Who else misses /ourgirl/ Crazy Carrie?
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yes shes perfect
Homeland returns for it's last season June 2019
I'm pretty hyped for it. Homeland goes up and down but it's had some absolutely fantastic seasons, yes, even post-Brody
kino trailer
*has sex with a kid*
Is Homeland any good? Is it at least worth it for Claire Danes?
only seasons 1 and 4 are kino
carries ass in pant suits and brain are always kino though
If you like Claire Danes there's absolutely no reason not to watch it, she's the star of it and she's fantastic and has a good and interesting character.
Beyond that, yes, Homeland is really good. Season 1, 2, 4, 6 (if I remember right) are top-tier 10/10 kino. The other seasons aren't bad either, just not as great.
I'd definitely watch it if you're even slightly interested.
How will it end for her, lads?
>gets home from one night stand
>wipes hooha with a baby wipe
>goes to work
Is there a scene that better exemplifies the female condition?
Me. Also love how Danes is irl married to our crazy pumpkin king will graham Dancy. Those two nutcases look good together.
>carrie will never sit on your face
Only season 1 and somewhat season 2 are watchable, after that it gets really stupid.
nah s4 and either 5 or 6, I forget which one, are also kino
She deserves the sweet embrace of death
i didn't watch much of this show but i know she was a bit crazy (unstable type) and that's funny cos they also had a unstable security analyst woman in i think some movie and i know a girl who got that job in real life and she was fucking unstable in the exact same way
I hope she dies too. Even though I like her a lot, she probably shouldn't live through the series, I wouldn't be happy with a "her and her daughter live happily ever after" ending.
I want her to die, and I don't want it to be a heroes death either where she saves some people at the cost of her life
I want her to die uselessly. Like she has a crazy conspiracy thought because she's off her meds, but she's wrong and kills herself and some innocent people or something.
And Saul lives forever in depression and agony and guilt.
tfw you still miss Quinn
God I'd love to fire a massive, ropey nut up her humongous nostrils.
imagine her as your mommy lol
>even post-Brody
Those were the best ones.
2 got stupid already after they blew their load so early and had to rely on shit like the Brody's daughter subplot, the e-heart attack and the Bin Laden equivalent being capable of running around in America without nobody noticing.
>and had to rely on shit like the Brody's daughter subplot
That shit was unbearable.