Any good films about white ethno states?

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obviously not. Only people that meme about ethnostates are nigger apes. Chimping out about how you're lonely and pathetic and the only thing you have in your life is that your skin color is similar to the skin color of people that aren't retarded, isn't what "white" people do.

>having kinship with your kin isn't what "white" people do
Isn't that kind of the point?

wtf i hate white people now

Das Boot
Triumph of the Will
The Patriot (disregard the "freemen" remark, the nigger didn't want to get conscripted for "freedom")
John Adams (series)
Band of Brothers (series)
Enemy at the Gates (slavs, white status questionable but whites make an appearance)
Birth of a Nation (original)
Highlander (beginning bits, Spaniard and Pictish white status questionable)
The 13th Warrior (mexican playing an arab, nords used to be white, eastern european Beowulf analogue)
Henry V (check out both editions, pretty good, everyone knows the St Crispin's Day scene in the second rendition)
Calvary (potato nigger white status questionable)
The Wind that Shakes the Barley (potato nigger white status questionable)
Zulu (white people mowing down subhuman subharan savages through advanced technology and singing)
Paths of Glory

You're not my "kin" nigger. You're bringing down my "kin." You're embarrassing to be even superficially related to.

Obsessing about the lottery conditions of your birth and being so lonely and uninteresting that your identity is super connected to what you look like is gay as fuck. I don't want embarrassing superficial sjws whining about poor people to justify why they shill for Exxon in my house. You're literally destroying the house with the dumb dogshit you shill for. Get out of my race you fucking nigger.

Fine choices, my man.

No idea what you're saying Sanchez but rest assured we are not in any way related.

>subhuman subsaharan savages
I'll just put that in my pocket

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it's funny that european unity works better in america than it does it europe. europeans hate each other and would rather holocaust their own neighbor than work for a common goal. meanwhile americans took the roman republic, the english magna carta, german protestantism and french liberty and formed american exceptionalism. we are the greatest people on earth. god bless

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I'm proud on being born at ethnically homogenous country with healthcare, low crime rate, and good education that groomed me in being a successful person, something that your multicultural shithole will never have :^)

Why do the most disgusting looking ones always insist on standing front and center?
They should be hiding those bags of fat they call 'bodies' in the background.

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Does anyone have the version of this picture with a quote from some American general describing Afghans as a backwards, rural people scared of or angry at the 20th century?

i-is this the power of the aryan race?

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how can you surmise their beliefs and emotions by looking at a shitty photograph? let me guess, you're one of those retards who thinks you can tell when a person is "fake smiling" and come up with their life story and personality by glancing at an image posted on Yea Forums.

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now walk the walk and move to a black neighborhood

I can smell the diseases

>meanwhile americans took the roman republic, the english magna carta, german protestantism and french liberty and formed american exceptionalism
and all of that is starting to fade.

friendly reminder

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Do they look like they do anything productive with their lives?