Why didn't they expand on the established lore and themes?

Why didn't they expand on the established lore and themes?
Sith specifically. A resurgence of the most pure and "evil" Sith would have done amazingly well with audiences. Especially considering how popular they are as a whole. A movie is only as good as it's villain. Dark Knight is testament to this.

This also means they could have done spinoffs in things fans would have cared about, like a more mature and grounded operator movie about Clones like the video game. They could even go for the Logan appeal and audience and make it R 18+.

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They only want to focus it on Rebels vs Empire (with a single force user on each side)

there were no Siths in the OT and so boomers will be confused without the Xwings and the At-At's

KOTOR 2 movie when?

Is there anything dumber than the rule of two? No wonder the Sith got BTFO for 10.000 generations when they keep killing half of themselves.

It was Revan's master plan to destroy the Shit cult forever, he filled his holocron with misinformation and Darth Bane fell for it

This, we had no info or development about the Sith in the OT other than them being evil Jedi who had evil Force powers

that's exactly what they are, they're just failed Jedi who were cast out of the order

>"The Exiles traveled the stars towards an unknown destination. They emerged from hyperspace above Korriban, where they were greeted by the primitive Sith people. The Exiles, who included XoXaan, Remulus Dreypa, Ajunta Pall, Sorzus Syn and Karness Muur, shocked the natives with their dark side abilities and were proclaimed Jen'jidai, meaning Dark Jedi in the language of the Sith. The Jen'jidai forged an alliance with the Sith ruler's second in command and used that relationship to overthrow the King and claim dominion over the Sith."

Doesn't matter, not canon anymore

Sith Lords were mentioned in deleted scenes for ANH. One of the officers in the death star conference room were Vader chokes that guy referenced a Sith lord but the dialog was cut. It was also in EU stuff from the time, and novelizations and early drafts of the script.

But yeah, judging from how many dumbass Gen X faggots thought it was a PT invention. They'd all start throwing their adult diapers at the screen in a fit of rage if anything but muh underdog x wings and death star nazi's were shown.

Star Wars was wasted on Gen X. That gen didn't deserve a hero's journey tale. There are no hero's in Gen X.

Disney wars isn't canon.

No strong females

Be careful what you say or the house of mouse will wipe you and your bloodline out.

Boomers get confused with the Panthom menace and you expect them to know what's a Sith? they only want to see the millenium falcom and some at-at's in the snow


Come at me fucking mouse shits.

They are re-introducing EU elements which fits the storyline, Darth Bane made it to nu-canon and disney is currently making a show about the era.

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>like a more mature and grounded operator movie about Clones

black hawk down style on a enemy planet, based idea

>Republic Commando movie

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Because doing things that are not conventionally Star Wars scares Kathleen Kennedy, unless you make sure she personally approves everything at every single step. Then it's somehow perfectly okay. Maybe it's an ego or control freak issue.

Cause they want to destroy Star Wars. Step 1 was to declare EU non-canon. Step 2 was to get rid of the OT golden trio (I wonder if Carrie's death was a coincidence). Step 3 is... We'll find out soon enough.

Because Sith Lords are dumb

The key would be to follow a new master/apprentice duo who leave their hidden sanctuary on Korriban and venture into a slightly post-OT Galaxy. Still plenty of Empire vs Rebels shit happening at that point with no Palpatine waiting to drop the hammer. Too bad they only get one fucking year because the Imperials fall for the Cinder meme.

Also Sith is in the novelization. Vader is listed as a Dark Lord of the Sith.

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Nobody at the time knew what "Sith" referred to. Zahn intended the Noghri so be the Sith race in service to Darth Vader, hence the then-mysterious title that Lucas hadn't explained because (knowing Lucas) he probably only had vague shifting ideas at the time.

>ence the then-mysterious title that Lucas hadn't explained because
he didnt have too. he considered the EU its own thing

>(knowing Lucas) he probably only had vague shifting ideas at the time.
I hate this meme because people and many directors have changed their mind over the course of 3 decades. Considering how unsatisfied Lucas was with the OT, its not a stretch to see him redo it.

they were still killing themselves before the rule of two, its just that all the weaker ones were banding together to kill the strong ones, sabotaging the order

You can't claim the Sith were intended all along when it's readily apparent Lucas hadn't nailed anything down beyond the name. He's an idea guy first and foremost, and the Prequel Sith were the product of musing over the subject for years, nothing solidly pre-planned. Lucas was asked about the Sith, the Clone Wars, and so on but never gave any definitive answers because he had none. The man let fans come up with their own versions which of course conflicted with his own finalized vision.

Ironically the Rule of Two is very un-Sith because it relies on subterfuge instead of strength. The Order spent a millennium tricking the Jedi, Sheev pulls the trigger, and the glorious victory collapses after only two decades.

Why are the winter soldier and Kratos pictured?


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Why didn't they do it? Because they severely lack talent. Lucasfilm is currently run by creatively bankrupt, leftist brainlets.

>You can't claim the Sith were intended all along when it's readily apparent Lucas hadn't nailed anything down beyond the name.
I just posted the fucking film mentioning them.

> Lucas was asked about the Sith, the Clone Wars, and so on but never gave any definitive answers because he had none
Proof of this? He made the Clone Wars off limits because he was working on the prequels.

>posts biggest mary sue and shittiest character in SW ever

starkiller a shit

Yeah, they mentioned a name with zero context. Much as everyone knows the script already did. It's fucking nothing.

As for the Clone Wars guessing, this has been a thing since Heir to the Empire, possibly even earlier thanks to the old d6 games originating much of the initial EU lore.

Sheev succeeded in destroying the entire jedi order, even if his empire failed, it's legacy still remains a potent force