whities btfo
Whities btfo
that last thing actually happened tho
this and redpilled
notice there are no latinos, asians or indians mentioned.
Gay man: "I have aids"
Black man: "I have aids"
Jewish man: "I invented aids"
White man: "This thread is aids"
Based only on what I've been exposed to on this board it seems the entirety of twitter is only about Trump and white people
1. Good; children need a mother and a father.
2. Didn't happen.
3. A Jew did it.
Not even looking at the tweet but boy, am I outraged.
hehehhe this, so much this
I was under the assumption capeshit was for the gays??
Every humans life would be better if they stayed off twitter
Remember when 1st world problems was a thing? Try that now, you'll be arrested for hate speech
BTW, Faith Naff is a woman (man).
>pigs shoot everyone everywhere
>hey there, whatcha doin
Whatcha doing, rabbi?
holy fucking based
Because they generally don't bitch about things
This girl seems to be a really weird leftist that hates other leftists.
She probably just wants attention or to trigger WOES (whites on every side).
>Nazis vandalized my Rotten Tomatoe scores
Wow guys i wonder why hilary lost the election.
Nobody cares about those shitskins.
Build the wall
Tarrif Spyna to shit
No shit in our streets
Spics bitch just as much as niggs, but niggs are the go-to minorishit so they're usually ignored by the jew media and dot heads got fucking Apu removed from The Simpsons. Asian millenials (like every other group of millenials) are also crybaby faggot fucks.
White man: A rich black guy stole the position I worked my entire life for because the average black person (who didn't get the job) is poor.
>non-issue, adopting is not a right many people are denied
>because you are a fucking criminal
>implying this ever happens
White women are cryptokikes.
What about Arab, Chinese, japanese etc...? Is she racist?
>"Go watch Captain Marvel minority money dispenser, it fights for gay adoption, equal treatment of minorities before the law and against the remnants of the third reich."
How do niggers, faggots, self hating jews and feminists feel being reduced to the last ditch currency that has to save multi million dollar movies white people don't want to watch?
But I'm gay, black, and Jewish and none of these have never happened to me.
Fuck Captain Marvel
>denied to adopt.
good, a kid should have a mix of influences growing up and a kid needing adopted has already been through the wringer enough
>routine traffic stop
do amerifats actually believe this? what police force has time to pull over cars at random just for a laugh? routine stop is what they tell you so as not to reveal their hand because they pulled you over because a) you are driving like shit b) ran your plates returned a hit for something. a cop will pull a gun in america if you look at him wrong nothing to do with skin.
there are probably more instances of this as a false flag than there are genuine i think?
>about a girl
is it though? or is it the choice of actress and sjw values that make it a shit interpretation of the source?
fuck me why am i even bothering to reply to this seed and feed.
5 minutes ago I was at the northpole and two black supremacists walked up to me screaming DIS NIGGA COUNTRY WHITEBOI, then they tied a noose around my neck and poured ink all over my face
tell me again about my white privilege
She looks like Brie LaRSON
Arab man: The white woman I raped told the police on me.
Japanese man: Affirmative action makes it impossible for me to get into a good college while being anything less than perfect
Chinese man: The guy in front of me is a faggot lol
Haven't there been numerous studies noting the importance of a mother/father household over any other type of household?
I thought we liked science
>white man: getting attacked by everyone online for the last ten years for things they had nothing to do with because everyone else is resentful and expects someone else to fix things for them. compares two completely diffeeent things to make point on the Internet.