Movie focuses on robots

>movie focuses on robots
>there are female robots
umm... why?

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (2000x2000, 577K)

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robo pusy

Can't be letting you disrespecting my boy Wall E like that

Attached: Wall-E Lighter.webm (960x400, 2.99M)

Would you let bottom right give you a blowjob?

The creators of those robots are perverts.

alita is a cyborg, not a robot

Only if she fills her mouth with copius amounts of lube

Attached: Thank You Friend Powell.webm (870x814, 2.47M)

still 95% robot tho

Attached: Angrita.jpg (2180x1152, 467K)

>two in the back staring at her butt

who the robot on the top right?

Oh mama, that's a hot one on bottom left. Where she from

Movie was shit and definitely not kino. I want my $25 bucks back Yea Forums

not sure, lemme think

Attached: 148c16c30bd3dd204c951e2b40a7c4ac.jpg (709x1024, 216K)

Cappy from Robots (2005)

Attached: Robots Party.jpg (1568x1041, 946K)

Appleseed Alpha, her robo-butt is her best feature imo

Attached: Appleseed Alpha Nyx Ass Walking.webm (858x1080, 1.74M)

Attached: Arcee forrest.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

she cute!

Attached: Transformers Arcee Portal.gif (500x550, 1.86M)

Attached: VbsQuUH.gif (600x332, 1.75M)

Get the fuck out, reddit.

>Movie focuses on robots
>They're not heavy manufacturing machines

Uhh hollyhacks...

oh my god

The massive chin lets her down. Why don't American cartoon makers want to make sexy characters anymore?

>Not the best

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 54K)


She's so cute.

Attached: Transformers Arcee Prime Ass.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)


Attached: tenor (2).gif (498x267, 1.46M)

but still a cyborg, you utter retard.

Attached: Transformers Arcee Prime Hips Sway.webm (716x700, 1.92M)

Attached: Arcee.webm (1280x720, 746K)

whats the bottom left one?

Why male?

Because plebs won't go and watch s film unless it had some kind of romantic sub plot tagged on

Because girls need characters they can identify with................and that's important!

Attached: SHO00478.jpg (818x658, 287K)


Attached: no.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

But they are ?

no, they're meat popsicles

Pretty sure bottom left is a highly modified former human.

They're walking AI = robots

Attached: Drossel foot head.webm (1280x720, 1.78M)


>a fucking semen demon waiting for your seed

Attached: godfuckingdamnit.webm (624x352, 1.12M)


Maybe this will make things more clear.

Attached: Drossel training.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

I'd sell my soul to the devil for one night with this goddess

Attached: arcee.png (830x740, 649K)

Attached: 1459312537725.jpg (241x651, 96K)

Attached: Drossel training2.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Prime Arcee is the peak. Imagine having a night with that goddess, having her perfect ass on your face, satisfying her for hours filling her with your seed, licking every corner of her sculptural body making all your fantasies come true, then impregnate her and have a cute family, and be happy forever

Attached: goosepain.jpg (832x474, 27K)

>sad panda

Attached: angry6.jpg (978x1034, 314K)

Cyborgs try to match the gender of the brain. Robots try to match the desires of theor creator

>sad shitty panda

replace the x with a - then you dinguses

Is this the robo mommy thread?

Attached: 1550516356775.gif (300x225, 991K)


Attached: 9d270811667a743817803c9ddaa419a9.jpg (399x600, 41K)

Watching this movie as a lad was quite the experience to me.

Attached: 1550516574592.gif (295x221, 964K)

based pusy poster, based fpbp, very b&r, no c&b at all!

>my soul while reading this

Attached: Transformers Arcee Blade Runner 2049 Hologram.jpg (2397x1483, 734K)

considering the first robots we make will be female sex robots, it's not far of a stretch that gender will become part of their identities

Replicants are 100% biological. This was explained at the very beginning of both movies

Attached: Transformers Prime - 1x07 - Scrapheap.webm (614x540, 2.36M)

What was her problem?

Attached: Ex-Machina.webm (1914x800, 1.17M)

Attached: Arcee and Airachnid.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

>that lewd smirk at the end

Attached: 1548172527698.png (568x488, 134K)

Because women are being replaced and they need to be reminded of that every single chance we get as an act of mercy so they can make the best of their last days on earth.

Attached: 1550630796928.jpg (593x651, 240K)

kill all sexbots reeee

Attached: feminists and robots.gif (245x165, 1.09M)

>still don't know how to enter sadpanda