Yep yep
BOYCOTT captain marvel
Found new black panther
I'm surprised, Brie Larson isn't Jewish. Why is it that Hollywood is always corrupting the best goyim
she also admitted in a reddit ama that she has been with a black guy
In the movie she becomes so powerful after mixing with a superior race.
She is definitely /ourgirl/
t. /pol/ack
>only boycotting black panther
>Implying it isn't Disney
what is Antagonistic Marketing?
Antagonistic Marketing is a strategy used by liberal companies like Disney. Basically you come in throwing stones hoping to stir controversy. You want some people to be deliberately offended. You sacrifice a smaller market in hopes of capturing a larger one. You also hope that by making people angry they will bait them into constantly talking about your movie, giving you free publicity and helping grow exposure for your product. This is all rooted in the false idea that all press is good press.
>you can literally say avoiding white males is a good thing in a media headline and no one bats an eye
why the FUCK is this not considered racist ?
If I was a black person that “why isn’t this going viral” thing would piss me off that’s so patronizing god damn virtue signaling is off the charts.
>I smiled at a TFA agent
You know what? I don't even believe that.
>he spends all day trying to get people to care about capeshit
even for the average lifeless Yea Forums user this is pretty low
is this newspeak for mutt?
>because black people are socially, politically, and economically oppressed in 2019
Is this 1819? Or is this 1949? Or is this 2019? What nonsense. There are no blacks in the United States living under oppression, not for generations now. We've had a black president. More blacks have entered the middle class over the last 50 years than any other race. There is no segregation in schools, in water fountains, in bathrooms, in restaurants, or any of that for generations now. What exactly is Brie bitching about? She is an anachronism. Girl, the civil rights marches were SIXTY years ago. Move on, yo.
The problem is its an absolute crapshoot as to whether the film in question reflects the rhetoric used in the marketing. Rogue One turned out fine. Wonder Woman turned out fine. Ghostbusters 2016 was a train wreck. Oceans 8 was a fucking joke.
do you think bree larson actually interacted with any nigger in the last 5 years?
>I smiled at a TFA agent
Who take a self-promoting woman's story as the full story. She probably grabbed her crotch at him with a 'want some?' wink thrown in. How dare someone in a lower class find her attainable.
She used to date one.
rather old term for mutt but yes
>black people reading? why isn't this going viral
prime example of soft bigotry of low expectations
>hey fellow trannies on reddit, I dated a black person once. Great, right? Now go see all my movies
Imagine being so afraid of Captain Marvel that you have to tell everyone to boycott it.
You know the only people who will do it are people who are like minded. So in essence, you're just preaching to the choir - your echo chamber. Fitting, to say the least.
But what's more is that you don't have to imagine being afraid of it.
>Imagine being so afraid of Captain Marvel that you have to tell everyone to boycott it.
It's Disney, nobody cares about Captain Fungus here
So it failing will be evil white virgins who hate women and not the fact that it's a somewhat incompetent movie from a declining genre.
So the only thing you could think of to say in response, is something that would have no bearing on the movie. Red herrings are all you have?
>nobody cares
OP cares - he made a thread
You care, you responded
If you're OP you have posted multiple times
Seems like y'all care to me
>Shitposting on Yea Forums clrearly shows the emmotional investment of a person in a topic.
Yeah never mind that I loved the Bride from Kill Bill, Ripley from Alien, Cersie from GOT, if I dislike this one dumb virtue signalling bitch then Im obviously a misogynist incel. I cant imgaine being this much of a retard and actually rationalizing such a flawed narrative in my head
this will be forever my fave
>being a gotcha-boy
>lol i'm just trolling xD
>Hmmmmm. How can I make this about meeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
the only boicot that I've seen here is the Madea Family Funeral try, the fuck are you talking about? this is clearly part of the promo
>look at my new shoes
>look at my new bag
>look at my fruity drink
>look at my amazing acting ability! I got the feels over Stan Lee's death!
I showed my cousin (10) the picture of her feet, insisting on how it was disgusting, infectious, stinky etc... He doesn't want to watch the movie anymore, so the whole family won't go.
I did my part.
They ALWAYS respond!
I'm done with marvel. This bitch is just too much.
They just cast use their women and minority actors as a black shield for criticism. Instead facing the consequences of having released a sub-par product they just feed their actors to social media to divert the attention of the people.
Ripley didn't need a truckload of virtue signaling articles to promote her movie - since her movies just didn't need it to make at least some of its money back / preventing bigger losses.
Funny how that works
When I respond, you respond!
Shills are required to respond. Their masters force them to attack all dissenting opinions like a rabid dog.
>$0.001 has been added to your account
That middle tweet is straight up racist
As if black people reading is supposed to be surprising in any way
You've been spouting that in over 50 threads
She has no talent.
She isn't attractive.
She comes off as abrasive and entitled.
She has no charisma.
Brie Larson should never have been cast by Disney in any role.
Casting her as a lead is suicide.
You never see those kind of people interacting with minorities outside of special events where they can they proclaim their progressiveness in a secure enviroment.
Literally sperging when someone says "nigger" but desinfecting the bus seat the "brave bpoc" sat on before taking it.
And you making thread after thread with the same sorry pics and autistic screeching is doing anything?
>Disney shills really believe that only a single person could dislike their shitty lead actress for their shitty shovelware capeshit film.
Mouseketeers have all been indoctrinated.
>economic liberation
You mean using the violence of the state to steal even more of other people's money than you already do, and eventually, their land. Which will involve killing the owners, of course.
>ayo whait boi
>lemme gib u a history lesson
>da world was peaceful n' shit
>dey was science with witches using voodoo to call down thunder
>we didn't have none of dat colonialized science
>dey wuz no slavery neida
>we wuz kangz
>den waiti tricked us and turned us into slaves
>all waiti did was drink da ice tea dat we made and lived in da houses dat we built
>we built dis land, not waiti
>dat doesn't align with da evidence or even begin with make logical sense? I'm sure dats what your whait boi professor told you
>waiti needs to just sit down and shut up
Here's what any half-sane white person with any sense of self preservation needs to stop dancing around: We CANNOT coexist with these types of people, any more than a black man can coexist with the KKK. They're not working off of anything resembling principles that you can appeal to, and they're not interested in hearing anything that doesn't end with their race-based communist revolution. Most of the time, these people don't even pretend that they want peaceful coexistence, and when they do, it's a paper-thin facade.
what I've been saying all along - boycott this movie, go see Shazam instead.
>I am a powerful strong woman
>guy asks for your phone number and you get defensive and mad and tweet about it
You are more pathetic than the people making multiple threads.
The alliance between Maclom X and George Lincoln Rockwell held a degree of truth that will be buried forever.
>minorities need to review more movies
Why is she trying to tell minorities what to do?
>movie bombs
Guess it wasn't made for anybody.
How can such an openly shitty person be allowed to have such a big role?
dont white women realize that all those type of women/things hate white women aka (beckys) the most. Its like screaming for people to love you and comes off as pandering
Isn’t the majority of comic fans ‘white males’?
>buried forever
It's out in the open, though? A cursory glance at or short conversation with ethnic nationalists of different ethnicities show that they actually tend to like each other more than they like the people pushing muh diversity.
>Your average person will never hear the opinions of ethnic nationalists straight from their mouths.
They wouldn't under a 90s-style paradigm, but that paradigm is falling apart from all sides. As white males get more and more disenfranchised with the establishment's support of abuse aimed at them, the excavation of ethnic nationalism as a valid issue is bound to continue. The white nationalists are not wrong when they call the MSM, the universities, and biased government officials a great recruiting tool for them.
Good job, BTW, leftists. You just couldn't let go of the gravy train, could you? You gave this issue emergency medical treatment on its death bed instead of letting it die and burying it in the ground, and now it's roaring back to life. BTW, homosexuality is heading down the same path. The right doesn't care right now. If the gay activists keep trying to maintain their victim status so that they can use the state to seize money and acquire special treatment, that issue will also be back on the table in a decade.
Is there a source to the middle tweet
blacks are too stupid to know that liberals treat them like pets