What went right, lads?

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Never saw any of ops penis... but how could hulu completely destroy future man so hard? The first season was perfect... but the second was a fucking challenge to watch, did they fuck over a genius writer or something who bailed and couldn't follow up? Is there another timeline where the second season stands up? Did they run out of meth or something? WHO FUCKED SEASON 2!!!?

Didn't expect it to be this funny. Best comedy on air besides corporate and Angie Tribeca

>the drum solo scene

I was in fuckin tears

It got too serious the last three episodes.

Great series... the first episode is still the best though:

>"You're short! And you gots an aardvark dick... and that's why your dad is DEAD!"

Yeah, they took the time travel concept and just decided to stay in ONE time period this season: a dystopian future. Like that's never been done a million times.

Fucking idiots. Season 3 is greenlit, but expect more of a idealistic future setting and none of the time jumping that made Season 1 so good.

How many vagina jokes in this

>middle school
>characters look like they're in their mid 30s

1. First Day
2. AIM
3. Ojichan
4. Solo
5. Posh
6. Wild Things
7. Community Service
8. Anna Ishii-Peters
9. Miranda
10. Dance


after the first scene i expected a time jump 20 years because no one would ever believe these 30 something women were in middle school, then it didn't happen and i was left watching this bizarre contortion of time that had paedo undertones as a result.

>Notice this
>Think it's just two cool wine aunts who have went back to middle school
>It isn't

That's a turbo YIKES from me.

this is the most blatant and lazy shill post i've ever seen, on a board full of them.

viral marketers are scum.

>Show about 30 year old woman nostalgia

Are you aware of the demographics on this weebsite?

show is called pen15 first episode makes fun of uncircumcised penises. Wonder whos behind this one.

virals don't give a toss. absolute scattershot approach.

a completely anonymous board with a readership of millions where you can post any old shill shit and reply to yourself a dozen without even as much as having to make an account is a viral's wet dream.

if there's a show/film posted on here from one of the big streaming sites (or sony, they're actually the worst) with zero effort line like "what went right" then a bunch of fans of the show appear out of nowhere saying it's the best thing they've seen in forever then you know it's shill trash.

sage this shit.

>stop liking what i dont like

I refuse to believe there are people watching this shit, you guys must be shills.

>nobody is allowed to like what i don't like!!1!!

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t. house of cards fag who got mad when spacey got the boot

Gotta be

fuck off shill. you're lower than a crackwhore sucking aids cock for 50c a go. at least they're honest about how low they've sunk.

>unironically getting this upset because someone likes a tv show he doesn't

Reevaluate your life choices, my man.