Movies about being in the wrong?

Movies about being in the wrong?

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movies about twitter screen caps being found by massive faggots who scour the internet for things to get offended by and then post them on other websites for attention?


I want someone to exterminate the human race already

>you wouldn't say that about someone who "mostly" helped people but occasionally exploited and abused them
Oskar Schindler is revered for doing just that to Jews

>guy comes into your house with camera crew
>wrestles you to the ground and sits on you
>talks for 2 mins about how awesome you are and the need to conserve you

Sounds alright desu

epic bait

Is this like how most conspiracy theorists are also homophobic and antisemitic? What's the word for that again?

fuck off cunt delete this thread then your life

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Could you imagine starting an orphanage for war orphans, but occasionally wrestling one into submission on camera?

That would be based

If it kept the orphanage financial a float it would be worth it.

>constant reassurance that you’re alright
I could get on board with that

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People like that aren't able to understand that not everyone lives their life as an ineffectual ideologue who thinks complaining is the only way to change anything.

>calls you BEAUTY the whole time

y-you too S-steve

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It's not like he didn't give them a chance, he wasn't some fat American who'd roll (literally) up on a jeep driven by Umbutu the local guide who'd point the animal out to him and then slot it with a rifle from 600m away.

The animals always had a chance to fight back and he wasn't even killing them, just showing them to the camera for five minutes then releasing them unharmed. Scientists capturing animals to tag them probably cause more distress to the animal, since often they use traps where the animals can end up caged and trapped for hours before a group of humans arrive and sedate them.

By comparison a single Australian running up to you and wrestling you for five minutes isn't so bad.

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>crocodile rips apart a baby wombat
>"woooow animals are so cute teehee :3"
>"steve irwin was an animal abusing monster!"
Meanwhile hes out there researching and protecting endangered animals. Promoting animal interests was his life. Fucking roasties


Roasties are fucking retards when it comes to nature. My ex went vegan and she couldnt watch nature shows cause shed feel bad about thw animals being eaten. When i said if the animals didnt get eaten the predator would starve she said that makes her bad too..

>being speciesist

Good, lesser life forms need to know their place

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*feel bad too

I get the impression that PETA are just misanthropes and would prefer it if the entire human race just died out tomorrow.


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What is wrong with white people honestly im over it let the jews burn it down
only the west has these idiots

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Man, humans are fucking awesome.

>What is wrong with white people
Civilisation is a slow poison.

>My ex went vegan
Should have immediately gtfo of dodge at that point. No clearer warning sign other than dying their hair bright primary colors.

>one of the coolest and humblest TV personalities of all time
>teaches humanity about animals for everyone's benefit including the animals
Fuck you cunts

Sounds awesome

>offended by
Strongly disagreeying with something isan't the same as getting offended by, perhaps you are just angry because these threads mostly makes fun of liberals (whom you are probably a member of)

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Pretty accurate

ok this is epic

Holy fuck that guy was based.

>456 votes
Oh shit they're coming for us! Better make a le epic thread about what are some le kinos about this feel

How can anyone watch this and not think that the Welcome guy is based as fuck?

Pretty epic. Humans are part of nature too, that we are smarter and more vicious doesn't mean we aren't part of the food chain. Better luck next time animals

But that's exactly what they are.

so if aliens harm a man it's good/deserved, but if humans do the same to animals it's wrong?

>seeking it out
>capturing the image
>making an entire thread
>not offended


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damn, they are basically like me but I don't care about animals either

Humanity's about to face big challenges in the next few decades. Not WW3, which will never happen. But full automation, designer babies and probably technologies that will make our lives even longer, plus irreversible damage to the environment, bees disappearing, and global fish population plumetting. Now that's gonna be a wild fucking ride

Maybe if its a girl that sits on my face sure I wouldn't mind


best and animal pilled
he did absolutely nothing but fuck with crocs for the amusement of plebs

>The first one has vegan in her name
>The second one has to announce that she wants the pronouns they/them to be used
Oh no

reminder that the human population needs to be lowered by at least half and no one wants to admit it

go home discord tranny

These propaganda cartoons are so fucking cringy

>seeking it out
>capturing the image


How do you know someone else didn't do that?
We're on the Internet. Information, such as images for example, tends to get trafficked around a lot.


Do these NPCs take themselves serious?

The irony is PETA itself has killed many, many animals unnecessarily so if it's black and white you can't support PETA.

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I don't know which one is more retarded and pathetic. Seeking it out or moving in the circles that traffic in these sad no name faggot opinions that get you all assblasted enough to share them

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The vegan crowd is overwhelmingly pro choice so ya. Killing humans is fine.

>irreversible damage to the planet
Hello retard. Quit acting like you care about the planet please

Go away trannie

>inferring he took joy in that statement
>projecting your edge on others

Don't you have homework to finish before Monday, Edgelord??

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It's speciesist to judge Steve Irwin any different than you'd judge a crocodile

>Steve Irwin encounters a little koala bud or something, picks it up, talks about it to the camera for a while
>Crocodile encounters a little koala bud, eats the fucker

if you're outraged about the first one but not the second one then you're a bigot, you're bigoted against humans, you fucking speciesist

You will never be a woman

Why did you seek out that comment that disagreed with you? You seem pretty triggered bro

Even the dumbest humans are over 80 IQ points smarter than any other animal on this planet, fuck em, stupid fucking animals.

fuck you and your buzzwords cunt

learn English and how to argue before you try to post again fucking faggot
being an actual tranny is probably better than being a brainlet like you

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Part of me is glad Steve found peace before this world got too uptite. He never would have made it nowadays doing what he did.

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no one is talking to you. No one cares about your opinion, not here or not in your real life. Go away.

Why do Discord trannies ruin everything they touch? No wonder their families hate them.

Hail Satan. Peak oil soon.

>Even the dumbest humans are over 80 IQ points smarter than any other animal on this planet

Dolphins man


Not that user but
addressing it means you care

nah man were fine up to about 20 billion. By then it'll likely slow down.
Overpopulation is a big meme.

I believe Steve Irwin was more harmful than helpful because he encouraged everybody to go out and fuck with animals. He was the Jackass of the mid to late 90s
this is of course if you give a fuck about wild animals and what happens to them, I don't, I'm speaking objectively. Irwin was a bad man

Didn't he always say not to do what he did since it is very dangerous? And he did help to spread awareness for wildlife conservation

They always think of new forms of bigotry to be offended by. It's insane.

>most cetaceans
>some dogs
>any higher primate
>several species of bird
All more intelligent than anyone who ever believed Mexico would pay for a border wall.

40 - 50, dolphins are stupid as fuck. Plus they assault and rape a lot, they're basically the niggers of the sea.

she went vegan long after we broke up. We still hang out a couple times a year

>these stunts are performed under supervision by professionals don't send us any tapes of your jackass shit we won't open them

why do faggots that use flavor of the week buzzwords shitpost constantly? especially when they can't argue or spell properly?
chicken shit can't even quote me
pathetic faggot

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its a term coined by peter singer, renowned ethicist and advocate of fucking animals.

I don't mean to be pedantic but it's "whomst"

>I literally don't know what propaganda is


Physical space is not the same as resource depletion, fool.

How many more species have to be pushed to extinction to free up more room for humans? People got all pissed off at Brazil mowing down huge chunks of the rain forest, but when they saw the farms and ranches that went in to provide for Brazil's densely-populated cities, then suddenly everyone was quiet.

It's a damn shame that responsible birthrates have been used as a weapon for the party to get rid of the people they hate instead of equally encouraged among all people.

Irwin promoted understanding and respect for animals - not to see them as something to be feared or treated badly. He did more to educate the young than any classroom did. He had no social or political agenda, and his only love was for a respect and understanding of nature. He was a genuinely good guy.

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Go home tranny.

kill yourself faggot.

shitpost has been in the internet vernacular for over a decade you stupid nigger.
it only recently leaked out into normie newfags like you in the last couple years.

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>he circles that traffic in these

You mean normal people who laugh at stuff on the Internet?

Hurry up and blow your brains out, tranny.

>opinions of PETA

>no counter-argument, just ad-homs

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Well you obviously don't