This show made me want an Irish wife

this show made me want an Irish wife

Attached: derrygirlspress-5a9ac99.jpg (2250x1500, 449K)

Yeah, I've heard they're better at taking punches than most men

I do enjoy your multiple threads a day. Unironically I do, because I really liked the show and look forward to the second series.

Kek, I was gonna make a similar joke.

Thank you lad, I've become obsessed with this show and eagerly await the 2nd season too

My wife is Irish. Her dad was a pain in the arse, though. Made me realise how bad the Irish can be.


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taigs OUT

they're not irish they're british

they're ethnically Irish, silly

debatable, many are descended from Scotsman or Englishmen that set up in norn iron a long time ago.

The Northern Irish accent is best Irish accent.

Attached: Liam Neeson Taken.jpg (1536x1139, 335K)

>many are descended from Scotsman or Englishmen

the derry girls cast? which ones?

On men, irish and scottish accent on women is an absolute boner killer

>supposed to be school kids
>look like they're 40


you are gay

You don't want one, they're shit.


>even micks have to be wasted 24/7 to be able to plow their own women

Sure thing Mike Taigson

i'm talking about people who are from NI in general i'm not sure about those specific people in the show

i hate taig men but love the lasses
and they love me

hmm well this thread is about the show so...

what I posted still may apply to the cast members and NI where it is based so fuck off.

The one on the left is 32

>channel 4
>sitcom made in the last couple of years

Ok, so where is the token and totally out of place brown character?

i am pretty sure it is set in a catholic school you retard

they're irish, they're all the token niggers

just kill yourself you faggot

ach aye rab an this chip pan is a magic wand wan wave an i'll ave cheekbones like naomi campbell

no need to be upset lad

>still may apply to the cast members
>may apply
how about you go find out which ones are descended from scots/english first, before making unsubstantiated claims

lol oh dear

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>not fuckbuddy you nut inside then she goes to London to get an abortion in secret

irish accent on women is the best you homosexual