bad
pewdiepie is fucking boring, no clue why zoomers love him so much
and now we're supposed to like him because he said nigger and drops le redpills
I felt sorry for Elon and Justin having to try and laugh at garbage twitter memes
and for fucks sake pewdiepie's part was just him reacting to shitty instagram screenshots

Six Degrees of Separation
Fesh Pince
Bad Boys

I've heard good things about Independence Day but I never really got into it.

Will Smith is a meme

i robot

>Fesh Pince

I tried watching this video because it was being shilledso hard and I thought Will Smith talking about memes would be funny. I had never watched a pewdpie video before.

I made it maybe a minute in. That faggot is unsufferable. How is he the most popular youtuber? Zoomers are so retarded.

I liked him in I am legend. The man can only play one role: that tragically unhip guy that you dislike just for trying to hard. The movie, where his co-star is a dog, is the only movie where he comes off as sympathetic. Because he can't act like a complete douche to the dog. He tries some scenes. But the dog doesn't get it. And so what I am starting to realize here is probably only a dog has the tolerance to be around will smith for an extended period of time.

If you haven’t seen alien puncher: welcome to Urf i rexcommend it

timestamp for will smith? i tried clicking between just pewdiepie reacting to Aladdin clip

Man I miss when Pewdiepie was universally hated by everyone but 12 year olds, all it took was for him to say nigger to gain an even more obnoxious fanbase than literal children.

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the JRE episode is going to be crazy

no, those 12 year olds grew up and still love him

he became #1 on youtube for overreacting to video games for kids, then stopped doing that in 2016/17 and now just shits out low effort meme videos because he can
he's also a /pol/tard which is why we're "supposed" to like him

There was a good sweet spot somewhere between late 2016 and late 2017 where he was well past his old style but wasn't making entirely zoomer filled content like he is now, where it's just "ecks dee let's go on reddit and look at funny maymays lol". I still respect him for doing what he enjoys and not smiling through gritted teeth.

>I still respect him for doing what he enjoys and not smiling through gritted teeth.
wow, such a great guy. fuck him and retards like you.

Wild Wild West

bro that's pretty cringe not gonna lie.

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agree, respecting pewdiepie, now that is not cringe at all, you fag.

pewdiepie was and still, is cringe

reminder that no chad ever worries about when things are cringe, only insecure incels
Pewdiechads piss all over you losers

>nuthugging an e-celeb
Yeah pick 2

here, you deserve this (you)

People hate Indians.

Lmao look at this man and laugh

What youtubers do you morons like exactly? Why do you guys pretend to not use youtube?

Why is this pretend thread still up?
Is it because Yea Forums likes it?

you started with calling out cringe, kys.

>le based pewds add
The absolute state of nu4chan

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I know dozens of people who use youtube and who never heard of pewdiepie, he's a nobody.

Will Smith is my favorite YouTuber.

yeah pewdiepie hates indians so much thats why he donated to a charity for Indian kids
i use youtube for educational kino and documentaries mostly, as for comedy prozd and nigahiga are pretty funny

Pewdiepie is a racist pig. Fuck that nazi trash.

>nigahiga are pretty funny
0/10 bait

Suicide Squad, MIB 2, Wild Wild West, Hitch

He's a reaction channel to reddit and Yea Forums and I believed I was crazy for not finding him funny. Thank fucking christ at least come people see through his shit.

evening lily

He's not racist, look at him how he denounces his racist dog

Thanks for convincing me to subscribe


Get your samefag sensor checked, fag

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I robot

You americans decided to remind everyone of the stereotype that americans are the dumbest and that it's not really a stereotype, it's true. I wish this manchild could run for president so you idiots would vote for him """ironically"" .

>shooping pic
Fuck off faggot.

>I-it's shooped goys!
You're such a fag

Wow how edgy. Go back to your /pol/ circlejerk.

Pro tip, when you do this you expose yourself as a newfag.


Keep digging your grave, son.

Pewdiepie is a hypocrite who can't wait to tear down other people when they fuck up less than he did, he also shits on other creators all the time which is in bad taste for anyone involved in content creation to do. Artists generally don't shit on artists, carpenters don't publicly shit on other carpenters, there used to be this thing called mutual respect in a profession that these kids on Youtube know nothing off

It's constant leeching and pretending to be holier than thou while making clickbait videos like everybody else, this is not just Pewdiepie, this is a lot of Youtube, except you would think that the king of the medium would have more respect for those under him, but in reality Felix is a manchild

Look, I enjoy his content at times and he can be funny, but you can't deny that he is a little shit in the body of a 29 year old man


What do you expect? He is from sweden. We can be glad that he isnt your typical swede with fetish for BBC and open borders policy. Felix is manchild yes but i give him kudos for actually doing something with his life.

Did you just unironically refer to idiots that film themselves talking and upload it in youtube as... as FUCKING ARTISTS?