Cast him

Cast him

Attached: JCDenton2.png (432x454, 268K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Keanu Sneeds

Who is this?

He's JC Denton, he's with UNATCO

JC Idris Elba

>hasn't played deus ex

Attached: soijc.jpg (1002x857, 54K)

Deus Ex
Written by Neil Breen
Directed by Neil Breen
Starring Neil Breen

Attached: 48934_100000516654285_2109760449_n_400x400.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Ryan Reynolds

hes not big into books


>another Yea Forums thread

I cannot believe you committed suicide

Steven Seagall

no that's Batou

Who else?
Daily reminder that a fasithful adaptation will NEVER be made because of you know who.

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Deus Ex is kino.

OP asked to cast JC Denton, not JC Tenton
at least I know who should play the NPC that is there to drop red pills

he's augmented

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E. Dress Elbow

unironically, Deus Ex has far better story than Matrix

yeah it's called culture

This but unironically

Blade Runner 204-oh wait, shit, uh, Kirstie Alley

Elbis Idra

cast them

Attached: guards.jpg (396x267, 60K)

I will snatch every NSF birthday

PAUL! UNATCO hurt my wee wee

>implying I used unironically ironically

stick with the prod
prod with the prod

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el mutto americano

Just in case though, we’re police

Videogame are dead