His Dark Materials: Teaser Trailer - BBC


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Weak teaser tbqh. Barely know the source material and I get no idea what to expect from this. Isn't this from that one movie with a girl riding an armored polar bear?

The trouble is, the BBC is incapable of making anything fantasy or sci fi that isn't corny as fuck.
It will just feel like a Dr Who special.

Kind of dull tbqh

co-produced with HBO

Did BBC just make something worth watching? And that wasn't Morgan Freeman?

>Isn't this from that one movie with a girl riding an armored polar bear?
christ that film was awful.
imagine adapting a novel about people who want to steal children's souls and kill god, and all they leave in the movie is the girl and her talking polar bear buddy

mite b cool
I assume McAvoy is Asriel?

There's no way they're going to content with the amazing aesthetics of the movie or prime mommy Nicole Kidman.

Can't wait to see them half ass the daemons.

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the girl who played lyra lives in my town. see her walking around sometimes. older now obvs

Why are there so many white people in this? Gross!

>Lin Manuel Miranda
When will the fucking obsession with this guy end? Looks like he's playing Lee Scoresby too - who's meant to be a gritty western type in the Lee Van Cleef/Sam Elliot mould.

Also, I would like to taste the secretions of her moonacres.

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His dark junk, by the BBC

No that wasn't him. I thought he looks familiar and it just occurs to me that he is in HBO's The Wire.

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That's essentially all that was in the first book though.


I'd like to see Her Milk Materials

Yea, which makes it more based. What I dont approve is Lin-Manuel Miranda as Lee Scoresby, but well we cant have it all. Shame we didnt see any daemons in this, but I guess they didnt need the potential backfire from cheap CGI.

Hard pass.

I can't watch this.
I don't have the license, and I wouldn't survive in jail.

Furniture guy, the shittiest character in the wire

YASS fuck religion #/r/atheism

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The Golden Compass? Again?

After seeing the one back in 2009 or whenever, I don't know how anyone can turn something like that into a good movie.

Damn I loved the books why does this look so boring.


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the kill god shit was all from book 3. After pullmen went full fedora.

They're not all black?

What the hell is His Dark Materials? Teaser didnt give me shit

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it's a trilogy where a guy gets a knife and cuts through dimensions and shit, also his mother is a fucking nutter.

>Will Parry still not cast

fearing the worst lads

They are probably just doing the fist book for the time being.

what's it about and why does it have a nigger in it?

Wonder how they will handle the character assassination of Lyra after the Northern Lights arc.

She goes from actually being a resourceful, strong-willed tomboy to a helpless space-filler who exists to be rescued by Will.

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I'd cover them in my dark materials if you know what I mean

If the series is decent (and they do all three novels), I can't wait to read the social media reactions to Lyra and Will being separated for ever

hopefully they'll "adapt" the second two books into completely different stories, because Philip Pullman literally had no idea what to do with the series after Northern Lights.

>Northern Lights arc
what part is this? been so long since I read them.
I can only remember the factory that children were kept prisoner in, that mediterranean town Lyra and Will stayed in, and the antilopes with wheels

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell was really good.

Don't the kids have underage sex in the last book? It was the author's "fuck you" to CS Lewis and his sexless children in Narnia.

Northern Lights is the non-U.S. title. Here it's The Golden Compass. No idea why they felt the need to change it.

90% chance of being black

The entire first book. After that, Will is introduced and Lyra’s characterisation gets shat on.

They don’t have sex but they both hit puberty and their childhood’s come to an end. They get to experience a few weeks of innocent romance in a utopian grassland paradise occupied by pod-racing elephant creatures.

I’d say 100%. White mother of course, and then it paves the way for an Idris Elba cameo as Will’s dad at the end of season 2 (of course a strong black man like Idris would be the only man capable of snagging and dumping a pale, white, witch of the north as well).

>older now obvs

Why not just cast Idris as Will? Honestly I'm surprised he wasn't Lord Asriel.

I actually think The Golden Compass is a better title. It fits with the titles of the next two books.

Isn't that the RTD Doctor Who font?

because people age?

>lee scorsby last stand on screen


remember reading this and it coming across as bad fanfiction or something out of a manga. Apallingly bad considering the praise it recieves.

The casting was near perfect in the first one tho with Nicole Kidman, Sam Elliot and Daniel Craig

Fan fiction of what? It’s an original story.

it's written for acne-covered 14 year olds you pleb, it's not fekkin dostoyevsky

why do proud englishmen have a channel literally called Big Black Cock ??? WTH ???

>She goes from actually being a resourceful, strong-willed tomboy to a helpless space-filler who exists to be rescued by Will.
It's been a while but my recollection is that the soiboy meme take on this is an overreaction. She's a girl and grows up to realize that she's interested in boys especially heroic ones. It felt perfectly natural to me but then I haven't been completely fucking brainwashed by progressives into thinking that girls must be boys.

how do i get a Lyra gf?

plenty of children's stories are superbly written, and don't have meandering plotlines with inconsistent characters and dropped story arcs.

They also stroke each other's daemons.

I read this when I was younger. Even as an atheist, I thought that it was obnoxiously atheist.

for me, it's Wind in the Willows

Lucky you.

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I'd stroke her daemons too.

This is one of the worst childrens stories that exist. It's YA edgelord nonsense.

I'll give it a watch. I thought the Golden Compass movie was ok. Never did read the books but it was something that was popular when I was back in school way back.
Surprised the teaser wasn't full of black people since I have come to expect that from BBC.

no YA fiction is actually good. it's a pointless no-man's land between children's books and proper literature.

His Dark Materials is profoundly overrated

What does she smell like? user I know you took a deeper breath when she walked by you. Don't even dare lie you coward.

pine martins

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Fucking zoomers

>Alice Morgan as Mrs Coulter

The Nude Watch thread that gets made on here every so often said she had an upcoming nude scene. I hope he wasn't lying to me.

>LIN MANUEL MIRANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God FUcking Damn it!!!!

> we need Morgan Freeman but can’t afford Morgan Freeman
> I know a guy

They better do the bear fight justice. I recall in the book Iorek fakes being wounded to wind up for a killer swipe that takes the other bear's lower jaw clean off, with his tongue just hanging there.

Also the series was kino and you're a fucking pleb if you didn't enjoy it.