Does anyone want to make a Yea Forums documentary with me

Does anyone want to make a Yea Forums documentary with me

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moot is so damn cute uwu

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i miss moot ;_;

I'm in

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It started out shit, became ok, and then went to utter shit. The end. Also moot is a kike fag.

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fuck moot for tryng to jew Yea Forums

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Why does hiro never communicate with the community the way Moot did?


Hiroshima posts all the time on qa. Or atleast I see screenshots maybe they are faked. But for some reason Hiroshima pretended he didn't speak English in the first q and a so now he has to keep the illusion going.

>deleting boards for racism
>deleting boards because they werent oroginal
>sabotaging boards because butthurt about being called a cuck

Fuck moot

Yeah who could miss

Dunno, who are you going to play?

who is this faggot?

He communicates more than moot did the last 4 or so years before he left. moot truly despised Yea Forums in the end, and we're better off with him gone. Let him rot at Google doing nothing meaningful.

Snacks is a libshit faggot now.

An infamous flaming faggot

Only if we get to include that brunette jew girl (Mallory something?) that, when her existence was discovered (and /pol/ made fun of him for it), caused moot to ruin /pol/ for a week straight with "the joys of cuckolding" audio


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Some old tripfag I think. Newfags don't understand that you're supposed be anonymous here.

Whois this guy I keep seeing him posted here

>Some old tripfag I think.

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Unironically Moot went full gold digger on her, he thought she'd be his meal ticket when he saw that PR agency she runs until he got tired of being strung along by her.

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Yeah, and now we have a gook jew that ruins everything good about the site. Moot was way better no matter what your opinion on him is.

I already made it...

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Fucking whore pushed and pushed him into more censorship, and kept pushing him until he crcked and threw in the towel.

The snakes who operate in the shadows to undermine everything and control all content have faces, and hers is one of those faces.

> Yeah, and now we have a gook jew that ruins everything good about the site

So he just continued moot's work. The only difference is instead of a weeb doing it it's an Asian.

The image in the 1st one you replied to is Boxxy. The 2nd one is the one that spurned moot and made him commit /pol/ harbor

Id still lick her butthole though

say what you will about him but at least he kept the hotpockets in check

>Id still lick her butthole though
I would too

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hiro posts maybe once every couple of months. very rarely. he does retarded shit like the v-tuber thing and then never follows up on it, ever. when he does decide to post, he rarely can give a straight answer to anything.

>when he does decide to post, he rarely can give a straight answer to anything.
Thats because when pressed on any particular issue he doesnt want to answer, he can hide behind the "haha me so sorry, not good with engrish" meme

This. Hiro only ever shows up to shill his crappy money making schemes. I doubt he even browses the site.

Those giant porn ads on the yellow boards have to go. It's like he wants to destroy the traffic to them.

What's his endgame

No but literally who is that in the picture?

Kill the yellow boards by destroying all traffic to them? I See nothing else that will come out of it.

>yellow boards
Very cool based newfag

starring Idris Elba as moot

Who is this “moot” you guys keep talking about? Sounds like a real fag to me.

He wished to be the little girl

friendly reminded that the only thing moot did wrong was not deleting /pol/ permanently

>try browsing on mobile
>huge ad in the middle of the thread
>huge ad at the top that doesn't even load in until a few seconds later making your screen shoot back up

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Luckily I don't internet on mobile. That way I can control any surprises like those ads from popping up in public and having to explain that shit.

Just use Clover instead breh

What would it be about? If it's about m00t then it's going to be the most boring biographical short film ever. If it's about all the shit that gets posted on this site then it's going to be the most niche 20 season docuseries.

>ruining the already worst board

Some gay rights activist I think

>can't tell boxxy apart from that snake

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>thanks users for donations
>takes a vacation to mexico

That would be the primary problem with trying to tell Yea Forums's "story". How much of a narrative can be made between moot and all the shit that happens on the website independent of him or the mods (e.g. the "culture" of the boards).