Will Vegeta ever catch a break?

Will Vegeta ever catch a break?

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He did in the Broly movie, the last canon piece released of DB

Fuck Vegeta, when's Piccolo and Tien going to do something.

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that movie was so fucking shitty, I can't believe it was positively received.
I can only guess it was because people want to fuck the green chick.

>muh broly
get rekt pablo

Will VeSNEEDa ever FEED and SEED?

formerly villain

How was it shitty?

he did when Bulma fucked him

he did when he sacrificed himself to kill majin bubble gum. that was the best moment in all of dragon ball and bringing him back afterwards was a mistake

what's up with his hair line?

>the last canon piece released of DB
the manga is already in the Molo saga

>Forgots how to do SSJ-Bluer
>Gets violeted by Broly

What a jobber.

Take this shit to

Fuck the manga and that arc. DB is about strong guys not ancient wizards

Give me a rundown on the new arc.

this is vegeta calvo

>another exhibition match on earth where nothing gets destroyed despite the participants being many times stronger than Cell and Buu (and with an out of control Broly at that)
>Goku and Vegeta never really strategize, they just did the fusion dance because that was retconned
>Goku and Vegeta never sympathize with Broly or learn anything about him making the fight completely impersonal
>Broly isn't an edgelord that kills his abusive father, he just kind of spazzes out and fights without agency
>the fight ends because greentits boops Broly off world, so Broly never actually has to learn to control himself or learn about Goku and Earth
>Frieza just kind of gives up and Goku lets him go again again again again
>as a consequence to 97 minutes all that's changes in Goku has YET ANOTHER sparring buddy he wants to see get stronger, Bardock's story is retconned and Frieza is in the same situation

Also why the fuck did they write it so greentits transported him?
I was so sure she'd use the wish to make it so Broly could control his power or something but no instead LITERALLY NOTHING IS RESOLVED.
Nothing is stopping Broly from raging again, I honestly don't know why the writers were so retarded about such an obvious solution.

Some wizards that the Kaioshin inside Buu had sealed thousands of years ago is back and is in Namek trying to get the Dragon Balls. He has magic powers that can devour planets and disable SSJ

>DB is about strong guys not ancient wizards

>DB is about strong guys not ancient wizards
Superfags, everyone.

>>Goku and Vegeta never sympathize with Broly or learn anything about him making the fight completely impersonal
Goku paralyzes him and tries to calm him down at one point but he doesn't listen.

He gets his bones broke all the time

Cope with your shit story Toyodrone
It always comes down to brute force in the end and not magic like in this arc

I probably nodded off during that part, I think I missed 10 minutes of the fight

>"what if we put King Piccolo and Buu Saga together?"
Why is Super so derivative?

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DB has been pretty derivative since namek

Cell's was the most original actually.

>here's your female Saiyan, bro

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I was going to say Cell saga but honestly he feels a lot like an echoing of Freeza what with his predilection with being perfect and eradication.
This is obviously done on purpose because Gohan was getting his own Freeza moment and was supposed to carry the torch but I still feel as inspired as the saga is overall it is when the DBZ formula really took hold.

Now THIS is what a female Saiyan should look like.

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reminder that the thick as fuck muscular saiyan women from Bardock are completely retconned.
This is what saiyan women look like now.

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What do you think her cooch smells like?


w2c Russian Saiyan Bucciarati GF?

Name a worse super character

>slim saiyans

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the new villain is pretty based though


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Jiren is the ultimate troll character.

>super broly movie
>goku and vegeta getting their asses handed
>yeah no fuck this
>they lead broly to frieza and teleport away
>gl hf
>come back an hour later
>frieza somehow still alive
Surviving an hour long beating by broly is impressive.

Trick question they are all pretty terrible

Whis took over by that point

Why does Toriyama hate Yamcha so much and why did he "forget" Launch existed?

>tfw no russian saiyan scientist gf

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>why did he "forget" Launch existed?
She's right there

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WTF, why does Vegeta look like a twink now and why does that look worse than DBZ that came out 30 years ago?

Not vegeta

>Thinking that's Vegeta
It's his soiboi brother Tarble

>he didn't see the episode where Vegeta drank too much from the fountain of youth

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I thought Frieza destroyed their planet and killed all the Sayians?

R e t c o n s

Worst sayain eva

this is probably the most autistic thing i've ever read and that's saying something. I think you might actually have a single digit IQ.

Russian saiyan scientist was cute though
Besides, even though we didn't get a good look at her, it would make sense for her to be slimmer and less muscular than the soldiery. The issue comes when the strongest saiyans are drawn like stick figures with twigs for limbs

She looks like the guy from mob 100

the way the saiyans were redone just doesn't gel as well as their original depiction.
It makes sense of the saiyans to be barbaric cavepeople who can conquor based on pure natural strength and abilities.
A saiyan doesn't need blasters or vehicles like a lot of Freeza's encapsulated species.
King Cold tells them to be his bitch or die, gives them space age tech and keeps them on a tight leash.
Freeza is ultimately fearful that this natural strength could one day culminate in a legendary super saiyan.

It just makes more sense that way. If they're a highly technologically advanced species in their own right with scientists and even soldiers who are scrawny it just kind of makes them more generic and conflicts with the overarching theme of hard-work and determination eclipsing classicism.

zamasu/evil goku is literally the only decent new character

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>why did he "forget" Launch existed?

>just wish his character development to completion

holy fuck, how retarded can you get?

so instead of having character development wished for you'd rather it to never exist at all?
good job retard.

you know that dragon ball is continuing after the broly movie right? you realize that he is more than likely going to appear in future stories correct? I bet you think goku should have killed beerus in battle of gods.

Space ape

broly is literally a money maker. I wouldn't be surprised if they did some minor spin off series with him, his woman and the old guy.

that series could potentially be really kino, a proper fresh start for dragonball without having to risk your main money maker series.

Isn’t broly retarded

>remember red ribbon army?

Is there a character more sad than Vegeta?
>gets Yamcha's sloppy seconds while the latter becomes a famous baseball player and probably gets prime women every night
>weaker than Goku
>jobs at every opportunity so Goku can save the day
>used to be a brutal warrior but now you are just another nobody

But he was doing good against broly

Manga is non-canon

just ignore nu-dbz. its trash

>it's okay for a movie to be bad because in the extended universe...
holy shit fuck off

Could Roshi seal Broly by using the evil containment technique?

>not wrapping up a character entire arc in a movie designed as an origin story is somehow bad writing
i think capeshit is more your speed faggot.

Broly can destroy the universe/galaxies, so no.

In super anything is possible

That doesn't mean the technique wouldn't work.

>97 minute movie
>can't do any character development because you have to save that for sequels
>just have a fight scene that is ultimately pointless
that's LITERALLY what capeshit is doing right now.
You're essentially commending them for doing what Marvel does.

Assuming they actually get good writers and don't half ass it. It would probably be good. I don't see how they can add him to the main story right now, and they shouldn't just shelf him for years after he just smashed the box office.
would kind of fit the mold of a new story line. he's basically invincible, but not there mentally yet. plus cheelai was pretty well received too(at least i think on a global scale)

Yes supers writing is atrocious

She was well received by rule34 that’s it

better than Nu Saiyans

> “let’s just make him a buff Roswell alien”

>Vegeta is overpowered at SSG
>Goku matches Broly's power level in base form

and it was cool

Oh yeah she was

Why was his animation and character so cartoonish in Super and that Broly film?

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How can dyel freeza destroy a planet by point at it and then struggle to fight some monkey?

Because other guy can destroy 2 planets

I like Vegeta but in all honesty I think he wont ever give him a break which he really needed back mid super. It's like he's ramping Vegeta back up to be a bad guy by stealing all of his moments over the years.

Power levels mean jack shit now. I never thought I'd be saying that's a bad thing, but it is.

they both got pretty cool spotlight episodes in the universal survival arc but that's probably the last you'll hear of them.
it's the vegeta & goku show now

the prince of all jobbers

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in the anime yes, in the manga no

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These fan made comics are getting out of hand

they are fighting in Namek again?

Why should a shitty side character catch a break.

Yes, the goat wizard heard about the namekian dragon balls from an ex-frieza soldier in the galactic prison. He needs the dragon balls to regain his magic which was sealed by a god

They never left Namek.

Looks like super is still good

Vegeta is living up to his father’s legacy of jobbing in humiliating fashion. Seriously, is there a more devastatingly embarrassing end to any character worse than King Vegeta? A proud seemingly powerful king cucked and just HEEMED effortlessly in front of all his subjects. It’s like a WSHH video.

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So Tracetaro just wanted a excuse to keep tracing

At this point those might be better

>Bardock's story is retconned and Frieza is in the same situation
Why is it always that uninformed fags speak with the most confidence?

After the full hour of assrape, yes.

Dragon Ball is the best of the bunch.
Z goes off the rails after Frieza, GT was boring but I prefer the transformations over Super, which was shit overall but I like Beerus, Whis and nuBroly.

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>Goku nearly dies in SSG
I mean, they weren't subtle about how hard Broly kept raping Goku the entire fucking time.

Fusion is still the get out of jail free card?

I unironically really like the one about Yamcha as main character

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